Blog 7: The Quadrivium (The Seven Liberal Arts Part 2/2)

Hi everybody and welcome to my 7th blog,

this is the second one of two parts about the “seven liberal Arts”. In the first one we covered the “Trivium”. If you have not read it yet, I do highly recommend you to check it out (Blog 6). It describes the fundamental process of how experiences in our physical universe are created and hence it is vitally important to understand, if you want to archieve… well anything and everything at the most efficient rate.

In today’s topic we will look at the Quadrivium. In my point of view it is not as important to grasp as the Trivium, but this does not mean it is not important… It is indeed very substantial in achieving greater understanding of how our universe is BUILT. To make a disclaimer right from the beginning: This does NOT mean that this is ALL what the universe is made of, BUT it is still a great chunk of it… A chunk so great indeed, that it is very worth knowing it more in detail…

So… how is a great part of our universe built? The answer is… somewhat surprising… while at the same time a matter of course…! Something where we say: “Yeah, I did know that kinda, but I never thought of it that way…”.

The Answer is… Numbers

The Quadrivium describes the four ways of quantifying the Universe.

If the Trivium describes the three Qualities of how to create reality, the Quadrivium describes the four ways of how to quantify your created reality.

The Quadrivium, same as the Trivium, emanates from the latin. “Quattuor” (meaning “four”) and via (“Way” or “Path”) combined together means simply: “Where four paths meet”. What are now these four paths? Let’s get into it…

Path 1 – ARITHMETIC (The Art of Numbers): In the past few years, mainstream science has come to the conclusion, that the physical universe is basically nothing else than a highly advanced simulation. As breaking news this sounds… the truth about that has been with humanity all along… The people of the indus valley called the physical Universe “Maya” which can be translated as “the illusion”. And if you were not very aware and careful at all times you easily could get caught up in this illusion and take it way to seriously… Illusions might not be true but they can appear very real… And what makes them so real is a very advanced arrangement of… Numbers.

Now, numbers can be very abstract appearing and thats why people often have difficulties in playing with or even grasping them. I for myself had back in the days at school a hard time in maths. A lot of the time I was not able to understand advanced calculations because of my unevolved abstract thinking. Therefore I could in consequence of that not really decode the emerging functions and logic results of arithmetics. But this is required for getting to the goal of any mathematical problem. And since we found out (or more accurately “remembered”) that the physical universe is some sort of mathematical simulation, it is somewhat important to understand how numbers do work and what they are.

My best approach to define numbers would be this one: A Number is the most fundamental attribute of an entity to describe or determine it’s grade of it’s separateness from everything else…

Why this weird sounding definition and not some straight ol’ boring wikipedia-quote? If we imagine that everything is one (Truth) that would mean that there is no need or even the possibility for numbers to exist, because everything is one, there is nothing else to even imagine of. It needs to divide itself first into something that we call “parts of itself”. Suddenly there is something appearing we call “Separation” (Illusion) that soon to be recognized as to have no limit. If you envision a sphere in your mind and you divide it into two smaller spheres, and one of them again, and again, and again… you quickly realize that this can go on forever… and it does…

So how to compare or do something with these infinite ways of separateness: We have to measure its grade if we want to create with them. And this can be accomplished by determining correcly their numbers and how they relate to each other. The same Numbers they got automatically at the very point when they separated from the “One and all”. Therefore we can see that numbers are inherent to the creation of the physical universe. They are not something we invent. They are something that spawn at the very moment something is separate to something else. They are something we have to give certain unique and unambiguous symbols to work with them properly… One symbol chosen for a number might be “1”, another one would be “2” and “3” and “4” and so on… up to infinity and beyond. We see that there are endless possibilies of combining them together. And this is Arithemtic or the “Art of numbers”…

Path 2 – GEOMETRY (The Art of Numbers relative to Space): Have you ever looked at pictures of some ancient buildings like the Colloseum, Ankor Wat, the Pyramids (no matter if the ones in Gizeh, in Chichen Itza, China or elswhere) and marvelled at their beatuy? Maybe you not only looked at pictures but stood right in front of them. I for myself had not the pleasure of having this experience yet. But even from the pictures alone we can agree they have something magical to them. A world of difference compared to the dead Cuboids in our Cities of today we see as “great architechture”. Not to deminish the achievment of the architects, engineers and all the people involved creating a skyscraper in the physical world. But they are often a sad shade of the greatness of some ancient structures like the well known pyramides of Gizeh. Even modern architects admited that they would struggle to build something like this and they would not know how to achieve it in that sort of perfection… These buildings are a proof of what can be possible if you know how to do it. In Geometry you have also infinite possibilities to unfold. We built in our time building to hights that would be perceived impossible centuries ago. A common phrase under architects is this one: No building is “unbuildable”, it just have’nt been built yet…

Architecture like this, that pretty much all of us would consider as beautiful, is a symphony of numbers relative to space. All the Arithmetics have been aligned as consummately as possible. All the angles and distances have been completed. And thats why we consider it as gorgeous, powerful and sometimes even mesmerizing. It is the “Art of numbers relative to space”…

Path 3 – MUSIC (The Art of Numbers relative to Time): To think of music as numbers relative to time might appear a little strange at first glance but on further pondering it makes total sense… If we take music as that what violines, guitars, drums, trumpets and singing are producing than they have all one thing in common: They are producing soundwaves… Soundwaves have a certain Frequency… The nowadays used unit to measure frequencies is “Hertz”… How is Hertz mathematically defined? It is defined as 1/s (or “1 over one second”)… And there you have it… A number (1) relative to time (“s” for second)… Music is the dance of numbers in the realm of time…

Depending on how you arrange the Frequencies of your musicinstruments an infinite spectrum of possible combinations of numbers and timeintervals are also revealing. You can have combinations like some classic or folklore pieces that can boost happiness and cheerfulness. You can create combinations that are perceived as eerie and scary and can be used in horrormovies (What would be a movie without music… or even sound…). But if we define music as everything that vibrates… it suddenly becomes a whole nother story. From the biggest stars to the smalles atoms (even quarks and the hypothetic strings). Everything vibrates. Everything has a frequency. You are already in a neverending Ocean of vibration. You are begining to see more and more that the entire cosmos is also an “art of numbers relative to time”…

Path 4 – ASTROLOGY (The Art of Numbers relative to Space & Time): Normally when people hear the word “Astrology” they do not think of it as a “science” or something that can be studied. They think of it as the exact opposite of what they imagine under the word “science”. Astrology in modern times has become misinterpreted as some sort of fraudulency or cheap scam to trick simple-minded beings. Nothing could be further from the truth…

Astrology is here defined as the influence of heavenly bodies (stars, planets, etc.) on our individual and global Level depending on their arrangement in space and time.

It is true that Astrology can be misused as a way to cheat people into spending their money, but at the same time… what CAN NOT be misused to do this? Every topic can be misused to trick people. This applies also for areas that they usually don’t link with frauds and scams. Areas like Science, Medicine, Media and Government. But countless times there have been proofs of that especially these districts have been used to trick people into something that is not true (and more and more people are grasping this)…

A field of Knowledge can not be judged upon by what it is used for. It does not make it good or evil just because it was used for good or evil purposes. Knowledge is always neutral. And to say that the constellation (space) and position-changing (time) of stars has no influence on everything on this planet is total nonsense and utterly wrong. This can be proofed very easily.

If you ask yourself if the sun has influence of life to this planet called earth, then the answer you give yourself is certenly a “yes”. Because it totally has. Without the sun, there would be basically no life, period. There would be no plats, that grow from sunlight. There would be no animals no matter which one you think of on the ground, in the water or sky. There would be no warmth to support even basic lifeforms. Our entire natural Paradise called earth would be a dead, barren and bitterly cold rock.

So yes, the sun has absolutely an effect on our lives.

To move forward from this very obvious statement you ask yourself, what is the sun in a generalised term called? The answer would be, that the sun is a… star! So we do know by definition one star, that has massive influence on life on earth. And if we look at the other stars in our nightskies we just see different suns like our own. Do they have the same fundamental influence on us like our sun? No…! Do they have maybe enough power to give their force in at least some way to catalyse certain energymovements on our planet…? We better conclude, that this is the case…

Given the fact, that even some very close stars to our solarsystem absolutely dwarf our own sun we really should consider the possibility, that they can boost or slow down specific thoughts, emotions and actions depending on their quality. Do they “control” our behavior? No…! Only we control our thoughts, emotions and actions, and we only. But they can influence them significantly. It is like compared to swim a river upstream or downstream. If you swim upstream you still can get to the source of the water. There is no law that hinders you to reach your goal. But it is one heck of a Herculeian task to say it at least. It is waaay more difficult than for example swimming downstream to the sea. In that case you have to do sometimes basically nothing and you can just enjoy being carried by the force of the water.

If some stars are in close arrangement in the havens they can even combine their power to send them out in the neighboring universe. They form, like the neurons in a brain, a cluster called starsign. This collective mightiness is spread out in all directions. And the solarsystems closest to them (like for example ours) is where these energybundles are mostly absorbed and redirected or even focused from satellites like planets and also our sun right to us on earth. Then it reaches us and influences some thoughts, emotions and actions to make them easier or harder to have or create…

So it is vitaly important to understand that the Cosmos is also an “art of numbers realtive to time and space”

And that would be it for this time. I hope you could get also some epiphanies out of this one. Originally this blog was much much longer. But I rememberd while I was writing and writing, that this is a blog and not a book 😉

Each of these topics – same as with the trivium – could be written about for hundreds of single blogs, and we still would have not covered in all by any stretch of the imagination (See “Numberphile”. A giant Youtubechannel almost just about Arithmetics with over 500 Videos in April 2019). So this blog was also a learning journey for me. I cut my written text at one time litteraly in half to not overwhelm me or the readers…

There is just too much detail to talk about and I left this one here as the “surfaces scratching”. The diving deeper will be part of the future.

Next blog I already decided to write about more about the “Law of Karma”, or “why the things are happening to us that are happening to us”. Be excited about it. It is a topic that every human needs to understand especially in our times… I’ll see you there…

Truth, Love and Freedom,

Your Vatono

Top left: Arithmetic
Top right: Geometry
Bottom left: Music
Bottom right: Astrology


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Blog 6: The Trivium (The Seven Liberal Arts Part 1/2)

Hi everyone and welcome to my 6th blog,

in the closing paragraph of my last writing (see Blog 5: Right and Wrong) I gave you a little appetizer for something super important yet to come. Well, good news for you: It is now here to dive into and dwell in it 😉

If you would ask me what is the most crucial knowledge to have beside of what is truth and the difference between right and wrong I would probably answer:

“The Trivium!”

What is the Trivium? Trivium comes from the two latin words “Tres” meaning ‘three’ and “Via” meaning ‘way’ or ‘path’. Trivium so bascially means “where three paths meet”. It is the ancient latin name for the fundamental 3-step Process everything in creation has to pass through before manifesting as a result in the “real world”. The functioning way of “how to learn & how to think” (not WHAT to learn and think… but HOW to learn and think…)!

If we commemorate about the example in my latest blogs of how to built the city of our dreams we will learn today the next significant step. And it is the most important one if it comes to the real deal of building it…

There are hundreds of thousands of different books and so called “coaches” out there in the internet that want to give you (for lots of money of course) “their” version of how to achieve something (or anything). In most cases they contain only some feable tips and tricks or very shortlasting successions that will eventually be not that useful in the long term. In the end they often will have given you nothing but wastes of time and energy. Only very rearly you see a few real gems out there written (or told) by people that truly wanted to know how the universe operates and no matter what it took to get there, they went for it anyway… They did not give up until they got the realisation of that specific part of truth they craved for. That are the people and the messages to look out for. Because those were the people that helped me to come to this understanding and realisation I present here in my blogs…

The reason why it is so difficult to find the true gems out there is that the trivium – the real working method of truthdiscovery – has been completely obliterated from our public perceptions. You don’t hear such things at school, at your job, from your family and friends or even most seminars and Presentations (at least I did not for most of my life…). And this is on purpose as we will see in future blogs. But I will leave it with that because this is a way to big topic to step into for now.

The Trivium itself (if understood in its fullness) describes the Law of the Universe of how to create anything you want… YES… you read right: ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING YOU WANT… blanket statement!

“What?! Wait a minute! Anything and Everything?! You mean even things like being superrich instantly, flying by thought, creating matter out of thin air?! YES… ABSOLUTELY! Anything you want to manifest in reality no matter if it is good or evil can be, will be in fact HAS to be generated in Real-Life if you apply the Trivium correctly. 100% guaranteed, 0% exceptions…

Sounds like a fraud or a clickbait…? I’ll proof you wrong…! I promise! This is the real Law of Attraction! Not the incomplete one that becomes more widespred thoughout the internet and the world. Not the one that says you just have to “imagine it and then someday, somehow it will be manifesting”. No, I mean the real one, the complete one…!

But before you get too hyped about it I will also give you the fair warning not to be too hyped about it… Because it is probably not what you imagine it to be (which is why such a small amount of people teaching this, because it is so unpopular to teach) and it is likely that most people will be disappointed when they grasp this methodology (because again, it simply is not what they imagine it to be). It is nevertheless meaningless how you feel about it. The Truth is, this method works, no matter how we like it or not. It works that way and – if you are honest with yourself – you can easily see it everywhere at anytime. you will even recognise it by looking back at past experiences where this process has always worked (but at that time for you it was invisible). I did the test in my past and I had to admit that this was the process I did not know about back then. And just because it is the only way to really achieve the things you want does not mean it is a prison. In fact because it is the only way, it is the CERTAIN way to true growing, consciousness and freedom! I will explain what it means in another future blog. For now we only want to focus on the basics…

But now enough blabing. Lets see what the Trivium is and how it works…

It works as follows:

Step 1 – KNOWLEDGE (or lack thereof): The very first and non-circumventing step to how to manifest anything and everything you want is KNOWLEDGE. What is “knowledge”? We have to define it more clearly. Knowledge is available Information which is based in Truth. Information itself is not knowledge but only potential knowledge. The word itself tells you: It is in-formation, it is in the state of forming something, but what… truth or illusion?!  If you gather In-formation, by experiencing, reading, listening, etc. it can be then processed, understood and in the end acted out. Knowledge answers the question of the What? ( or also Who, when, where)

Step 2 – UNDERSTANDING (or lack thereof): Once you taken In-Formation (potential Knowledge) in (which then can become knowledge), only then you can come to a position of understanding it. You know what it means, you recognise the patterns. This is the decision-making process. If this step is in harmony with what you say you want then you understand: “This is what I want. I know it. I understand it and this is neccessary to get to it.” But it is important to realise that Understanding can only be possible if the first step – Knowledge – is already present. You may not understand how a plane flies, but you know it does. If you don’t know that a plane can fly then you can never get in the positioning of understanding why it flies. Understanding answers the question of the Why? 

Step 3 – WISDOM (or lack thereof): Now it comes to the final step in creating something. And it is for lots of us the most difficult step in this Process (me included btw.). It is what you will DO with what you have come to understand. This is the action stage. Each individuals behavior is based upon the decision-making processes that happens within the human mind. Most people don’t think of wisdom as behavior. They think it is something you know. Nooo! Wrooong! Wisdom is not Knowledge or Understanding. Wisdom is Action. Wisdom is Knowledge & Understanding that has been APPLIED. It answers the question of the How?

Step 4 (or Step 0) – GENERATED RESULT (Order or Chaos): If knowledge was present, understood deeply and acted out in harmony then this brings something into being called the manifestet reality (the “real world” so to speak). The quality of the condition which manifests is based upon your individual behavior in the microcosm or the aggregate quality of all individuals in a society in the macrocosm. This generated Result is also experienced (either by you or by multiple other people) which means it generates Information. This information gathered, it can then be taken in by you or by multiple other people and the cycle of the Trivium starts again…

So, as I promised: Here is the 3-step Method to achieve everything & anything you want… being superrich instantly, flying by thought, creating matter out of thin air… All this is not only possible but a simple logical consequence if you apply the Trivium correctly. A little disappointed? Well pff, I warned you not to be hyped about it 😉

Why is this so disappointing for so many?

The first step is already telling you the main reason why the true Law of Attraction is very unpopular. Most humans in the nowaday era of instant gratification of commercials, of facebook-likes and of smartphone-games (smart in quotes) do not want to hear this. For most of them is the idea that knowledge is required to get the result they say they want very uncomforting. Because they want to belive that they can achieve the things or the experiences they want WITHOUT doing the work of A-quiring that knowlege… and then therefore unconsciously rejecting understanding the RE-quirements for obtainig that conditions they say they want…

But knowledge is the first and foremost step from any normal accomplishment from “going somewhere and arriving there” to every superpower you can and cannot (yet) imagine. Knowledge HAS to be present if you want to do that what you envision to manifest in the world… And the more deeply, fully and definitively you know something the more precise results you will get… Period…

This is also why every dictator and any tyrannical regime ever arisen out of human societies their first actions to do after claiming power was to destroy knowledge. Let it be the plundering of libraries during the russian Civil War in the late 1920s when Stalin got to power, let it be the Nazi book burning in 1933 when Hitler got to power, or even the modernday Internetcencorship… Because people that are being ignorant are much more easier to control…, because they can then never understand… and then never act out wisdom…

You may have noticed that there is after each step the phrase “or lack thereof” in brackets. This is due to the fact that there is also a dark version of the trinity, too… The one I layed out before was the light one. The dark one works basically the same but here in vice versa:

Without Knowledge there is Ignorance…, without Understanding there is Confusion… and without Wisdom there is Foolishness… And Foolishness creates always Chaos instead of Order because Foolishness is Ignorance & Confusion that has been applied…!

This is why every one that totally believes in the validity of the phrase “Ignorance is bliss” can be by definition only be a totally mindcontrolled being… because Ignorance is not bliss… never was, never will be. Ignorance is a curse. Because Ignorance CAN ONLY end in Chaos and never in Order. Only Knowledge can ever end in Order (and therfore in real bliss). This is why famous people like Thomas Jefferson said sentences like this: “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilisation, it expects what never was and never will be!” Why did he say something like that? Because he did know the Trivium deeply… Now you know, too…

The way I desribed the Trivium is my favourite one but of course not the only one. It was the way it was teached in the ancient mystery-schools and I liked the way they put it very much. But the Trivium is also know under other names.

For example there is the example of Grammar, Logic and Rethoric. You have the General Grammar which is the inventing of Symbols representing agreed upon meanings in form of written signs, vocals or pictures. Then you have Formal Logic aka combining and making sense of the symbols you invented. You filter the grammar for contradictions. Then the final step Classical Rhetoric or the Art of Communication. This is where you speak out in the world your invented, combined and the having sense-made-of symbols. Here of course the grammar in the first step has to be pure and not polluted. Other wise it is “garbage in -> garbage out” and nobody understands what the f*** you talking about… 😉

Another example that I know of (duh!) is Ontology, Epistemology and Ethics. Ontology from the greek is representing the philosophical study of being or “learning what is…”. Epistemology also from the greek meaning the knowledge of logical discourse or “recognising what is…”. And Ethics which is the real acting out of your knowing of “what is” and the recognising of “what is”. Or in even more simplier words: “doing the right thing”.

Another more modern and more known description is found in the computersystem. Input, Processing and Output. The Input-Stage is representing the Knowledge of the computer or the Programming part of it. The File-Format. Then the Computer Processes the Input in the Operating System (the Understanding-Phase). If the Input has been processed successfully then you get a valid Output which is then done by the Application and represented as the generated Result for you on the screen. Whenever you working on a computer you work in an APPLICATION. This is why you always go to the “Appstore” to get different application for more various (more or less useful) experiences on the screen. You can not create anything with the operating system. The operating System allows the Applications for you to being creative. And one step further the File-format supports the operating System.

So here you have it. The real working methodology of how to create everything and anything…

If you now say: “But wait… i have come to some successes in ‘that what i want’ without knowing about this process. I envisiond something one day and some time went past and I suddenly got it. How do you explain this?”

Well very easy. The Trivium always works no matter if you know about it or not. What this means is that it works also unconsciously… It does not care if you know about it or not. It just gives you the result based upon your conscious or unconscious knowledge (or ignorance) that has been consciously or unconsciously understand (or confused) and finally consciously or unconsciously applied as wisdom (or foolishness)… So yeah, you can get to the experience you want without knowing about the Trivium. But if you don’t you can also throw a coin if you want to know if this happens or not. And to get consciously  more of what you want (which is what this blog here is all about) the Trivium to know is unavoidable… So know it deeply, understand it deeply and act it out deeply (that is some inception stuff right here, eh) and then when you mastered it, behold… because the real magic is about to happen…

But speaking of magic… Let us talk about on last thing before we wrap it up. Superpowers. How to fly by thought and how to create matter out of thin air… How do you do that? Well… I can not tell you because I do not know it… therfore I can not understand how it works and can not act out wisdom here… I do have some hypotheses of how it could work, but a hypothesis is not knowledge. It is not even a thesis yet. The only thing I do dare to say that I know is, that things like these are possible. But how? Once again I do not understand how it works. Therfore i can not give you tips about this topic… Sorry for that 😉 But I rather prefer to know such things as truth, right and wrong and the trivium first before I would dive into these depth. Because what would you do with these superpowers. Would you use it for good or evil? An how can you give even a valid answer if you don’t even know what the difference between these two are… Thats why in my opinion should these knowledges come first and then you can ponder about how to fly and create matter out of thin air. Because you would think more then twice about what you do with what you could… Think about it…

As you read in the title this is the 1st part of a 2-part Blog that I want to cover. The Trivium describes the first 3 of the liberating arts. Next Blog we will cover the other 4. This would be the Quadrivium. I’ll see you there…

Love and Peace,

Your Vatono

thanks once again to Mark Passio and Kris Nelson for their tremendously important work on this important subject


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Blog 5: Right and Wrong…

Hello everyone and welcome to my 5th blog.

As I promised, here is another important theme to know if we want to built the world beyond our wildest dreams…

It is to know the difference between Right and Wrong.

Often people ask then: “But hey, what is right and wrong? Isn’t this super complicated and doesn’t it take decades or even lifetimes to figure out what right and wrong is?”

No it is not complicated at all. It is actually, once you realised it, very simple indeed. And it can be explained in just a few minutes. Like within this blog for example… And this is what I am going to do now…

When we accept that there is something that we call truth, that is absolutely objective to our perception of it (see Blog 3), then this spawns another fundamental Polarity in the universe which is also objective and overall important to understand. Every action is divided into one of these two polarities. Is it a right action or is it a wrong action…?

And no, on this plane there are no shades of gray. There is only white and black and no other colour (and yeah, black and white are not really “colours”. Black is the absence of light while White is the sum of all light, but you get what I mean ;-)). It is what is depictured all over the world for example as the “Yin-Yang” or the chessboard. In both are only white and black present. There is no third variation… Same as there are only right or wrong actions. There is no third possibility between these two…

And this is another topic that the human ego is horrified of…:

We do not make up what is right or wrong.

It consequentially comes out of the realisation, that truth is objective and therefor right and wrong are also, too. But what is now the difference between the two?

A right action is based in Truth… A wrong action is based in Illusion…

That’s it… Yes you read right. Thats really all to it. No hidden lines, no attempted circumventions, no joke…

  • An action that is based in truth is always a right one. It is correct. Therefore it is also a moral action, which in its essence means it does not cause harm to another sentient being. It is a good action
  • An action that is based in illusion is always a wrong one. It is incorrect. Therefore it is also an immoral action, which in its essence means it does cause harm to another sentient being. It is an evil action

Harm meaning here the unwanted experience of suffering (There are indeed wanted experiences of suffering like masochism).

This is the ultimate difference between these two and there is really nothing more to it…

When people say “there is someting very difficult to these two universal principles” then they mean something else (and this brings us back to our question above that people ask). To understand the difference between right and wrong is not difficult at all. But what is difficult (and here I am the first one to agree with) is to cognize, if an action is right or wrong… Because that is by far not always obvious… It may be sometimes but not often…

For example:

If I now take a sword, go out and stab the first being I see, without any further thought: That is an evil action. And it is pretty obvious to see why. I did not know this being. He/She/It did no offensive action towards me, the person was probably a very nice and very benevolent being with a wonderful loving family. And I, just like that, ended his/her/its life, which never was mine to take. That being very likely did not want to end his life so suddenly and so unexpected. It probably traumatized his/her/its soul, that could not understand yet why I would have done such a thing. Not to mention his/her/its family and friends. They would be absolutely devastated to realise what happend to their most beloved one. The action of stabbing that random being caused immense turmoil and havoc within body, mind and spirit of not one but multiple beings. It will take an enormous amount of traumahealing for the affected beings and a ton of guiltprocessing  on my hand before the karma of that action has been dissolved…

That was an example of an obvious wrong action

More difficult to judge is this case:

You walk down a downtown street and you see a begger holding up a little cup for people to throw in a dime. On the first look, a right thing to do is of course throw in some euros/dollars/pounds etc. and go ahead your way. You saw someone is despair or tremendous lack of material abundance and you helped him out of it as good as you could that time. The begger maybe will get some hope back in humantiy and maybe even starting to take some action to get out of his misery… But on the other hand there is also the phenomenon of a begmafia. They get poor and utterly unconscious people to sit down on the street and beg for them. They are abusing the caring aspect of humans by creating an Illusion of helplessness. Behind the back they are taking all the money and when you gave this specific false begger money, you actually gave it (uncounsciously) to evil people that deceive well intended humans for their own selfish reasons.

That was an example of an action that is not quite clear to make a quick judge. It is tending first more towards good but only knowing the circumstances I described first it is basically not possible to know on which side this action is seeded. Only more information can be helpful with the realisation of how this will evolve.

With this contrasting juxtaposition you can also see that there are different degrees of right and wrong. There are only two sides of them but they differ in scale, meaning the way how deeply they affect others. It is a little bit (not totally) like Integers. You can have two sides to Integers: A positive and a negative one. If you have a +8 and a -8 both have the same distance to 0 but on opposite sides.

For example:

To tip someone up for fun and causing harm to him by making him stagger is a slightly wrong action (He might have thought incorrectly, that this was his right to do and perceived it as a “good” action). It is wrong but the degree is very low. The affected one did not fall to the floor and experience even more harm by your action. He might be upset and call the person an idiot (which he was called rightly so in that moment because it was nevertheless a wrong action that could have been much worse). But when that person realised it was wrong doing that and honestly asking for an apology and the other one said: “Well at least I did not get more harm. I honestly forgive you if you don’t do this ever again and I will proceed on like nothing happend.” There was a slightly wrong action taking place which was taken back to “0” very quickly. The negative karma was created and dissolved within maybe one or two minutes while they are talking about that incident.

The negative karma that is created if someone is constantly raping childs or throwing bombs onto people he did not even know is WAY MORE BIGGER then the exapmple before. This will take an immense amount of time and energy for this individual to resolve that vast mountain of negative karma. It is on the same polarity-side as tiping someone up for fun but its amount is indescribably more humongous…

This leads us to the difference between good & evil and good & bad. Those are describing the two Planes something can be seen as.

Good and evil (as written above in detail) are describing the objective quality of an action and are not based on anyone’s perception.

Good & bad are describing the subjective opinion to an experience. They are based on perception.

You can see people doing good things (on the objective plane) and perceiving it as “good” (on the subjective plane) or you can see people do evil things (on the objective plane) and perceiving it as good (on the subjective plane). And since this combination has 4 possibilities it workes vice versa, too.

To wrap this very important blog with one final thing to mention about right and wrong I recomend this to read:

There are right and wrong actions but there is no right or wrong knowledge or thought… And this might be a surprise for some to hear. But it is sobering and quite clearly to ponder on the following:

You might have noticed that I used right and wrong, good and evil always together with the term “action”. This is no accident but crucialy important.

Knowledge and Thoughts have never ever harmed anybody… Yeah thats right: Knowledge and Thoughts have never ever harmed anybody… only actions have the ability to do this… and the actions ONLY

If I have the knowledge of how to stab a random being then this does not harm anybody. Knowledge of stabing someone is only the acquired possibility of harming someone. If you process that knowledge into “how” could I stab someone successfully it still did no harm. It has definetly become a more dangerous thought though, but it still did no harm. Processing the knowledge into a functioning mental construct is now not only a possibility but also a potential of causing harm. Only if the functioning, processed knowledge of stabing someone is acted out… then it causes harm… and that is wrong… that is evil

In case you did not notice I have just given you hidden by an example the most powerful Operation in the universe known to us in the paragraph before… It is the Trivium, or: “How creation in the universe always works and only works.” Yes, everything in creation (including everything what you don’t see) has gone through that process and this process only…

Since this is such a powerful process it is totally worth to watch it closer in a next blog. And I hope I will see you there 😉


Love and peace,

your Vatono

thanks once again to Mark Passio for your incredible Work around this topic


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Blog 4: True intelligence

Hello everyone and welcome to my 4th blog…

In my last topic we coverd a big and fundamental issue. I explained what truth IS and what truth IS NOT. There is hardly anything else that could be more important to understand in the all of existance, because this is the base where everything else is build on.

If the base is build brittle and weak (e.g. build of Illusions) everything else build on it is doomed to fall sooner or later… and it does not matter how well calculated and stable the buildings are on top of it. In the end they will all fade away and be remembered as an example of how not to do built something on that type of ground.

But when your foundation is strong, solid and unbentable, incredible possibilities are starting to emerge. You suddenly realise you can built entire skyscrapers with heights way beyond your wildest dreams. Every type of building suddendly doesn’t only seem possible but basically begs you to dream it into existence and built it on top of that base so it can experience itself.

Now we have the fundament, we can start the built…

Soon we realise that big buildings (to stay with the metaphor) have a lot of attributes that still have to be considered. If we want them to stand firm, at the same time being flexible when winds and earthquakes occure and people stand in awe in front of it we have to harmonize a lot of issues in order to achieve our goal.

And this takes us to our topic of today: True intelligence

There is a lot of confusion in the world of what intelligence actually is. And today we will aim for a deeper and clearer understanding of that term.

When you mention the word “intelligence” then by default certain pictures immediatly pop up infront of your inner eye. You are probably thinking of a big man with glasses in a dark suit and a tie, probably a book or laptop in his hands or maybe a scientist in a white lab coat holding a test tube (if yes you are probably  thinking of me because I have an education as a lab assisstant ;-))

But these images of the mind are the ones that they want you to have because they are only representing one half of real Intelligence.

These scientist-, librarian- and “expert”-archetype pictures represent not true Intelligence. They only represent intellectual beings… and that is a humongous difference.

A human can be as intellectual as it wants to be. If it is only that, it is only half intelligent at best. If you talk (or just listen) to an only intellectual being you soon realise that something is missing. You might not know what it is but there is an urging feeling that something is not “whole” in this being. They themself do feel it deep inside of them, but they often can not recognise it as such because they have this feeling all the time and as years passed on it became “normal” and eventually “part of who they are”. If you would ask them they would answer you that everything is alright with the way they think everyday all day. They often have a tendency of being arrogant, authoritarian and overtly closeminded.

Nobody would describe such qualities as “intelligent”… and that is right… it is not “intelligence” what they have. There are two parts to true intelligence. They only have one part (at best) and they miss the other part of intelligence.

What they are lacking is Intuition.

Our brain is divided into two parts. The left hemisphere and the right hemisphere. Each one of them has essential duties and responsibilities corresponding to the gender it inhabits. Our body may have only one of two genders but our mind has always both of them… and to unite them should always be our desire. Otherwise we can never really accomplish anything to the fullest extend.

So… how do they work…?

The left brain deals with the male aspects of the mind:

It is the logical thinker. It sees the trees. It is the scientist, the mathematician. It plays with numbers and calculates equations. It loves the familiar and the “comfort zone”. It categorizes. It is accurate and precise. It thinks analytical, strategic and in angles. It loves pragmatic behavior. Efficiency and effectiveness makes it excitet. It always wants control for something. It is the master of words and language. It is realistic. It is the predictable part of the mind.

The right brain deals with the female aspects of the mind:

It is the creative thinker. It sees the forest. It is the artist, the poet. It loves vivid colors and urges to paint on an empty canvas. It loves the adventure into the unknown. It sees always the whole. It loves the movement of curves and spontanous changes. It has no limits of what is possible. It likes to let things happen. It is the master of creation and boundless imagination. It is the random part of the mind

If the left brain is chronically imbalanced it can eventually lead to following false believes:

  • Rigid Skepticism: Nothing is real when it is beyond my comprehension, even when the evidence for it is overwhelming and basically “in my face”.
  • Scientism: Logic thinking is my god. Everything has to be finite. If something can’t be explained by numbers or words it can not exist. Period.
  • Atheism: There is no such thing as a higher force, that created the universe. Everything in existence is by random chance and has no purpose or meaning.
  • Solipsism: “I” is all there is. Everybody else is an illusion for me. There is no such thing as THE TRUTH. There is only “MY TRUTH”. Nothing can be really known.
  • Moral Relativism: I can make up what is right or wrong. Since there is no objective truth there is no objective right or wrong and I choose at the whim of mine what is right or wrong.
  • Social Darwinism: Life is a constant struggle to survive. And only the fittest and strongest can achieve that and be supreme over the others.
  • Authoritarianism: Since there is no objective truth and only the strongest survive there exists something as “Authority”. There are masters and slaves that have different “rights” to do something. I want to be a master and I want control over anything… and I will do everything for it…

If the right brain is chronically imbalanced it can eventually lead to following false believes:

  • Naiveté: Everything I see, hear and sense is real. There is no such thing as a “lie”. All is truth and there is no illusion.
  • Blind Believe: Since there is only truth in existence I believe everything i have been told. I do not question and I do not seek for hidden agendas.
  • Religious Extremism: I do not believe in free will. Everything is predetermined by god and there is nothing I can do about it. Everybody else has also to obey.
  • Solipsism: “I” is all there is. Everybody else is an illusion for me. Therfore I feel permanently separate from everybody else. There is no conection between everything for me.
  • Unworthiness: I am not worthy of living a good life and feeling happy without guilt. I have to accept everything thrown at me and I do never speak up.
  • Self-Loathing: Since everybody uses me as a push-around I have very low self esteem.  I deeply belive that something is wrong with “me” and therefore I hate myself.
  • Order Follower: Because everything is predetermined, I feel unworthy and hate myself I do everything I am told without questioning to give my life a purpose.
  • Willing Slave: I believe that there is something as “Authority”. There are masters and slaves that have different “rights” to do something. I want to be a slave and I want be told anything I do… and I will never reject it…

As you can see from this detailed and graphic description of the two parts of the mind ( represented mostly in the body by the brain) it is utterly important to know how it works and how to avoid imbalance of these two.

Only intuition and intellect combined can give birth to true intelligence and nothing else.

A distorted mind in someone can easily lead to destruction of oneself and cause harm to others. A distorted mind in everyone can easily lead to destruction of an entire species and cause incomprehensible harm and damage to its environment.

A well balanced mind however can literally initiate the dawn of a new era.  To archive a new level of beauty and order that seemed to be totally impossible before. When you know to harmonize these two mental qualities, then – to come back to our metaphor – you open the gates to understand how to build even the most extrodinary buildings.

Now would be the question: With your new ability to built every kind of building you want by being truly intelligent… what kind of builing do you want to built? Is every building able to give you and everyone a new good quality of life?


Because sooner or later it will be realised that a waterpark and a canontower are fundamentaly different in the way they impact on everybody. The waterpark gives most of the people joy, happines and fun. The canontower instead, although built solid and safe with true intelligence, brings pain and suffering to everyone affected by it.

So there is another fundamental divide within every building…

Is it used for a right purpose or is it used for a wrong purpose!? And what is the difference between the two?

This would be the next topic of my blog, and i will leave you with that cliffhanger here 😉 See you there then…


Love and peace,

your Vatono

Special Thanks to Mercedes and Mark Passio for teaching me this


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Blog 3: What is truth?

Welcome everyone,

today I want to explain another fundamental topic here. In my second blog, I described who I am.

And you might remember that there was way more to the Self than we first thought… a lot more… infinetly more…

And I stay with this statement. Why? Because it’s the truth!

“But hey Matthias, wait! What if my truth is that I am not an infinite being? When my truth is that I am finite! Haven’t you said in your 1st blog that we should speak OUR truths?! How come you suddenly say it is THE truth and not YOUR truth?”

I hear what you are saying, good question. 😉

To be honest: My first attempt to naming my 1st blog was not “Speak your truth, no matter what!”

It was originally named: “Speak your PERCEPTION OF truth, no matter what!”

But I felt like there were too many words in this so I choose a short eyecatcher (the one you refer to). Afterward I had to admit to myself that I indeed choose a succinct title but also an easy misunderstanding one over a more precise one. Nothing to bad, we are all learning and of course so am I.

So here is my apologise for this and also the correction: “Speak your perception of truth no matter what!”

This is what we should always do. This is everything we ever can do…!

Now this is a statement that our human ego abhorreds. The biggest nightmare of our ego is that there is something out there that is Absolute… something that is not relative to it. The ego then says terrified: “What? There is no such thing as ‘my truth’ or ‘your truth’? There is only ‘the truth’?”

“Yeah, thats right!”

Truth itself is singular and objective.  It is not based on any perception of an individual. In fact truth is completely independent from any perception of anybody. Perception is exactly that what it means: “to become aware through senses”. “Per” from latin “through” and “ceive” a root from latin meaning “seeing or sensing”. Perception basically means “seeing through”. You perceive the moon differently through a telescope (that would be one perception) then for example through your eyes (another perception). With your eyes it looks not to big and details are difficult to make out. But through a telescope you can see the moon quite big and way more clearly. And that is exactly what perception is… It is a lense… it is a filter…! But that what you look at is always the same. It just differs the way we look at it.

Our perceptions are always waving. They either do waver slightly from truth or they waver widely from truth.

When I say for example “I love eating blueberries”, then this statement describes a perception of one of my preferences in fruits. But still it does waver from truth. Even if only slightly. I really do like me some blueberries very often… but not always. Sometimes I am sick of them… I do not love eating them in that moment and I rather choose something else instead (like strawberries). That statement was mostly true, but not completely. It was not always true. It was wavering… It is a slightly wavering perception about my preferences.

So… what is truth…?

Truth is that which does not waver…!

Truth does not move. It is that which IS. It does not matter what anybody thinks of it. It does not matter what anybody belives of it. It does not matter if anybody sees it, if anybody knows it OR even if anybody WANTS to know it… It is there, it has always been there and it will ALWAYS be there…

“Ok Matthias, a really good explanation!”

“Thank you ;-)”

“But wait a minute…! How can you say that everything what you wrote IS THE truth and NOT YOUR PERCEPTION of truth!”

“Ah, you are asking quite the deep questions… I like it ;-)”

Because truth is always combative. It wages war against all form of illusion, falseness and lies. There was a time in my life where i did not want to realise  that truth is objective… Due to my programming through my early age I even thought at one time that there is no such thing as truth (while at the same time thinking this statement was true… no contradiction at all…). But as I mentiond in my 1st blog a heavy personal crysis resulted because of that belive. My inner being became chaotic and unharmonious. Truth was fighting against this opinion I had back then, because it was not true. And it did not give up at any time and surrounded me more and more to finally bring me to the realization that I was WRONG.

This was the completely opposite of what my opinion at that time. I thought everybody and everything else was the problem of my inner chaotic state. No, I had to take responsability and had to see that I was the Problem. Because I thought I could make up what truth is… And only through a hard and painful process of deleting this false and untrue belive systems I let everybody install into myself I was able to get out of this mental and emotional mess (I am a born piesces btw, so these challenges are quite common for me :P). I had to repeat and remind me over and over again, that I knew basically nothing about the “all that is”. And I really had to reconsider everything to get the order and freedom back in my life, that I had as a child.

But still you might think that all I have written until now is not completely the truth. And to make you even more confused: You are right…! This Blog is not THE TRUTH. Truth can not be completely described or even be completely understand. Descriptions, understandings, awareness and consciousness, … all those terms symbolize phenomena that are all emergences from THE TRUTH. None of them could exist without truth. Truth is always the first cause of everything in Existance. Even its Prime Opposite: the Illusion has emerged out of truth. At this fundamental level we can say: Truth can NEVER be described exactly how it is, because even the act of describing is only a PART OF the truth. So even if you put every description in the past, present and any possible future together. They could not even begin to tell you what truth actually is…

But at the same time (and here is the fun thing about it) truth can be very closely comprised with the desricption I gave you above. It is of course not entirely true, but still you won’t find hardly any description that comes closer to the truth…

Well then. Does  “Mind” = “blown” apply to you now?

If yes, well done. You entered a greater understanding of what we are all actually part of, and how it will further unfold in that what we call “future”.

If you have understood what I wrote in this blog, you are on the way to (or even already to some aspects on the way to) true intelligence. Because even “Intelligence” is a not widely understood state of being in our present time and space.

What this is and how to archieve it will be the topic of my next blog.

I will see you hopefully there 🙂

Oh and to answer your question from the beginning: If you say “my truth is that I am finite!” then what you really saying is “my PERCEPTION OF truth is that I am finite!”. So if you break it down you are an infinite being choosing unconsciously acting as if you were finite. So you truly are the almighty creator that can create the stone it can not lift. There is no contradiction here from this perspective. But if you remember that you are infinite you can lift it again…

Love and Peace,

your Vatono


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Blog 2: Who am I?


I am glad, that you are here for my second blog.

To make things clear right from the start: The title of this blog has to be taken literally. That means it is really a blog about “Who am I?”. It is not about “That is me and this is my entire lifestory” but really to answer this single question “Who am I?”

Now, why would I write a blog about “who I am” when I could it simply write it in one short paragraph on an adress? Why would I need an entire blog this big for this?

Because it is anything but simple to explain “Who I am”. It is easy, but it is not simple… (pun intended)

Of course I could easily write that “I am Matthias” and “I am in Munich” and “I am a chemical laboratory assistant”. But I will not, baucause it is not true… and as i said in my 1st blog it is time to speak our truth.

So who am I then? Lets get straight to buissness…:

I am an infinte being having the experience of a human that was named “Matthias”, that lives in a location called “Munich” and that decided to take the road of a “chemical laboratory assistant” in the current timeline!

How often did you hear that, when somebody was asked that question?

During the course of our lives, we have been lead to belive that our experiences are also who we “are”. They said we “are” our names, we “are” our races, we “are” what we do call a job. But this is not true. These are just what I said it is: Experiences. And every time we say what we are experiencing is what we are, we are telling lies… Either to others or, even worse, to ourselves. This of course limits yourself to an infinite smaller part of what you really are and as a consequence you feel small, insignificant and powerless.

Now for most of us, when we for the first time hear that we are an infinite being we shake our head in disbelive. How can this be? Have I not distinctly and visibly limits? Can I not be easily injured, being hurt or starve?  Can I heal myself instantly or even fly of a high building? Do I not have to work for a living, pay my taxes and obey the law? It can not be possible…!

Well here is the crux with infinite:

Infinity includes by definition the possibillity of being able to get injured being hurt and starve… It includes the possibillity that you are not able to heal yourself instantly and not flying but falling of a high building… So when you say you can’t be an infinite being because you can not do all these wonderful things you are incorrect… because you condradicted yourself within the same sentence.

No, you CAN’T do things like these because you ARE infinite…! This is an inherent part of yourself as an infinite being. But at the same time you CAN do these things…! Wait what? Yeah, you read right. At the same time while you can not do these things you CAN do them… or to be more precisely: You COULD do them… if you finally stopping with doing them NOT… Two opposing  belivesystems about one and the same topic can not share the same time and space. The stronger one of both will always banish the other. And in most of our cases belivesystems have been dominant, that are giving us the results where we felt limited, weak and powerless… Yet at the same time we expect different results while we continue to belive in and act out these damaging belivesystems.

Einstein once said: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”

This is mostly where the Ego kicks in because it feels offended. “What? Does this mean I have been insane all along, because I was complaining about getting the same painful experience while I did not want to change!?” Well, sorry to break it to you Ego, but… yes. That is exactly what it means! 🙂

To open our infinite potential, that we secretly all strive for and what humanity was primarily designed for, we have to get to a point in our awareness of the universe, that we have been WRONG… and yes: ALL THE TIME…!

Because only when we admit that there is more to know, than we have been told, only then we are open to completely new views of the world. And some of these will lead us to new knowledge, which brings us to new conclusions about the universe and ourselves, which brings us to different actions and which in the final result creates through us an absolute different world compared to the one we currently live in and we so desperatly want to change…

This is in a nutshell the ultimate Power we possess, that can change litterally EVERYTHING, IF we use it rightly. This is the infinite being who we are all. This is WHO I AM!

And do not get this wrong: This is not my opinion… This is the truth!!!

Why I am so blatantly sure about this? Who am I to know what IS the Truth?

Well, this needs way more text to put it in one single blog. It will be explained there why I am so sure about it.


For now i wish you as always…:


Peace and Love,

your Vatono


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Blog 1: Speak your truth, no matter what…!

Welcome everyone…

…to my first blog i have ever written. Since I have never done this before I want to put in a short but important massage for a start.

What would be that massage?

Well, you have read it already in the title…

It’s: “Speak your truth, no matter what…!”

The reason why I have chosen this theme is simple: Without me having this opinion you would never read this blog…

I realised a few years ago how important it is to speak your truth. And in the last months i realised HOW important it is…

It is so immensly important, that i decided to start my personal website to get my truth out.

Why is it so important? Because if you don’t, you will speak somone elses out…!

This might be more comfortable in short terms,  but in the long run it will always end in a minor or major crysis.

Why? Because it will and can never be in exact alignment with your core values. Only your truth can match these…

Now, spoken above of the crysis that this ultimately always leads to, how did this happen? How have we such a fundamental matter of course forgotten?

For a start…:

We all have grown up hearing these lines all over again: “you have to fit in!” / “why are you doing X, Y or Z! This is not ‘normal’!” / “No, you can’t say that! What will ‘they’ think!?” and so on and so forth.

What do these massages do to your psyche? They attempt to  shut down your expression of uniqueness (and mostly very successful when you remember back). These lines are there to utimately mold you into a robot. A robot that only receives and acts out its orders.

In almost every case  are those who speak out these massages (Parents, friends and teachers, etc.) unconscious of this consequence. But this doesn’t change the fact that the consequence  happens either way….

How is basically everyone we meet telling others (including you) unconsciously someone else’s truth? How are you telling others (including the ones you met before) unconsciously someone else’s truth?

It has happend because all of us have accepted at one time in our live the  “prison of conformity”. This special place where everybody is doing what they have been told while they are thinking they are doing what they want…

I could write about the reasons for ages, but I just remembered that I mentioned to keep it for my 1st blog short… 😉

There will definetly be more in upcoming blogs.

To sum it up in one sentence I have a quote from Oscar Wilde. He really couldn’t get more accurate when he once said…:

“Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s, their lives are a mimicry and their passions are quotations!”

This is a quote from a man who was homosexual in a time when you could legally be killed for being homosexual…

He was a great example for a true human being that spoke out his truth.

And so shall we all… and so am I now…

It is time to think our own thoughts, create our own unique lives and be original with our passions!

Now for the end of this massage you might ask: “Dude, nice introduction, really! But seriously… tell me, man! What is your truth?”

Well…, that is the easiest question to ask, but the most difficult to answer…

but be assured: It will be written in every other future blog 😉

See you there then,

Love and peace,

your Vatono


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you can do this here on Patreon.

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