Blog 10: The 7 Hermetic Principles

Hi everyone and welcome to my 10th blog,

excite yourselfs… today we are going to look at one of the oldest systems of knowledge in the history of mankind.

One of the oldest, but also (sadly) one of the most unknown ones in our modern times (and most rejected I want to add…):

Two month ago I got into a heated arguement with someone that showed me how much Ignorance and Rejection regarding this system of knowledge has become normal in nowadays and how desparately I need to explain it in more detail…
So this blog will be, because of this, a little longer than usual. But either way it is also more necessary to be so… on principle (foreshadowing…)

This system of Knowledge is none other than the 7 Hermetic Principles.

Let us start with the breaking down of the term as always:

“Principle” as a word derives from the latin word “principia” which means “first, foremost, leading, chief or most necessary”.

A Principle is that which matters most!
It is the first thing that has to be understood BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE CAN BE UNDERSTOOD!!!

And yes, I am going all Bold and Caps on you with this one… because it is that important!!!


And here you can already guess the problem…
Our society does not understand Principles and therefore is putting them not first… It puts trivialities first… and therefore it does not care about principles anymore…

If you ask people “what is the most important thing in your life?” too few of them will answer with “principles”.
Most of them will say that people like “family”, “partners” or “friends” are most important to them. The familiar bond between humans is more important to them than principles… But this is the wrong way around…!
Now, if people hear that, when I say “that this is backwards”, they would often respond with something like “Wow, how cold are you?!”

But what I am telling you now is that ANY connection, no matter how familiar or close, let it be between parents and children, let it be between husband and wife or let tit be between lifelong friends… do not matter… AS MUCH AS A PRINCIPLES DO…!!!
I do NOT say that these connections do not matter at all, because they of course certainly DO MATTER…

BUT…, NOT AS MUCH as Principles…!

Principles have to come first, otherwise any relationship is longterm meaningless…
Because real, deep and valuable Relationships, no matter with whom, are always BASED… on Principles…!

A Principle must also NOT be understood as something that “enslaves” us by being immutable…
On the contrary it EMPOWERS us to do certain things.
An exapmle from the realm of thermodynamics may come handy here…
One Principle of Thermodynamics states that “a liquid is always cooler than its vapourous form at the same pressure”…
This principle is not reducing our freedom… It CREATES the possibilty of enabeling us to build a cooling device we all do know as “refrigerator”…
And we can put our food in them, to make it more preservable for us to eat…
So BECAUSE there was a PRINCIPLE in Thermodynamics that was understood correctly, it EMPOWERED us and made it POSSIBLE to create refigerators…

First things (or principles) do not limit our liberty… THEY CREATE THEM…!!!


That was a very long explanation for just one word…

The second word is “hermetic”, which comes from the greek mythological Figure “Hermes”.

He was also referred to as “Hermes Trismegistos” or the “thrice great one” in ancient greek mystery traditions… He was considered the messanger of the gods and brought their wisdom down to humanity… In ancient Kehm or Egypt he was known as the scribe of the gods known as “Toth”.

The hermetic tradition is named such because it is hermetically sealed…!
The seven hermetic Principles, which are a big Part of Natural Law (See blog 8), are HERMETICALLY SEALED…!

It binds us to Principles that are Immutable…! They are laws that are in operation which can not be changed… hence they are “hermetically” sealed.

Therefore they are called, and rightly so, as the seven Hermetic Principles

What are now those 7 forgotten hermetic Principles of Natural Law?
Let us dive into it…

Hermetic Principle No. 1 – MENTALISM: The 1st principle describes the most important of all the hermetic principles…
It states that everything is mind
Meaning that ALL in existance has its roots in the realm of the Mental. Everything has existed first in the mind of someone.
Now, a lot of people want to twist these words here and say “Oh, you mean that I just have to think about something and suddenly it manifests in the pysical domain!” No, that is not what it means, read again!
The 1st principle states that everything has to exist first in the mind before it can manifest… EVERYTHING… For anything that exists, thoughts had to come first… And if you do the testing, you can see why this is true…
Where was the house you live in first? It was first generated in the mind of an architect… It does not mean then it suddenly manifested in the world. The idea had to undergo refinings together with e.g. stress analyst that adopted the idea and saw maybe flaws in it that the architect did not realise yet.
But then, when the mental construct was completed, the finished idea was written down on papers for others to consider… and after a while they could imagine it, too (the mental idea was spreading)!
Then the real world action had to take place. The construction workers, that aligned their physical behavior acording to the finished mental idea:
Putting mortar on the bricks…, filling up the liquid concrete and letting it settle… The pipes for sanitation…, the cables for electric power… All of it is coming together in the physical world according to the mental Masterplan… and viola…
suddenly there is the imagined house, when there was none before… and you live in it now…!
And so startet everything else you see… within a mind…
The chair you probably sit in right now started once as a mental construct of a carpenter… The Computer or Device you watching this on right now, started once as a mental construct of engineers…
This entire Blog started once as a mental construct in MY MIND before I wrote it down…
The All is mind… The Universe is Mental… Thoughts lead to manifestation of things and events. Thoughts create our state of existance and the quality of our experience here on earth…
Therfore be responsible for everything you create, BY being responsible for everything that you think!!!
People behave the way they do, because they have specific belivesystems embeded in their mind, that are running like a program.
Their thoughts and emotions are driving their actions. You can not just magically change your behavior… Your thoughts (and emotions) have to change FIRST before you can change your behavior… And then reality will change…
Everything that happens is the result of a mental process that preceded it, even if you have not figured out who and when this mental process was acted out… The enire universe itself, from the smallest Quantum up to the galactic Superclusters, is a mental construct of the creator…!
and I will leave you with that…

Hermetic Principle No. 2 – CORRESPONDENCE: The 2nd principle is as important to understand as the first one…
It states that the Macrocosmos and the Microcosmos are reflections of each other…
As above, so below…
What this means is, that the very large (or the totality of something) is like to that which is the very small (or the individual units, which comprise the whole).
The universe is holographic; It is self-similar.
If you take for example a Hologram (From the ancient greek words “holos”, meaning “complete” and “gramma” meaning “the written down”) and cut it down into four pieces, you do not get a quarter of the whole image on each part!
You get 4 whole images of the original image on each quarter, BUT with only a quarter of the resolution for each of the 4 holograms… Everything is contained within the smaller parts… and thats exactly like the reality we are living in.
Our universe is a holographic one… So we are part of a really big universe, but at the same time a universe is also inside us…
We are made up of about 37,2 trillion cells according to state of the art science. And each of them are having their own experience while at the same time working together to contain the universe that is you (perceived from them)…
and at the same time the galactic universe itself is like an individual, that is made up of us (among a multitude of other things and beings)! We and the universe are reflections of each other…
Another example for the universal Correspondence is the phenomenon of “fractals”… Fractals are self-similar, mathematical generated patterns.
We see this for example in the fibonacci-sequence or (a more complex one) the mandelbrot-setting…
They go on endlessly and do repeat the same patterns… If you look at the latest Pictures of the observable cosmos you will realise that the current estimation of 2 trillion Galaxies (!) form a significant familiar pattern.
Galaxies are forming with their local groups together to Galaxyclusters (Our Milkyway is within the Virgo-Cluster).
These Galaxycluster from themselfs into Superclusters (Our Virgo-Cluster is part of the Laniakea-Supercluster).
And Ultimately these Superclusters from into fine lines throughout the cosmos (The “Filaments” and their absence of them: “Voids”).
And these “Supercluster”-Lines or Filaments are looking exactly like the Neuron-network within our own brain… Let that sink in…
This basically means: To know the workings of the microcosmos (the individual) will help us to understand the laws of the macrocosmos (the collective)… and SIMILARLY… to learn the macrocosmic laws will help us to understand the workings of the individual… these two can never be separated…

Hermetic Principle No. 3 – VIBRATION: The 3rd principle of hermeticism is one that sounds very counterintuitive in our modern time…
It states that everything moves and nothing is at rest
There is no such thing as total “rest”… Death and Non-motion are non-existent… They are constructs of the mind that do not exist in the natural universe. “Death” in this sense (as most of us imagine it) is an Illusion because it would mean the cessation of all motion and energy.
And there is no such thing… You can not go anywhere in creation where something is completely at rest… Perceived stillness is not actual stillness… If something to perceive exists, it is in motion…!
At the most fundamental level the universe and everything which comprises it is pure vibratory energy manifesting itself in infinte ways of… Frequency!
The frequencyband of light that we can detect with our eyes and decode with our brain reaches from about 700 nm (red at the verge of infrared) and about 400 nm (violett at the verge of ultraviolett). Inbetween are all the other different frequencies like orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and all different combinations of them…
Yet this is an infinitesimal small sliver of the entire electromagnetic spectrum, that to our knowledges overarches from multiple kilometers (radiowaves) to a few picometers (gamma rays and cosmic rays)!
There is even no such thing as “solidity” in the universe… Because even matter itself is merely an energy in a state of vibration…
You want a proof of that? Well, I give you a very short and elegant formula that you have definitively heard of…
This formula goes like this:
I knew you would recognise it… It is none other than the famous equation from Albert Einstein that shows the inseparably connection between matter and energy…
E (Energy) equals to m (matter) times c (the speed of light) squared…
If we convert the formula we get this:
Or: Matter equals to Energy divided by the speed of light squared…
And there you have it… Matter is nothing else than a waaay slooowed down form of energy.
And all energy in existance vibrates… And since matter is a form of energy it follows logically that it vibrates, too…
You can even see it if you look very closely into the atoms at the Quantumlevel. Everything moves randomly like a seemingly chaotic mess. Yet out of this mess is something created that changes very slowly over a long period of time (e.g. the stoneform “granite”).
Here we do understand more why one of the most skillful and knowledgable Inventors probably ever existed, Nikola Tesla, talked so often about this.
His likely most known quote (and rightly so) goes as follows:
“If you want to understand the universe, think in terms of Energy, Vibration and Frequency…!”
And he was damn right about that… He knew the validity of the 3rd hermetic Principle like probably no one else at his time… and today I may add… including me, of course ;-)…

Hermetic Principle No. 4 – POLARITY: The 4th hermetic Principle I would say is the most well known principle in our times although very few would knew the specific term for it…
It states that everything is dual
This means that everything has poles. Everything has its pair of opposites… Opposites are identical in nature, but are different in degree!
Let me give you an example: Are hot and cold really opposites, or are they the same thing? On the fundamental level… they are the same thing… We call it “heat-energy”! But on another level (the one we are perceiving) there are also different forms of concentration.
Heat energy can either be very concentrated or focused in some spot (which would make it what we call “hot”) or heat-energy can be way diluted or almost absent in some spot (which would make it what we call “cold”).
Yet, back to the fundamental level, they are still one and the same… Because both heat-energy-variants are still one and the same ENERGY that just varies in its degree
The same is valid for the Trivium (see Blog 6 for more detail).
Are Knowledge and Ignorance the same? Yes they are… on the fundamentel level thou… Because truth is always present… But on our perceived level it is curcial to understand the difference between the both…
Here on our level of observation it is a matter of fact whether Truth is taken in or concentrated within yourself (Which would make you highly knowledgeable) or if you reject truth (which will make you highly ignorant).
That is what polarity is (in a nutshell of course)…

Hermetic Principle No. 5 – RYTHM: The 5th hermetic Principle is definitively one of the most misunderstood ones…
It stats that everything flows between poles or roundabout within cycles
Everything has its tides. All things have a rise and fall. The pendulum-swing manifests in everything and everyone…
But, as I mentioned, what I just described is often not accurately taken in by most people. They have an inaccurate understanding of the words I just used. They think it means like things are always “meant” to happen…
They say something like “Well, thats just the way that the tide is taking us”. That in itself might be true but they falsely conclude that nothing can be done about it
The principle of rythm does NOT determinate the courses of our lives!!! The principle of rythm does determine the changing of tendencies of the forces we encounter within the course of our lives!!!
So tendencies still can be overcome, of course…
Let’s take the example of the “tides”:
If you want to take a boat out of the harbor to the sea… can you still do it while it is a high tide and the water is pouring into the harbour-areal?
Of course you can… It just takes more energy to overcome the tide? On the other hand when it is low tide you have to take much less effort to get out to the sea…
Same with a plane:
If there is a wind pushing along a plane, it has to expend less energy and can get to its termination more quickly. The pushing wind is ADDING to the energy of the plane…
If the wind is pushing against the plane it is SUBSTRACTING from its momentum of impulse and it has to expend much more energy…
Rythm is just a tendency… You can still get to where you want to go, you may just have to exert MORE EFFORT!
According to ancient indian philosophy we are living in the changeover years of an ending age called the “Kali yuga” (called also the “Iron” or “Dark” age) meaning we are living in the most destructive times of the cycle of the great year.
We have to put way much more effort to accomplish good things than for exapmle at other times (and you might have experienced this once and awhile of how ardouos living can be these times…), but it does NOT mean that it “has to be” a dark or evil age. It is just a tendency that can always be overcome… and will be overcome!

Hermetic Principle No. 6 – CONSEQUENTIALISM: This 6th Principle should be very familiar to the regular readers of my Website, because I already dedicated an entire blog (Blog 8) especially about this one…
It states that everything in the universe happens according to a law
Every Cause has its effect and – vice versa – every Effect has its cause… Chance is merely a name for a law not recognised yet… There are many planes of Causation, but nothing escapes the law of consequentialism…
Once again: Do we have the free will to do whatever we want?
Of Course we have…
But do we have the free will to avoid the consequences of our choices?
No, we have not…
That is the one and only limit of free will… Free will is operating within these boundaries that can not be transgressed… It is the knowledge of how consequences (either positive or negative) are generated BY our free will decisions within the boundaries of Natural Law (once again, see Blog 8 for more)…
While the Principle itself is very simple to understand (“What you put out there will come back to you!”), the dynamics of this Principle can be very difficult to recognise… Because, will the effect happen immediately?
No, it will not… there is a timelag between the Cause and the Effect
Now for example, if every time you did something wrong (See Blog 9 for the seven maincategories of Wrongs), you would be stung by a wasp within 3 seconds after your wrongdoing, what would happen? Would you start to recognise a connection between a Wrong-doing and being stung by a wasp 3 secons later…? I guess everybody would figure that out very quickly… They would recognise the pattern… But Karma is way more complex than that… it takes its time…
Like dominoes, there is a gap of time between the Cause (kicking of the first domino) and the Effect (the last domino falling). And that is why it is often so difficult to recognise what the quality of our actions were…, because of our perception of what we call “linear time”…
And this timelag (in the linear time) can – depending on the heaviness of your action – delays to months, years and even decades… and yes I will even go so far out and say that the delay can even be MUTIPLE LIFETIMES long…!!!
After you set a Cause in motion (good OR evil), the universe will intelligently rearrage all the different dynamics that are needed to be rearranged to bring to you the effect at the right time and at the right place, from the cause set by you in motion…
And even more so, it does not necessarily happen in a 1:1 ratio like this. Karma can also diffuse.
Negative Consequencialism (same as positive of course) can be accrued and distributed through the whole body of humanity not only by mere action but also by assisting or condoning good or evil action (once again read Blog 9 for more detailed information).
And that leads us to responsibility…!
If something happens to us that we do not like, we have to figure our the cause and than change our thoughts, emotions and behaviors to avoid this negative happening in the future.
And on the other side, if we do like something that happend to us, we have to think, feel and do the same way as before to get the positive happening again in the future…
That is the essence of Consequentialism…

Hermetic Principle No. 7 – GENDER: The closing of the hermetic Principles is a brief but also important one…
It states that masculine and feminine is within everything
The two genders are in all aspects of Life… Gender manifests at all planes…
We have already seen this for example in our mental center, the Neocortex (See blog 4 where I explain this). But these two sides are also in consciousness, spirituality, physical and so on…
It is grace to note, that these two should not be seen as two opposites (wich is why it is not part of the principle of polarity and has its own Principle!), but rather then “two different qualities of ONE Unity”…
It also has to be mentioned, that this principle only has to do with sexuality per se in the broadest sense. It is an ancillary piece of it…
It mainly has to do with the recognition of the two qualities of each thing and to harmonize it, which is expressed often as the famous Yin-Yang-Symbol…
It can also be described by internal expression of things (that would be the feminine one) and the external expression of things (which would be the masuline one)
And that would be the Principle of Gender…

(The secret) Hermetic Principle No.8 – The lost Principle: Well plot twist… It is still not over yet… The MOST arbitrative is still up to mention… It is the lost Principle…, that is rarely covered… even by most other people that are interested in occulted aka hidden knowledge… This Principle HAS to be present in order to any change to manifest itself… This could be described as the GENERATIVE PRINCIPLE, or THE Principle that GOVERNS Creation… The one that is the CAUSAL Factor for any creation we say we “want”.
But what it is the real one-word-term for it? And why, oh why, have I to make such a long build-up?
The reason why I do this is because so many people have a misunderstanding of this word. I can almost guarantee you, you will have a false connotation of what this word means, even if I write it now down…!
The lost Principle is called CARE (yes, all in Caps).
It states that everything you put your attention and focus on will grow…
Now, this is different from “compassion” or even “love”, which the connotation of that word in most people are.
Why did I not call it “love” or “compassion”? Because that is not what I am describing here…!
I talk about CARE… meaning: “What are you giving attention and therefore helping it grow?!”
And this does NOT mean, that you “should not giving attention to negative things because thats helping them grow”! It does NOT mean that, as it is so often wrongly said!
Because, you want to know what you feed…, if you DON’T pay also attention to negative things?
You are feeding IGNORACE!!! You are fueling the negative… by ignoring it…!
And therefore ENSURING that these negative things are growing, take over and eventually will eat you one day…!
So, what are you focusing upon?! Because this is what you are giving attention to! This is what you are actually CARE about to DO…, to spent your TIME on…, to put your ENERGY in…, to MANIFEST in the world…!
Most people do not CARE… about what is really going on in the world!
Therefore it remains an IMPOSSIBILITY for us humans in the aggregate to change the course of our consciousness for the greater good in our world… and ultimately what we SAY we WANT…!
Are we focusing on insignificant sportevents, nonrelevant pop-culture or unimportant entertainment?
Even planning our next vacation, playing games (analog or digital, as I sometimes too often do…) or meeting with friends to talk with them about shallow topics…
All this does not help and even distracts us from the righteous path of manifesting the greater good for you and everyone else on this planet…

I chose with the writing of this blog for the latter…

And here I wrap this 4000+ words Hammer up…

Since we are on such a roll with the “7s” lately, I find we should make a “Triple 7” out of it…
In my next blog we will go over the 7 Chakra System of the Body before I will transit to a different topic, that I desperately want to cover, too…

I will see you there…

Truth, Love and Freedom,

your Vatono

The 7 hermetic Principles (plus the hidden 8th one surrounding them) pictured within the “Seed of Life”


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