Blog 7: The Quadrivium (The Seven Liberal Arts Part 2/2)

Hi everybody and welcome to my 7th blog,

this is the second one of two parts about the “seven liberal Arts”. In the first one we covered the “Trivium”. If you have not read it yet, I do highly recommend you to check it out (Blog 6). It describes the fundamental process of how experiences in our physical universe are created and hence it is vitally important to understand, if you want to archieve… well anything and everything at the most efficient rate.

In today’s topic we will look at the Quadrivium. In my point of view it is not as important to grasp as the Trivium, but this does not mean it is not important… It is indeed very substantial in achieving greater understanding of how our universe is BUILT. To make a disclaimer right from the beginning: This does NOT mean that this is ALL what the universe is made of, BUT it is still a great chunk of it… A chunk so great indeed, that it is very worth knowing it more in detail…

So… how is a great part of our universe built? The answer is… somewhat surprising… while at the same time a matter of course…! Something where we say: “Yeah, I did know that kinda, but I never thought of it that way…”.

The Answer is… Numbers

The Quadrivium describes the four ways of quantifying the Universe.

If the Trivium describes the three Qualities of how to create reality, the Quadrivium describes the four ways of how to quantify your created reality.

The Quadrivium, same as the Trivium, emanates from the latin. “Quattuor” (meaning “four”) and via (“Way” or “Path”) combined together means simply: “Where four paths meet”. What are now these four paths? Let’s get into it…

Path 1 – ARITHMETIC (The Art of Numbers): In the past few years, mainstream science has come to the conclusion, that the physical universe is basically nothing else than a highly advanced simulation. As breaking news this sounds… the truth about that has been with humanity all along… The people of the indus valley called the physical Universe “Maya” which can be translated as “the illusion”. And if you were not very aware and careful at all times you easily could get caught up in this illusion and take it way to seriously… Illusions might not be true but they can appear very real… And what makes them so real is a very advanced arrangement of… Numbers.

Now, numbers can be very abstract appearing and thats why people often have difficulties in playing with or even grasping them. I for myself had back in the days at school a hard time in maths. A lot of the time I was not able to understand advanced calculations because of my unevolved abstract thinking. Therefore I could in consequence of that not really decode the emerging functions and logic results of arithmetics. But this is required for getting to the goal of any mathematical problem. And since we found out (or more accurately “remembered”) that the physical universe is some sort of mathematical simulation, it is somewhat important to understand how numbers do work and what they are.

My best approach to define numbers would be this one: A Number is the most fundamental attribute of an entity to describe or determine it’s grade of it’s separateness from everything else…

Why this weird sounding definition and not some straight ol’ boring wikipedia-quote? If we imagine that everything is one (Truth) that would mean that there is no need or even the possibility for numbers to exist, because everything is one, there is nothing else to even imagine of. It needs to divide itself first into something that we call “parts of itself”. Suddenly there is something appearing we call “Separation” (Illusion) that soon to be recognized as to have no limit. If you envision a sphere in your mind and you divide it into two smaller spheres, and one of them again, and again, and again… you quickly realize that this can go on forever… and it does…

So how to compare or do something with these infinite ways of separateness: We have to measure its grade if we want to create with them. And this can be accomplished by determining correcly their numbers and how they relate to each other. The same Numbers they got automatically at the very point when they separated from the “One and all”. Therefore we can see that numbers are inherent to the creation of the physical universe. They are not something we invent. They are something that spawn at the very moment something is separate to something else. They are something we have to give certain unique and unambiguous symbols to work with them properly… One symbol chosen for a number might be “1”, another one would be “2” and “3” and “4” and so on… up to infinity and beyond. We see that there are endless possibilies of combining them together. And this is Arithemtic or the “Art of numbers”…

Path 2 – GEOMETRY (The Art of Numbers relative to Space): Have you ever looked at pictures of some ancient buildings like the Colloseum, Ankor Wat, the Pyramids (no matter if the ones in Gizeh, in Chichen Itza, China or elswhere) and marvelled at their beatuy? Maybe you not only looked at pictures but stood right in front of them. I for myself had not the pleasure of having this experience yet. But even from the pictures alone we can agree they have something magical to them. A world of difference compared to the dead Cuboids in our Cities of today we see as “great architechture”. Not to deminish the achievment of the architects, engineers and all the people involved creating a skyscraper in the physical world. But they are often a sad shade of the greatness of some ancient structures like the well known pyramides of Gizeh. Even modern architects admited that they would struggle to build something like this and they would not know how to achieve it in that sort of perfection… These buildings are a proof of what can be possible if you know how to do it. In Geometry you have also infinite possibilities to unfold. We built in our time building to hights that would be perceived impossible centuries ago. A common phrase under architects is this one: No building is “unbuildable”, it just have’nt been built yet…

Architecture like this, that pretty much all of us would consider as beautiful, is a symphony of numbers relative to space. All the Arithmetics have been aligned as consummately as possible. All the angles and distances have been completed. And thats why we consider it as gorgeous, powerful and sometimes even mesmerizing. It is the “Art of numbers relative to space”…

Path 3 – MUSIC (The Art of Numbers relative to Time): To think of music as numbers relative to time might appear a little strange at first glance but on further pondering it makes total sense… If we take music as that what violines, guitars, drums, trumpets and singing are producing than they have all one thing in common: They are producing soundwaves… Soundwaves have a certain Frequency… The nowadays used unit to measure frequencies is “Hertz”… How is Hertz mathematically defined? It is defined as 1/s (or “1 over one second”)… And there you have it… A number (1) relative to time (“s” for second)… Music is the dance of numbers in the realm of time…

Depending on how you arrange the Frequencies of your musicinstruments an infinite spectrum of possible combinations of numbers and timeintervals are also revealing. You can have combinations like some classic or folklore pieces that can boost happiness and cheerfulness. You can create combinations that are perceived as eerie and scary and can be used in horrormovies (What would be a movie without music… or even sound…). But if we define music as everything that vibrates… it suddenly becomes a whole nother story. From the biggest stars to the smalles atoms (even quarks and the hypothetic strings). Everything vibrates. Everything has a frequency. You are already in a neverending Ocean of vibration. You are begining to see more and more that the entire cosmos is also an “art of numbers relative to time”…

Path 4 – ASTROLOGY (The Art of Numbers relative to Space & Time): Normally when people hear the word “Astrology” they do not think of it as a “science” or something that can be studied. They think of it as the exact opposite of what they imagine under the word “science”. Astrology in modern times has become misinterpreted as some sort of fraudulency or cheap scam to trick simple-minded beings. Nothing could be further from the truth…

Astrology is here defined as the influence of heavenly bodies (stars, planets, etc.) on our individual and global Level depending on their arrangement in space and time.

It is true that Astrology can be misused as a way to cheat people into spending their money, but at the same time… what CAN NOT be misused to do this? Every topic can be misused to trick people. This applies also for areas that they usually don’t link with frauds and scams. Areas like Science, Medicine, Media and Government. But countless times there have been proofs of that especially these districts have been used to trick people into something that is not true (and more and more people are grasping this)…

A field of Knowledge can not be judged upon by what it is used for. It does not make it good or evil just because it was used for good or evil purposes. Knowledge is always neutral. And to say that the constellation (space) and position-changing (time) of stars has no influence on everything on this planet is total nonsense and utterly wrong. This can be proofed very easily.

If you ask yourself if the sun has influence of life to this planet called earth, then the answer you give yourself is certenly a “yes”. Because it totally has. Without the sun, there would be basically no life, period. There would be no plats, that grow from sunlight. There would be no animals no matter which one you think of on the ground, in the water or sky. There would be no warmth to support even basic lifeforms. Our entire natural Paradise called earth would be a dead, barren and bitterly cold rock.

So yes, the sun has absolutely an effect on our lives.

To move forward from this very obvious statement you ask yourself, what is the sun in a generalised term called? The answer would be, that the sun is a… star! So we do know by definition one star, that has massive influence on life on earth. And if we look at the other stars in our nightskies we just see different suns like our own. Do they have the same fundamental influence on us like our sun? No…! Do they have maybe enough power to give their force in at least some way to catalyse certain energymovements on our planet…? We better conclude, that this is the case…

Given the fact, that even some very close stars to our solarsystem absolutely dwarf our own sun we really should consider the possibility, that they can boost or slow down specific thoughts, emotions and actions depending on their quality. Do they “control” our behavior? No…! Only we control our thoughts, emotions and actions, and we only. But they can influence them significantly. It is like compared to swim a river upstream or downstream. If you swim upstream you still can get to the source of the water. There is no law that hinders you to reach your goal. But it is one heck of a Herculeian task to say it at least. It is waaay more difficult than for example swimming downstream to the sea. In that case you have to do sometimes basically nothing and you can just enjoy being carried by the force of the water.

If some stars are in close arrangement in the havens they can even combine their power to send them out in the neighboring universe. They form, like the neurons in a brain, a cluster called starsign. This collective mightiness is spread out in all directions. And the solarsystems closest to them (like for example ours) is where these energybundles are mostly absorbed and redirected or even focused from satellites like planets and also our sun right to us on earth. Then it reaches us and influences some thoughts, emotions and actions to make them easier or harder to have or create…

So it is vitaly important to understand that the Cosmos is also an “art of numbers realtive to time and space”

And that would be it for this time. I hope you could get also some epiphanies out of this one. Originally this blog was much much longer. But I rememberd while I was writing and writing, that this is a blog and not a book 😉

Each of these topics – same as with the trivium – could be written about for hundreds of single blogs, and we still would have not covered in all by any stretch of the imagination (See “Numberphile”. A giant Youtubechannel almost just about Arithmetics with over 500 Videos in April 2019). So this blog was also a learning journey for me. I cut my written text at one time litteraly in half to not overwhelm me or the readers…

There is just too much detail to talk about and I left this one here as the “surfaces scratching”. The diving deeper will be part of the future.

Next blog I already decided to write about more about the “Law of Karma”, or “why the things are happening to us that are happening to us”. Be excited about it. It is a topic that every human needs to understand especially in our times… I’ll see you there…

Truth, Love and Freedom,

Your Vatono

Top left: Arithmetic
Top right: Geometry
Bottom left: Music
Bottom right: Astrology


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Blog 6: The Trivium (The Seven Liberal Arts Part 1/2)

Hi everyone and welcome to my 6th blog,

in the closing paragraph of my last writing (see Blog 5: Right and Wrong) I gave you a little appetizer for something super important yet to come. Well, good news for you: It is now here to dive into and dwell in it 😉

If you would ask me what is the most crucial knowledge to have beside of what is truth and the difference between right and wrong I would probably answer:

“The Trivium!”

What is the Trivium? Trivium comes from the two latin words “Tres” meaning ‘three’ and “Via” meaning ‘way’ or ‘path’. Trivium so bascially means “where three paths meet”. It is the ancient latin name for the fundamental 3-step Process everything in creation has to pass through before manifesting as a result in the “real world”. The functioning way of “how to learn & how to think” (not WHAT to learn and think… but HOW to learn and think…)!

If we commemorate about the example in my latest blogs of how to built the city of our dreams we will learn today the next significant step. And it is the most important one if it comes to the real deal of building it…

There are hundreds of thousands of different books and so called “coaches” out there in the internet that want to give you (for lots of money of course) “their” version of how to achieve something (or anything). In most cases they contain only some feable tips and tricks or very shortlasting successions that will eventually be not that useful in the long term. In the end they often will have given you nothing but wastes of time and energy. Only very rearly you see a few real gems out there written (or told) by people that truly wanted to know how the universe operates and no matter what it took to get there, they went for it anyway… They did not give up until they got the realisation of that specific part of truth they craved for. That are the people and the messages to look out for. Because those were the people that helped me to come to this understanding and realisation I present here in my blogs…

The reason why it is so difficult to find the true gems out there is that the trivium – the real working method of truthdiscovery – has been completely obliterated from our public perceptions. You don’t hear such things at school, at your job, from your family and friends or even most seminars and Presentations (at least I did not for most of my life…). And this is on purpose as we will see in future blogs. But I will leave it with that because this is a way to big topic to step into for now.

The Trivium itself (if understood in its fullness) describes the Law of the Universe of how to create anything you want… YES… you read right: ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING YOU WANT… blanket statement!

“What?! Wait a minute! Anything and Everything?! You mean even things like being superrich instantly, flying by thought, creating matter out of thin air?! YES… ABSOLUTELY! Anything you want to manifest in reality no matter if it is good or evil can be, will be in fact HAS to be generated in Real-Life if you apply the Trivium correctly. 100% guaranteed, 0% exceptions…

Sounds like a fraud or a clickbait…? I’ll proof you wrong…! I promise! This is the real Law of Attraction! Not the incomplete one that becomes more widespred thoughout the internet and the world. Not the one that says you just have to “imagine it and then someday, somehow it will be manifesting”. No, I mean the real one, the complete one…!

But before you get too hyped about it I will also give you the fair warning not to be too hyped about it… Because it is probably not what you imagine it to be (which is why such a small amount of people teaching this, because it is so unpopular to teach) and it is likely that most people will be disappointed when they grasp this methodology (because again, it simply is not what they imagine it to be). It is nevertheless meaningless how you feel about it. The Truth is, this method works, no matter how we like it or not. It works that way and – if you are honest with yourself – you can easily see it everywhere at anytime. you will even recognise it by looking back at past experiences where this process has always worked (but at that time for you it was invisible). I did the test in my past and I had to admit that this was the process I did not know about back then. And just because it is the only way to really achieve the things you want does not mean it is a prison. In fact because it is the only way, it is the CERTAIN way to true growing, consciousness and freedom! I will explain what it means in another future blog. For now we only want to focus on the basics…

But now enough blabing. Lets see what the Trivium is and how it works…

It works as follows:

Step 1 – KNOWLEDGE (or lack thereof): The very first and non-circumventing step to how to manifest anything and everything you want is KNOWLEDGE. What is “knowledge”? We have to define it more clearly. Knowledge is available Information which is based in Truth. Information itself is not knowledge but only potential knowledge. The word itself tells you: It is in-formation, it is in the state of forming something, but what… truth or illusion?!  If you gather In-formation, by experiencing, reading, listening, etc. it can be then processed, understood and in the end acted out. Knowledge answers the question of the What? ( or also Who, when, where)

Step 2 – UNDERSTANDING (or lack thereof): Once you taken In-Formation (potential Knowledge) in (which then can become knowledge), only then you can come to a position of understanding it. You know what it means, you recognise the patterns. This is the decision-making process. If this step is in harmony with what you say you want then you understand: “This is what I want. I know it. I understand it and this is neccessary to get to it.” But it is important to realise that Understanding can only be possible if the first step – Knowledge – is already present. You may not understand how a plane flies, but you know it does. If you don’t know that a plane can fly then you can never get in the positioning of understanding why it flies. Understanding answers the question of the Why? 

Step 3 – WISDOM (or lack thereof): Now it comes to the final step in creating something. And it is for lots of us the most difficult step in this Process (me included btw.). It is what you will DO with what you have come to understand. This is the action stage. Each individuals behavior is based upon the decision-making processes that happens within the human mind. Most people don’t think of wisdom as behavior. They think it is something you know. Nooo! Wrooong! Wisdom is not Knowledge or Understanding. Wisdom is Action. Wisdom is Knowledge & Understanding that has been APPLIED. It answers the question of the How?

Step 4 (or Step 0) – GENERATED RESULT (Order or Chaos): If knowledge was present, understood deeply and acted out in harmony then this brings something into being called the manifestet reality (the “real world” so to speak). The quality of the condition which manifests is based upon your individual behavior in the microcosm or the aggregate quality of all individuals in a society in the macrocosm. This generated Result is also experienced (either by you or by multiple other people) which means it generates Information. This information gathered, it can then be taken in by you or by multiple other people and the cycle of the Trivium starts again…

So, as I promised: Here is the 3-step Method to achieve everything & anything you want… being superrich instantly, flying by thought, creating matter out of thin air… All this is not only possible but a simple logical consequence if you apply the Trivium correctly. A little disappointed? Well pff, I warned you not to be hyped about it 😉

Why is this so disappointing for so many?

The first step is already telling you the main reason why the true Law of Attraction is very unpopular. Most humans in the nowaday era of instant gratification of commercials, of facebook-likes and of smartphone-games (smart in quotes) do not want to hear this. For most of them is the idea that knowledge is required to get the result they say they want very uncomforting. Because they want to belive that they can achieve the things or the experiences they want WITHOUT doing the work of A-quiring that knowlege… and then therefore unconsciously rejecting understanding the RE-quirements for obtainig that conditions they say they want…

But knowledge is the first and foremost step from any normal accomplishment from “going somewhere and arriving there” to every superpower you can and cannot (yet) imagine. Knowledge HAS to be present if you want to do that what you envision to manifest in the world… And the more deeply, fully and definitively you know something the more precise results you will get… Period…

This is also why every dictator and any tyrannical regime ever arisen out of human societies their first actions to do after claiming power was to destroy knowledge. Let it be the plundering of libraries during the russian Civil War in the late 1920s when Stalin got to power, let it be the Nazi book burning in 1933 when Hitler got to power, or even the modernday Internetcencorship… Because people that are being ignorant are much more easier to control…, because they can then never understand… and then never act out wisdom…

You may have noticed that there is after each step the phrase “or lack thereof” in brackets. This is due to the fact that there is also a dark version of the trinity, too… The one I layed out before was the light one. The dark one works basically the same but here in vice versa:

Without Knowledge there is Ignorance…, without Understanding there is Confusion… and without Wisdom there is Foolishness… And Foolishness creates always Chaos instead of Order because Foolishness is Ignorance & Confusion that has been applied…!

This is why every one that totally believes in the validity of the phrase “Ignorance is bliss” can be by definition only be a totally mindcontrolled being… because Ignorance is not bliss… never was, never will be. Ignorance is a curse. Because Ignorance CAN ONLY end in Chaos and never in Order. Only Knowledge can ever end in Order (and therfore in real bliss). This is why famous people like Thomas Jefferson said sentences like this: “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilisation, it expects what never was and never will be!” Why did he say something like that? Because he did know the Trivium deeply… Now you know, too…

The way I desribed the Trivium is my favourite one but of course not the only one. It was the way it was teached in the ancient mystery-schools and I liked the way they put it very much. But the Trivium is also know under other names.

For example there is the example of Grammar, Logic and Rethoric. You have the General Grammar which is the inventing of Symbols representing agreed upon meanings in form of written signs, vocals or pictures. Then you have Formal Logic aka combining and making sense of the symbols you invented. You filter the grammar for contradictions. Then the final step Classical Rhetoric or the Art of Communication. This is where you speak out in the world your invented, combined and the having sense-made-of symbols. Here of course the grammar in the first step has to be pure and not polluted. Other wise it is “garbage in -> garbage out” and nobody understands what the f*** you talking about… 😉

Another example that I know of (duh!) is Ontology, Epistemology and Ethics. Ontology from the greek is representing the philosophical study of being or “learning what is…”. Epistemology also from the greek meaning the knowledge of logical discourse or “recognising what is…”. And Ethics which is the real acting out of your knowing of “what is” and the recognising of “what is”. Or in even more simplier words: “doing the right thing”.

Another more modern and more known description is found in the computersystem. Input, Processing and Output. The Input-Stage is representing the Knowledge of the computer or the Programming part of it. The File-Format. Then the Computer Processes the Input in the Operating System (the Understanding-Phase). If the Input has been processed successfully then you get a valid Output which is then done by the Application and represented as the generated Result for you on the screen. Whenever you working on a computer you work in an APPLICATION. This is why you always go to the “Appstore” to get different application for more various (more or less useful) experiences on the screen. You can not create anything with the operating system. The operating System allows the Applications for you to being creative. And one step further the File-format supports the operating System.

So here you have it. The real working methodology of how to create everything and anything…

If you now say: “But wait… i have come to some successes in ‘that what i want’ without knowing about this process. I envisiond something one day and some time went past and I suddenly got it. How do you explain this?”

Well very easy. The Trivium always works no matter if you know about it or not. What this means is that it works also unconsciously… It does not care if you know about it or not. It just gives you the result based upon your conscious or unconscious knowledge (or ignorance) that has been consciously or unconsciously understand (or confused) and finally consciously or unconsciously applied as wisdom (or foolishness)… So yeah, you can get to the experience you want without knowing about the Trivium. But if you don’t you can also throw a coin if you want to know if this happens or not. And to get consciously  more of what you want (which is what this blog here is all about) the Trivium to know is unavoidable… So know it deeply, understand it deeply and act it out deeply (that is some inception stuff right here, eh) and then when you mastered it, behold… because the real magic is about to happen…

But speaking of magic… Let us talk about on last thing before we wrap it up. Superpowers. How to fly by thought and how to create matter out of thin air… How do you do that? Well… I can not tell you because I do not know it… therfore I can not understand how it works and can not act out wisdom here… I do have some hypotheses of how it could work, but a hypothesis is not knowledge. It is not even a thesis yet. The only thing I do dare to say that I know is, that things like these are possible. But how? Once again I do not understand how it works. Therfore i can not give you tips about this topic… Sorry for that 😉 But I rather prefer to know such things as truth, right and wrong and the trivium first before I would dive into these depth. Because what would you do with these superpowers. Would you use it for good or evil? An how can you give even a valid answer if you don’t even know what the difference between these two are… Thats why in my opinion should these knowledges come first and then you can ponder about how to fly and create matter out of thin air. Because you would think more then twice about what you do with what you could… Think about it…

As you read in the title this is the 1st part of a 2-part Blog that I want to cover. The Trivium describes the first 3 of the liberating arts. Next Blog we will cover the other 4. This would be the Quadrivium. I’ll see you there…

Love and Peace,

Your Vatono

thanks once again to Mark Passio and Kris Nelson for their tremendously important work on this important subject


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