Blog 13: Why Government is Slavery…!!! (The myth of “human authority” Part 2/2)

Hi everyone and welcome to my 13th blog,

With this second part about the myth of “human authority”, I though we jump in with a little “special conversation”…
And it goes somewhat like this:

A: „I want my body to have NO cancer in it.“
B: „What!? But we have to have a heart!“
A: „Yes, a heart is great. I just do not want cancer in it.“
B: „But we need also lungs!“
A: „Yes, lungs are good, too. But I do not want cancer in them.“
B: „Why are you so opposed to having intestines?!“
A: „I am not. Intestines are fine. I am opposed to having cancer in them.“
B: „But we could not live without a liver, either!“
A: „I want to do away with cancer in livers, not livers themselves!“
B: „WHAT?! Is it not obvious to you that without a brain, we can not function?!“
A: „I know that, I am not… SERIOUSLY, JUST HOW F****ING STUPID ARE YOU?!?!“

As you already noticed, this conversation is pretty stupid… and you probably could totally relate to „A“s last statement of how moronic this nonsense “talk” with „B“ is…
Well… today we will talk about a topic where you have actually THAT ridiculous conversations on a regular basis!
That is how mindcontrolled the people about this topic are in our time…! Only the subject matter is different. Ours today sounds more like this…:

A: „There should not be a ruling class governing everything.“
B: „But people need to organize!“
A: „I am not against organisation. I am against having a ruling class govering that.“
B: „But people need to cooperate and work together!“
A: „Yes, I am all in favor for that. I just do not want a ruling class govering that.“
B: „But people need to protect themselves from bad people!“
A: „Yep, and thats totally fine. But there should not be a ruling class governing that.“
B: „Why do you want it to be‚ ‘every man for himself’?!“
A: „I do not. I just do not want there to be a ruling class.“
B: „But I like the comfort of having roads, libraries and electricity!“
A: „Yeah, me too, but there should not be a ruling class governing that.“
B: „I do not like to return to the ‚law of the jungle‘ or the ‚survival of the fittest‘!“
A: „Me neither. That is one reason WHY I do not want a ruling class.“
B: „WHAT?! But it is good for people to have their freedoms granted, their rights protected and cooperate in peace and harmony with each other!!!“
A: „YES, I totally agree, I am not implying that… SERIOUSLY, JUST HOW F****ING STUPID ARE YOU?!?!“

… and with this little intro let us start our second and (for now) last part of the “myth of human Authority”.

While the first Part was about the comparison of Natural Law vs. Man’s Law and basically debunking that there is no such thing as “Man’s Law”, this one is about the biggest Manifestation that this FALSE Axiom of “human Authority” has brought forward…

And this one is GOVERNMENT…!

Today we will debunk WHY Government is SLAVERY…!

Thats right… I am not asking to “believe” that statement I made.
Quite the contrary: I will TELL & PROOF you that this statement is in Alignment with Truth… and therefore correct… and NOT my opinion!

The problem we face, when we talk with people about this topic is, that we – as humanity – since known human history, never had a time where true freedom was dominant (meaning 51% or more) on this planet…

The hard truth we have to be honest about, before we can do any progession on this blog is that HUMANITY NEVER EXPERIENCED TRUE FREEDOM in the majority…

There were of course times where at some places Freedom was predominant where people lived without constant Harassment and Duress, but still to this day since thousands of years of “known” human civilisation (and waaay longer than that I may forshadow here) the overwhelming vast majority of people were not really free… EVER…

And yes this still is true today…!!!

We are being “told”, that today we are “free”…

We are being “told”, that “once upon a time there was Slavery under Kings & Queens with Feudalism, Absolutism and stuff…
But now we have a Democracy or a Republic and we ‘organize’ ourselves with a Consctruct called Government…
Government cares for those in need, organises services, regulates Corporations and prices to prevent them getting to greedy and ripping of humans with monopolies and punishes those who are comiting crimes to others with the police and military forces… and to accomplish all that, it is collecting taxes…”

…That is what we have been “told” at school… and it sounds kinda nice and civilised does it not…?


The problem with that is exactly what I have highlighted with Quotation Marks… WE HAVE BEEN “TOLD” THAT…!!!

Just nothing of the above being said in school stands to scrutiny, if we take a closer look at it…! NOTHING…!!!

If we belive that Government is all that what we have been told, we have fallen for MIND CONTROL… because it is nothing of the kind…

It is of course true that there “was a time” where King and Queens ruled the people of this world.
It is true that there were people who claimed they had the “divine right” to rule over them and the “common folk” had to do what ever they wanted them to do, otherwise they would be punished by their armed forces.
And it is also true – as time went by – that people became more and more sick about an in-your-face dictator that ruled over more and more aspects of their lifes. And so there came a time where they rebelled and refused OVERT Slavery
But today more and more people question, as governments worldwide become more and more extreme, why does it happening always that way? Isn’t Government this supposedly totally different system to Slavery? Why does it act in the end always like the violent Kings and Queens in the past, no matter the form or name…?

Good Questions… and it is about time that we get a distinct answer to them…!

The deep reason for this is the world oldest and biggest RELIGION…:


Let us start with the Definition of “Religion”…!
Always a hot-bottom topic, always controversial…!

I am confident to say, that Religion is THE ONE AND ONLY PROBLEM with our Species.
The one and only Problem that humanity is facing, that is keeping it from going to unfold the actual true full potential of what it CAN be…

But here is the thing:
Religion doesn’t always mean what people THINK it means!!!
Religion means more than most people BELIEVE it means!!!

So when I speak about “Religion” you have to wipe out YOUR Definition of this word that our culture has given us and understand that it encompasses so much more than just the “Cultural Religions”…

Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shintoism, Daoism, etc.

The Cultural Religions are a SUBSET GROUP of the general term “Religion” and encompasses the Believesystems of Spirituality that you probably thought of first.

But this is by far not the only way that Religion can present itself to us…
– Politics can easily become a religion, if it believes in “Authority”…!
– Science can become a religion if it is trusted too much…!
– Sportevents can become a religion if we identify with the “clubs”…!
– Celebrities can become a religion if we letting ourselves influence too much…!
– The “new age”-movement or any other pseudo-spirituality organisation have a lot of qualities of a religion…!
Atheism, believe it or not, is a religion…!

And than there is a very special religion which I will comprise in an entire blog of itself in the future…:
And that would be… the monetary system…
This one binds them all together… Even people that do not subscribe to all the examples above do almost always subscribe to the religion of money being a “real thing”…

But enough of the examples… WHAT IS RELIGION…?!

“Religion” derives from the latin word “religare”,
meaning “to bind; to hold back by tying; to thwart someone from forward progress.”

Religion is a system of sociological CONTROL of the MIND based in unchallenged, erroneous and dogmatic BELIEF which is specifically DESIGNED to HOLD BACK THE PROGRESS of humanity into higher realms of consciousness…!!!


Religion can be summed up in two words, IF we are being honest with ourselves…:


People do not want to say it that way, but that is exactly the dynamic we are talking about, and it is a very real thing…


…imagine being forced into a religion that you can not opt out of…

…and this religion is called…: GOVERNMENT… Yes literally…

The word “Government” derives also from latin:
“Govern” comes from the word “governare” or “gubernare” (there was no “v” in the original latin) meaning “to control”,
and “ment” coming from “mens; mentis” meaning “mind”.

Just to wipe out any traces of doubts…:


And if you think that this is an accident, I do not know what to tell you…

This is a perfect example of DARK WORDMAGIC…
The creators of the englisch language specifically designed this word because they did know about the first and most important hermetic principle (see Blog 10 for the 7 hermetic Principles).
They knew that “Everything is mind”.

You do not have to control the body to get someone to do what you want…
If you control the MIND, you automatically also
control the BODY…!!!
Because the body does ALWAYS what the mind tells him to…

They do not teach us that at school, don’t they…? I know I sure have never been taught that at school…!
…And they know why…

But let us continue…

Government is the most dangerous Religion of Earth…
In fact it is more than “just” a pure Religion… It is a CULT…!

A Cult is an extreme form of Religion…

A Cult is a system of religious veneration and devotion which espouses beliefs that are dangerous, especially to the lives, rights or freedoms of those who ar NOT its members…



…yet still most people of the world subscribe to it, BELIEVE it and stay attached to it with religious fervour…

That is why it is so difficult to overcome, because the Illusion or the “myth of human Authority” – which these two Parts are all about – is so ingrained for so many thousands of years and it has turned into a hardened dogmatic religion in the psyche of most people…

In “the old world order”, there was ONE being that had “Authority” vested in him or her… We call this “Kingship” or “Royalty”…, and they sat at the top of the pyramid of the hierarchical structure of the world, dictating commands to all their slaves below them…
They considered us their “subjects”.

Today we think we progessed so far, but all what we have ultimately done is we divested “human Authority” into a few people. An oligarchical group of people calling themselves “Government”. This is the so called “new world order”…!

And I do not care how you call it… you can euphemize it however you want to…
You can call it “Kinghsip”…, you can call it “Royalty”…, you can call it “Government”…, but I do not mince matters… I tell you right in the face what is actually is…:


And if you believe in Kingship/Royalty/Government and you belive it is morally legitimate, you by definition also inevitablely believe that Slavery is morally legitimate!!!

So let us not euphemize it…, let us not use soft language…, let us call it right what actually is…:


And that is what we all stand against… don’t we…?

See… there is really only one true divide within humanity… or with any other being in the cosmos capable of higher thoughts like humans… wether they know it or not…

We all are coming from the same source of creation, but as soon as we “separate” ourselves from it, we are being split into two distinct types of individuals:

The criterion for this divide is whether or not someone believes in “human Authority” or the Illusion that some people have “more” (or “less”) rights than others and therefore believes that there is “moral legitimacy” to Slavery…!

And with our construct called Government we have STILL exactly that.

So where exactly does Government in this case differ from a Monarchy or Dictatorship.
Well, apart from the voting-circus and the political rituals (also known as lawmaking) taking longer… not that much if anything…

While Royalty is OVERT SLAVERY, Government is COVERT SLAVERY… thats all…!!!

Government is being seen as this supernatural entity that “can grant rights” or “can revoke rights”… Just as a King or Queen claimed in ancient time…

It can “determine” morality based on its whim, “the legislators’ stroke of a pen” as Bill Clinton once phrased it.
They say: “I can write something down and make it moral and I can say next day ‘oh no, I changed my mind, thats prohibited now and immoral and you can be punished by us for doing it’…

I mean it is a naive child’s mentality, if I am being honest with you…

… which is what all people are who really belive in Government are…
They are people that have never really grown up…
and they have mommy and daddy issues which they are being outsmarted with, as we will see further on…

When, in the history of the world, anywhere on the planet has creating a system of Authority achieved freedom?
Or… to put it in another way, when has a Slave EVER achieved freedom by whining to his master to make something better, or by getting a new master…?

No, belief in Government is a purely Faith-based and indoctrinated belief.
It does not actually make ANY sense… whether in practical terms, in evidence or in pure simple logic… as I will prove with this following example…

I will write down in this blog…:

“I am allowed to rob you!”

Having to earn money is just to inconvenient for me so I gave myself the PERMISSION to rob you…

Now, do not be mistaken… this is not a threat… I am not saying “I am going to rob you”. No, by writing in this blog you read right now “I am allowed to rob you!”, I GAVE myself the permission AND the moral right to rob you…

Maybe I should be more eloquent about it and put it like this:

“I hereby grant to myself the absolute moral right to steal your stuff!”

And in case you are not convinced that I can give to MYSELF the permission to rob you, I will print this blog out, get some friends of mine together and they will sign this as a physical paper and thereby GIVING ME the moral right to rob you…
So it is not just me here in the digital Ether that is granting myself the right to rob you… No, others did too…

So this blog will as an official document make it all legit and I will then have the moral permission to take stuff of yours I want… and you have not the right to say “no”!
And I am sure you – as a law abiding citizen – you will kindly cooperate and lay out all your valuables until tomorrow afternoon so I can easier decide what I want to take from you…

Do you think I have gone crazy now…?

I mean, surely you do not dare to DOUBT that I have the right to rob you?!
Surely you do not questioning the ligitimacy of this official statement…
I mean, it says it right here on this blog “I am allowed to rob you!”

What? You do not think that this is good enough…?
You do not think that this is binding to you…?

Have you read recently your taxation laws…?


Because what they say is that, a long time ago, a bunch of people came together and WROTE DOWN OF A PIECE OF PAPER:


Now, they of course were way smarter than me here and didn’t call it robbery… They did euphemized it as “Taxation”… because it sounds nicer… but it is still essentially the same thing: “WE HAVE THE ABSOLUTE MORAL RIGHT TO TAKE YOUR PROPERTY, BY VIOLENCE IF NECESSARY, WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT!”

They of course wrote a lot of rules about how the robbers would be appointed, the legislative rituals that had to preceed the robbery and the different kinds of robbery they are allowed to do, but still… in essence what it still means is:


And… did you believe them…?

When I did it with this “statement” above, you probably thought I have lost it, if I really ment it seriously…

But when they did it… did you believe them?!

Did you ACCEPT… that this little scribble of ink GAVE THEM the moral right to rob you and take your property without your consent…?

I bet you did… If you are like 99+X% of the global population you have ACCEPTED AS UNQUESTIONABLE GOSPEL that something written down on a piece of paper can “give” somebody the “moral right” to forcibly confiscate wealth from other people… and call it “taxation”…

In fact, if you are like 99+X% of the population you probably have never even thought about this until RIGHT NOW…

Just think about how much damge the robberers (“taxation collectors”) did… all the properties they have seized… all the bankaccounts they wiped out… all the “tax-cheat-people” they have prosecuted and thrown in prison just by trying to avoid of not getting robbed… ALL FEDERAL taxes (income, estate, employment, excises, etc. etc.), ALL of them stems from a little scribble of ink decades or hundreds of years ago…

By writing this down, they CLAIMED to gave themselves a “RIGHT” that “YOU DO NOT HAVE” & “I DO NOT HAVE”…
the “RIGHT” of taking you hard labour by VIOLENCE if necessary…

And the “99+X%” of people think that this is legitimate…

wow, they must have some powerful magic ink…

…that by writing down on a piece of paper “WE ARE ALLOWED TO ROB YOU!” and got it signed by others… they “GOT” the “RIGHT” to rob us…

they actually “altered” morality… they “made” stealing into a “good” thing…

I am betting that you immediately recognized when I wrote “I am allowed to rob you!” that it was nonsense… that it was silly for me to CLAIM that a piece of paper (not to mention an online statement) would give me the “moral right” to rob you…

And it does not matter, if it was done in magic marker… it does not matter, if I printed it out… it does not matter, if I “gave” it to myself or have other people signed that…


Let me put this as bluntly as i can…:

If you thought, that this statement above in my blog “I am allowed to rob you!” would actually give me the “moral right” to rob you… YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR F***ING MIND…!!!

And if you thought, that this statement on a piece of paper “We are allowed to rob you!” would give Government the “moral right” to rob you… well, you are most certenly not alone with that belive… BUT YOU ARE STILL OUT OF YOU F***ING MIND…!!!

And it is time to get back INTO YOUR MIND and rethink some of the complete CRAP that you (and I) have been taught…

If you personally advocate that I be caged, if I not wanting to pay for whatever „Government“ things YOU want, please do not pretend to be tolerant, non-violent, enlightend, compassionate, Awake or Aware…!
Do not pretend you believe in „live and let live,“ Peace and Harmony… and do not pretend you want Truth, Love and Freedom…!
It is a simple truism that the only people in the world who are willing to „live and let live“ are doing everything voluntarily!
So you can either pretend to „CARE“ about and respect your fellow humans, while continuing to advocate widespread authoritatian violence, or you can embrace the concepts of self-ownership and peaceful coexistance…
Because this is the complete OPPOSITE OF WHAT TAXATION IS…!!!

Taxation is the “claim” that a group of people who call themself “Authority” in a construct called “Government” have been “given” the “right” to confiscate an arbitrarily chosen percentage of the product of your labor (which is a form of Property), whether or not the other agrees to share the product voluntarily… Taxation is enforced by a THREAT of Violence (Assault) or imprisonment (Coersion), if those from whom the product is being seized attempt to resist the confiscation.
This practice is always “justified” by those who “claim” that such a practise is necessary and required to “uphold the common good”.

If there is one commonality among all tyrants it is the collectivist „philosophy“. The idea that it is justifiably and even noble to sacrifice the natural rights of the individual in the name of serving some greater or common „good“!
There is something as greater or common good… But once again… they only “call” it that.
But it IS not that…

If we define Slavery as “the involuntarily confiscation of 100% of the products of the labor of another human being”, we can clearly see that there is no “magical” percentage to which we could lower this number that would no longer constitute Slavery, OTHER THAN 0%…!!!






And we have to STOP BELIVING FALSELY, that it will do us ANY good in the long term…

Because time is running out…! We have to hurry up, if we do not want a total bloodshed around the world as government WILL get from COVERT to OVERT VIOLENCE… AS IT WILL ALWAYS DO…EVENTUALLY…

So how do they do it…?

How do they fool us that bad and so many of us all the time, if it is so obvious, once we get it…?

The reason why is because they use a BRILLIANT OCCULT (meaning hidden) MINDCONTROL TECHNIQUE…!

And this mindconrol technique is called the “polarisation dialectic” or simply put: “False Choice”…

And how Government is acting this False Choice out is though the LEFT-RIGHT polarisation Dialectic…

Have you ever wondered “Why are there always two big main Parties” in basically every Nation?
Even here in Germany where we have seemingly a greater “variety” of parties to vote, they all stick themselves to either the Left or the Right Wing… and the one’s who “claim” to be at the center tend always – as time wents by – towards one or the other side…

The Cult of Government fractures itself into two distinct SECTS, that create polarisation between these two seemingly opposing sides.
But these two seemingly competing groups are ushering down ultimately towards the SAME GOAL already SET IN THE FUTURE to happen as soon as people buy into it…

And they have to have two of them…

That sets up the “royal arch” of the most polarisating strenght and holds up the most weight…
Because they have to base them upon PARENTAL FIGURES…!!!

Since humanity has at least arrived at a point in consciouness, that the majority will refuse overt Slavery, Government has to give them two Groups that covertly using different Methods to prey upon their PARENTAL ABANDONMENT ISSUES…

The Left-Wing Method appeals to “human Authority” by misplaced “compassion” and security of common needs… It is focusing too much on the “common good” AT THE EXPENSE of true Individual Rights (which there is such a thing as!)… which are also hallmarks of Right-Brain-Imbalance (see blog 4 for more).

The Right-Wing Method appeals to “human Authority” by misplaced “self-interest” and security of individual desires… It is focusing too much on selfish concerns AT THE EXPENSE of true Common Good (which there is such a thing as!)… which are also hallmarks of Left-Brain-Imbalance (see blog 4 for more).

They obviously can’t just tell people: “Hey, we are going to rule everybody, and you going to help us getting that done!”
Most People would not comply or cooperate with that. They have some attitude of wanting something good for themselves and for society…
So the controllers of government know, that people can be split into these two camps…

There are people with motherly abandonment issues (the Left Wing), that want the Authority in the Form that they see to be the “Mother”, that provides for all…
They want everybody to “taking care” of…, that is gonna nurture and providing all the ressources for everybody… like Mother’s Milk…!!!
And you always hearing them talking about that: “The common good has to supersede individual rights!”
The Left Wing attracts people that want Government to be MOMMY…!!!

On the other hand (or rather pole) there are people with fatherly abandonment issues (the Right Wing), that want Authority in the Form they see to be the “Father”, that protects everybody…
They want their individual desires “protected”… that “teaches” and “tells” them what to do, so they can generate fame and wealth for themself and become “rich” and “prosperous”!
The Right Wing attracts people that want Government to be DADDY…!!!

And this is the most compendious description that I can give about this ridiculous KINDERGARDEN…!!!

The Left Wing preys upon the excessive selflessness of people,
while the Right Wing preys upon the excessive selfishness of people…


We have to respect and secure our TRUE individual rights that we have under Natural Law (see Part 1) AND at the same time we have to ALSO CARE about the TRUE common good which is the Law of Freedom or the inseparable correlation between aggregate Freedom and aggregate Morality (See also Part 1)!

And I do not claim that this is an easy point to strike… It is SIMPLE but indeed NOT EASY to remain such a balance…
But we have to aim for that point of balance between the true individual rights and the true common good…
If we do not aim for that point of balance then we will have experience the hard way of to which violent ends either on of each imbalaned side will bring us. We will otherwise have to repeat history again, as shown plenty in the past…

So where do both sides ultimately go…?

And which distinct “milestones” they pass on their way down to their endgoal…?

Both Government-Wings deriving the same social manifestations in different Forms…

When the Left-Wing Sect of the Cult of Government puts all its methodologies of Mind-control succesfully into effect, the manifestation becomes the false notions of “EQUALITY”!
Which is not true Equality of Natural Law, it becomes Sameness, Homogenity, lack of differentiation in society… Everybody has to think like they think, and be on board of their Agendas and Narratives…

It becomes this notion of “DEMOCRACY”… “the rule of the people”… the rule of whatever-we-say is the “law”…! It is not the acceptance and living according to Natural Law, it is the Rule of “man’s Law” and a majority “can make it up”… even if they are morally WRONG.
Because it is not based in any true objective standard of morality… it is based on whatever the majority “thinks” right and wrong is… and then we will institute it, make it “legal” and impose it on the masses and the minority… just because they held the “vote”… Well, if we held the vote, we suddenly can “strip away” everybody’s natural Rights just because we erroneously think that that’s a “right” to do so…?
Well, we “can do it” in a Democracy… that is where this “rule of the people” leads to and that where we are right now…
All this whining about whether wars are “legal” or “illegal…
As long people will believe in human Authority and Government, wars will NEVER end… NEVER!!! Because Government startet ALL THE WARS…!!!

Then eventually with time, Democracy will degenerate into “FABIANISM” or “democratic Socialism” as it is called in our times now…
Fabianism is named after the roman General “Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus”. He became very famous through his vicory over the tactical-genius Hannibal during the second Punic War.
Fabius used a very delayed and grueling tactic to weaken Hannibals military and strike at a point where they were most vulnerable.
And this is exactly the tactic that more advanced Left-Wing Government chooses for advancing their Agenda. David Icke calls this also the “Totalitarian Tip-Toe”-Technique…!
Fabianism is getting slowly but surely to the place of where the entire societies needs, ressources and services are controlled more and more by Government.
The “means of production” and distribution are getting slowly enough assimilated by the State so that the population does not recognise it as a slow hostile takeover…

So then eventually Fabianism will degenerate further and more quicker than before into the form called “SOCIALISM”
While Fabianism was an inbetween step between Democracy and Socialism, Socialism is the complete status of where most of the “means of production” and distribution are already absorbed by Government…
People that subscribe to democracy but not to the idea of “Socialism” do not see that this idea inevitabely stems (!) from the idea of “the rule of the people” in a democracy… Socialism with the total control of Ressources “for the people” is in essence nothing more (or less) than a radical form of democracy…

And in the final step, Socialism very quickly degenerates into its ultimate and most radical form: “COMMUNISM”
Which is Totalitarianism… from the “rule of the people” to “the ‘uprising’ of the downtrodden masses”… It is the Left-Wing Form of Dictatorship ruling (governing!) an entire society…
Where you have one overarching oligarchical Party controlling virtually everything or even more so: The “one” Party-Leader which rules as a totalitarian Dictator over everybody and everything…


On the other hand, when the Right-Wing Sect of the Cult of Government puts all its methodologies of Mind-control succesfully into effect, the manifestation becomes the false notion of “RIGHTS”!
Which are not the true Rights of Natural Law, it becomes arrogance, cold-heartedness and the rule of the rich and powerful in society… Everybody has to think like they think, and be on board of their Agendas and Narratives…

It becomes the Notion of a “MINARCHY” better known as “Republic” or “limited Government”…
The Republic refers to a form of Government in which elected Individuals represent the “citizen body” and exercise power according to the “rule of law” under a constitution. It also includes a so called “separation of power” (meaning nothing else but “making Slavery at least not so overwhelming”) with an elected head of state, referred to as a “constitutional republic”.
But what ever you wanna call it… In Essence it is still the idea that some people have “more rights” than others… It is still the soft but already growing believe that “Slavery is legitimate”… That we are not all equal under Natural Law… that certain “rights” can be granted to people that other people do not have the “right” to do…

So this Minarchy will eventually degenerate with time into “CAPITALISM” or “Cartel-Corporatism”…
Capitalism is not the “free enterprise economy” that it is often claimed to be, which I want to discern here, before I continue…
Capitalism is the exaggerated form of “wealth accumulation”… It is the selfish greed of wanting more and more material richness getting into more and more extremes… Often, of course, at costs of others…
Because they inevitabely will cross the line where they do not care anymore about the true common good or the true rights of others…
Where they arrive at such a dominant monopoly that people have basically no other “choice” to buy and work for them for horrendous prices and wages…
And this often is made possible with the HELP of Government…
Either through subsidisation and very “mild Punishments” when seemingly competing big Corporations fix a price, if Government itself hasn’t done that already…
This is also where Lobbyism comes into play… Pushing their Selfish Interests through the Cult to impose it on everybody else, basically destroying small and medium-sized enterprises so they have the total control over where people putting their energy into…

This Capitalism will eventually degenerate further and very fast into radical “NATIONALISM“…
And this was the inbetween step that lead to Nazi-Germany. As Corporations become more and more richer and the majority of people getting poorer and poorer, Government will “step in” when people demanding the “protection of our rights” and nationalize or “regulate” the big corporations “to save our nation”. But what they of course do is basically only absorbing and overtaking them, so Government will have – through – “Big Business” total control over the population…

And then… in the final step… Nationalism will very quickly degenerate into its ultimate and most radical form: “FASCISM”
The Word “Fascism” derives from a symbolic object in the roman empire called the “Fasces”. This Fasces was a bundle of stickes tied around an axe. It symbolized the “strenght of unity” and the total centralization of power and decisionmaking from one single source of “human Authority”…
Which is Totalitarianism… It is the Right-Wing Form of Dictatorship ruling (governing!) an entire society…
Where you have one overarching Lobby controlling virtually everything or even more so: The “one Leader” which rules as a totalitarian Dictator over everybody and everything…


As you probably realised by now…

No matter which side you choose, it is ultimately ending in Total Human Slavery…

This is where the myth of “human Authority” through the Cult of Government will bring us…




The cult of Government would rather have us of course in Human Slavery without this circus of obfuscation and tricking us into Slavery against our own interests…

But since we at least refuse OVERT SLAVERY it has to do it by COVERT MEANS…!!!

The myth of human „Authority“ does NOT serve as a check AGAINST the imperfections of mankind; it serves as an AMPLIFIER of them!!!

Government itself does no harm, because it is a FICTIONAL entity. It is not based in Truth, therefore it is nothing that can actually EXIST…!
The buildings are real…, the suit wearing people are real…, the weapons are real… and MOST CERTENLY the Police and Military using them violently against humanity are real…!!!
But it is the BELIEF in Government – the notion that some people actually have the moral right to rule over others – THAT BELIEFE caused IMMEASURABLE Pain, Suffering, Injustice, Oppression, Ensalvement and Death… or in one word CHAOS!!!
Why…? Because human „Authority“ is an Illusion… Therefore It can only create CHAOS… no matter the form it presents itself.
Let it be a King, a Queen, an Oligarchy, a Republic or a democratical Government… whatever…

The only way we can create the peaceful and prospering Society we always “SAY” we want… we have do abandon our religious belives of how we “think” the Universe “is” and starting to act accordingly to how it actually IS..!!!.

And this can only – by Natural Law – be done, if we abandon the false dogmatic belive that there is ANY BEING that has MORE OR LESS RIGHTS than others and ACCEPT that we ALL have the SAME RIGHTS…

You want a “name” for this form of society…
Well, I will give it to you…
It is a Name that probably will scare you off because – once again – we are so deeply under mindcontrol, that we have completely false notions connected with certain words…

And this “name” would be “ANARCHY”…

Did a shiver go down your spine…? Well, I told you that this would likely happen…!

There is a constant effort by the Mainstream Media and Hollywood to portray the word “Anarchy” with the notions of “Chaos”, “Violence” and “Destruction”…!

It is nothing of the kind…

“Anarchy” stems from the two greek words “An-” which as a prefix means “without” and the word “archon” meaning “master” (the one that has “more rights” than others”)

Anarchy does mean nothing more (or less) than “the Absence af ANY Master”…


If you do not like this word, well I could not care less…
I am not getting hanged up with words… or the “symbols” for meanings…!
I only care about what this word in its origin meant…

and this is how I USE IT FOR…

Meaning the absence of any “masters” that tell us what to do…
And even if there still are people like this… We would not care about them nearly as mauch…, because no one would take them seriously…!!!

We don’t have to worry about the Hitlers, the Stalins, the Maos and the Pol Pots…
What we rather should worry about are the MILLIONS & BILLIONS of People that hallucinate them to be „Authority“ and so do their bidding, paying their empires and carry out their orders…!
I do not care if there is one looney with a mustache or a bold patch… He is not a threat IF people do NOT believe in human „Authority“!!!

To come to an end to this, before I will go on for ever… What I want to summarize this blog is this…:

…We are the beginning of a new humanity…
The first people who dare to say as a majority:
“We do not initiate harm to other sentient beings!“
I mean… how painfully obvious is that?! But it needs to be said… because most people have been taught that there is a giant „exception“ called government…
Future generations are gonna be really glad we talked about this…!

Wow… almost 7000 Words with this one…
I remember a time where I said to myself “not more than 3000 words”, but with this one I wanted to give the most complete picture over a topic of this magnitude, I was able to…

And I think I did a pretty decent job…

Since most people still do not realise how deep we are under mindcontrol I will start with the next blog an entire Trilogy (!) – my fist one so far – about Mindcontrol Techniques…
I will explain in detail what they are, why they are being used, how they work and how to defend against them…

I think its going to be exciting and very enlightening for everybody…

“Trained to see chains as salvation, taught to bow to liars and thieves, blind to devotion to master and nation, binds the soul of he who believes. What beatuy might grow, if we let die the lie… and embrace… what is simple and true?
Yesterday’s blasphemy; now truth most high:

As I own me, so you own you…!”
– Larken Rose

Truth, Love and Freedom

Your Vatono, aka Matthias Schirm

and oh yeah… before I forget it…
Merry Chistmas and a happy new Year…

The book that heavily inspired and influenced these two Parts –
-The most dangerous Superstition- by Larken Rose

Special Thanks to Larken Rose and Mark Passio to which I dedicated both Part 1 & 2 of this blog…


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first of all: thank you very much for even considering it 🙂

you can do this here on Patreon.

if you are going to do it / are already doing it, you are a true caring being (and let nobody tell you anything else)

Blog 12: Man’s Law vs. Natural Law (The myth of “human authority” Part 1/2)

Hi everyone and welcome to my 12th blog,

buckle up, Ladies and Gentelmen…! This blog and my next one will examine the most controversial topic I have done to this date… And I do promise you that it will be!

This issue is in fact one of the most explosive ones in the entire world…
It of course would’nt be in a sane world… Everybody there would say: “Yeah, of course it is that way. Everybody knows that!”
But here is the problem…: Our world is not sane… thats why it will be explosive for almost all of my readers…

As you probably have realised my blogs turn mostly around the question, if the concepts that dominate our worldviews (and hence our world) are based in Truth or in Illusion.
Because if they are based in Truth, Order arises… If they are based in Illusion, Chaos arises…

And since I consider myself as an advocate for Order I must analyse every wide-spread Estimation about how people “believe” things are working in the real world and check, if it stands to scrutiny and is in Harmony with Truth

And this, of course, overarches also the theme of so called “Human Authority”…!!!

There is probably no other subject that gets most of the people all over the planet more triggered than this one…

…which this and the next blog will be all about…!

In this one I will analyse, if the subjective “laws” made by mankind have any sort of validity or reality compared to the objective non-man-made laws called Natural Law…!

But before I really get into it I must remind you that this topic does not stand on its own…!
It can only be really grasped, if you have already read AND understood Blog 3 (What is Truth?), Blog 5 (Right & Wrong), Blog 8 (Natural Law – the Basics) and Blog 9 (the seven deadly Sins regarding Natural Law)…
In this blog I presuppose you to know them…!
I will, of course, briefly go over them in this one, but I can not stress enough how thoroughly the Meaning behind them MUST be KNOWN before truly getting the following…

So then, if your memory of them is refreshed and up to date then let us get started:

Before we can analyse the subject we first have to be clear about of what the differences between Natural Law and Man’s Law is:

Natural Law is…

  • …based upon Principles and Truth; meaning it is inherent to all Creation!
  • …harmonized with, due to Knowledge and Understanding of it!
  • …Universal; meaning it exists and applies anywhere in the Universe regardless of the location!
  • …Eternal and immutable; meaning it exists and applies at any time as long the Universe exists and can not be changed!

Man’s Law is…

  • …based upon dogmatic beliefs; meaning they are construcs of the mind!
  • …complied with, due to fear of punishment by not obeying it!
  • …differs with location based upon the whim of the “legislator”, which is called “moral relativism”!
  • …differs with time based upon the whim of the “legislator”, which is also called “moral relativism”!

Just with this quick overview there is already a clear tendency to see… But we will come to the distinct insight soon when we look closely…!

Natural Law is a set of universal, eternal, inherent, objective, immutable and non-man-made conditions which govern the CONSEQUENCES OF BEHAVIORS of beings with the capacity for understanding the difference between harmful and non-harmful behavior! (see Blog 8 for more)

The understanding of Natural Law is centered upon bringing our own conscience into alignment with Objective Morality. This means definetively KNOWING which behaviors are RIGHTS, because they DO NOT initiate harm to other sentient beings and which behaviors are WRONGS because they DO initiate harm to other sentient beings…(see Blog 5 for more)

The results that manifest in the world are not being brought to us by “chance” but by the universe, that aligns all the things we set in motion (the Cause) intelligently and dynamically and generates the result for us (the Effect).

When human beings, in the aggregate, live IN HARMONY with Natural Law, and behave therefore MORAL, they become and remain free
When human beings, in the aggregate, live IN OPPOSITION with Natural Law, and behave therfore IMMORAL, they become and remain enslaved

Freedom and Morality according to Natural Law are directly proportional…!!!

This dynamic of Natural Law can also be refered as the LAW OF FREEDOM:
As aggregate Morality increases, Freedom increases…
As aggregate Morality decreases, Freedom decreases…

In contrast, Man’s Law “claims” to give us Freedom, granting our Rights and prevent Chaos, if followed…

Is that so…?

When you walk in the middle of the night over a lonely red traffic light while no other car is present for miles and a random policeman walking by, seeing that, charging you 5€ (or $ or any other currency), did that prevent Chaos? Is that a RIGHT?

Are you allowed to smoke marihuana in one country and in another one you can be jailed for it? Can your freedoms be taken away if you cross an imaginary line called a “state border”? Did that gave you Freedom? Is that a Right?

In the 1920s it was illegal in the USA to drink Alcohol. Before it was no problem and you could drink as much as you wanted. But suddenly, the other day a prohibition was signed and you were going in a cage if you drank! Did that granting your Rights? Is that a Right?

In some countries you are allowed to own guns and in others your house get stormed by heavy armed Policeforces, if you have a firegun without a “licence”…! Does a licence for anything grant moral behavior for the owner?!

In some eastern Countries you could be jailed for years just by putting a certain song on…! Does a song hurt somebody? Is that not a right?

In Thailand you could rot in a dungeon for the rest of your lifetime or even being executed (!), if you offend the local royal family with a “lése-majesty”…!

As you might imagine, I could go on, and on, and on, and on…

It is seen as “comon sense” to the vast majority of humans that Rights can change in location and time and are “legitimately binding” even if they are just based upon preferences and likings of either a self-proclaimed King/Queen or multiple chosen Kings/Queens called “legislators” within a government…

“Over here you can’t do that, because it is ‘immoral’…, but over there you can do that and it is ‘moral’ over there…”
“Back then you couldn’t do that because it was ‘immoral’…, but now you can do that because it is ‘moral’ now…”

And the vast majority of humans actually think that this STUPIDITY makes SENSE…!

They think that Moral Relativism of mankind makes sense…
They think that Rights & Wrongs, Moral & Immoral can change in time and space… and can be changed by whoever is “in power”, while at the same time complaining that a Right should be either for everyone or no one and not for specific beings only…

Laydies and Gentelmen… THAT’S COGNITIVE DISSONANCE…!

That is holding two contradicting notions in the mind simultanously and accepting them both…!
This is called also LYING TO YOURSELF…! Let us be hones about it…! You are LYING to yourself…!!!

The obvious crux of man’s law is the previous mentioned term of “Moral Relativism”…

Moral Relativism is the FALSE (!) Ideology/Religion, that objective Morality DOES NOT EXIST inherently in nature and that Right and Wrong are subjective constructs which human beings may invent and arbitrate according to time, location, circumstances and preferences…

In Truth, Morality and therefore Rights are OBJECTIVE which means that RIGHTS CAN NEVER BECOME WRONGS & WRONGS CAN NEVER BECOME RIGHTS, at any time or location and regardless of how many people BELIEVE OR WISH it to be so…!

Any society of human beings that believes, that there is no Natural, objective difference between Right and Wrong behavior, and believe that human beings may arbitrarily “create” or “decide” what Right and Wrong are for themselves, is a society that can NEVER truly bring their own behavior in alignment with Natural Law.

Since the governing dynamics of human freedom are predicated upon the aggregate morality of a society, it is a total and permanent IMPOSSIBILITY for true Freedom to ever exists in a society that embraces MORAL RELATIVISM…!

The problem is…, dear reader…, that the vast majority of people…, still…, in the late-year 2019…, as sad as tho it may be to say for me…, CAN NOT DEFINE CORRECTLY WHAT A RIGHT IS…!!!

Let that sink in…

They do not know the correct, working, true definition of what a Right is!


More and more and with a faster and faster pace we are all rushing into a brutal global dictatorship… in case you did not noticed, yet…!

And how can we expect to defend our Rights against this, IF we do not even know what Natural Rights ACTUALLY ARE…?!

Well… we can’t… if we do not know this…

So we better learn what a Natural Right ACTUALLY IS!

And I will do this next.

I will explain what a true Natural Right is and why so few know it…!
But I will also start in reverse… meaning I am giving you the WHY (the 2nd Stage of the Trivium: “Understanding”) first and then I will lay out the WHAT (the 1st Stage of the Trivium: “Knowledge”).

The reason WHY most humans don’t know what a Natural Right is, is fundamentaly rooted in a FLASE Axiom of humanity…

Axioms (from ancient greek: “An assumed to be true Principle”) are fundamental BELIEVES, that have become widely accepted as to be true, because they are perceived to be self-evident or particulary “useful” for those who accept them…

The erroneos (!) Axiom that most people believe is that “There is no higher Power in the Universe than Humanity”…!
They will accept however, that EVERY single piece of matter, even down to ALL subatomic particles, is governed by universal PHYSICAL LAWS, but at the same time they totally refuse to acknowledge that every human action is governed by universal BEHAVIORAL LAWS…!

The overwhelming prevalence of such an Atheistic mindset is one of the main factors that is KILLING human freedom and therefore also everything Good, that we SAY (!) we want…!
We must stop LYING TO OURSELVES about what Rights ARE and WHERE THEY ARE COMING FROM…!

And Rigths are coming from CREATION ITSELF…! PERIOD…!

Call it “God”, call it “Allah”, call it “JHWH”, call it the “Source of everything”, heck even call it “the Force” from Star Wars…
It does not care what you call it…! Creation is “All that is” and therefore it is also the NATURAL LAW that governs every Effect set in place by Causes through our FREE-WILL-CHOSEN actions…!

So what are our NATURAL RIGHTS?!

Our Natural Rights are embeded in the two universal Principles of Behavior, also called the “two pillars of Enlightenment” in ancient mystery schools!

The first Pillar of Enlightenment is the SACRED FEMININE PRINCIPLE, also called the NON-AGGRESSION PRINCIPLE!

  • This Principle sates: “Do not engage in Violence!”

Or in other words: Do not initiate harm to other sentient beings…!!!

The second Pillar of Enlightenment is the SACRED MASCULINE PRINCIPLE, also called the SELF-DEFENSE PRINCIPLE!

  • This Principle states: “End Violence you come across!”

Or in other words: All sentient beings have the Right to use any Force necessary to defend themselves from Harm INITIATED upon them by others…!!!

The following actions are examples of INITIATION OF HARM against others. These actions are all VIOLATIONS against NATURAL RIGHTS, and therefore constitute VIOLENCE. They can be also called the “7 deadly Sins of Natural Law” (See Blog 9)

  • MURDER: The initiated taking of someone elses LIFE, that does NOT belong to you..!!!
  • ASSAULT: The initiated taking of someone elses PHYSICAL HEALTH, that does NOT belong to you…!!!
  • RAPE: The initiated taking of someone elses SPIRITUAL HEALH, that does NOT belong to you…!!!
  • COERSION: The initiated taking of someone elses FREE WILL, that does NOT belong to you…!!!
  • TRESPASS: The initiated taking of someone elses SAFETY AT THEIR DWELLING PLACE, that does not belong to you…!!!
  • THIEVERY: The initiated taking of someone elses CREATIONS, that does NOT belong to you…!!!
  • LYING: The initiated taking of someone elses KNOWING OF TRUTH, that does NOT belong to you…!!!

And you can think all you want about any Wrong-doing that possibly can be comitted, and you will recognize it will fit in one of these 7 categories. Not only that, but EVERY ONE of these 7 Categories (the real 7 deadly Sins) is ultimately a form of THEFT…!!!

There is only ONE true WRONG-DOING in the Universe… THEFT… In one form or another…

And there is ultimately only ONE BEHAVIORAL LAW in the Universe that, if not followed, causes negative Karma or CHAOS for you or humanity as a whole…:


And automatically, without any further explanation, we figured out by an apophatic approach (meaning knowing what “is” by realising what “is not”!) what our Natural Rights are…!!!



  • LIFE is our Natural inherent Right, and no one else is allowed to take it away from us…!!!
  • PHYISCAL HEALTH is our Natural inherent Right, and no one else is allowed to take it away from us…!!!
  • SPIRITUAL HEALTH is our Natural inherent Right, and no one else is allowed to take it away from us…!!!
  • FREE WILL is our Natural inherent Right, and no one else is allowed to take it away from us…!!!
  • SAFETY AT OUR DWELLING PLACE is our Natural inherent Right, and no one else is allowed to take it away from us…!!!
  • OWING OUR CREATIONS is our Natural inherent Right, and no one else is allowed to take it away from us…!!!
  • KNOWING TRUTH is our Natural inherent Right, and no one else is allowed to take it away from us…!!!

If any living being, for ANY reason whatsoever, is breaking the sacred feminine Principle of Non-agression and INITIATES violence upon you, then you have the NATURAL RIGHT to step into the sacred masculine Principle of Self-Defense and use any amount of Force necessary to stop them from doing so, even up to including the POSSIBILITY that in the process you may take away their PHYSICAL HEALTH or even in the worst-case-scenario their LIFE…!!!

This is THE ONE AND ONLY CASE when we can take away the Natural Rights from others without having negative Karma drawn upon us…
this is THE ONE AND ONLY CASE when others can take away the Natural Rights from us without having negative Karma drawn upon them…

This answers the question that probably popped up in the mind of some of my readers already:
“But what if a man-made-law said: You are not allowed to kill, damage, rape, coerce, trespass, thieve or lie to someone! Aren’t these laws legitimate?”

Well, such “laws” only state something that is already present and does not to be written down!
It is akin to someone writing down on a piece of paper: “Hereby I proclaim that Gravity shall attract any form of matter onto themselves…!”

It is not necessary to write such a law down…!




When thiefes or murderers do their violent actions they sooner or later will face the consequences for their aggressive actions… inevitably…!
Let it be through an “accident”, when they suddenly fall of a cliff one day and break their neck, or let it be through a bulk of very angry people, totally ready for using their sacred masculine Principle of Self-Defense and kicking their Asses…


So… to finally come to our conclusion of our original Question… after all this… what does that ultimately mean for “Man’s Law”…?

Well… it means a very sobering & simple “IF/THEN”-Logic…!

  • IF a particular “man-made law” is in HARMONY with Natural Law, THEN it follows logically that it is REDUNDANT…, since it is just stating a TRUTH that is already inherent, pre-existent, omipresent, eternal and self-evident…
    Therefore it is both IRELLEVANT & UNNECESSARY…!!!
  • IF a particular man-made “law” is in OPPOSITION to Natural Law, THEN it follows logically that it is WRONG…, since it is doomed in trying to negate a TRUTH that is already inherent, pre-existent, omipresent, eternal and self-evident…
    Therefore it is both FALSE (Incorrect) & IMMORAL (harmfull) and can NEVER BE LEGITIMALY BINDING UPON ANYONE…EVER!!!


The sad thing about people who really and truly believe that it is „IMMORAL“ to „break” the “law of man“, which is most people:
They have no idea of how to be TRULY GOOD…!!!
Since no one CAN keep track of all the stupid regulations, requirements and all the permanent changing politician scribbles, it means no one who respects the „law of man“ knows how to behave TRULY MORAL!!!
They say: „Oopsie, I accidentally sinned, by inadvertently disobeying some arbitrary edict issued by some unknown busy-body somewhere…! I am so ashamed…!“
Seriously… What an odd and outright ridiculous way to TRY to be a „GOOD“ human.
IF you need to ask politicians and bureaucrats how to live a true moral life, I am sorry to break it that hard to you… BUT SOMETHING IS HORRIBLY WRONG WITH YOU…!!! AND YOU NEED TO FIX IT ASAP…!!!

The Truth is, one who seeks to archieve freedom by petitioning those “in power” to give it to him… has already failed from the very start… regardless of the response…!
Because to beg for the blessing of „Authority“ is to accept that there are people who have „Rights“ that others do “NOT have” (Moral Relativism, we already covered that…).
Hence one has accepted that the choice is the “Master‘s” alone to make, which means that the person is already, BY HIS OWN DEFINITION, A SLAVE…!!!

Being a moral person requires taking on the personal responsibility of judging RIGHT from WRONG and following one’s own conscience! Which is the EXACT OPPOSITE of respecting and obeying „Authority“…!!!
Following our own Conscience and judging for ourself what is the TRUE RIGHT thing to do in a certain situation (as flawed and far away from truth our judgement may be) IS FOREVER THE BEST DECISION WE CAN MAKE FOR THE BETTERMENT OF OURSELVES AND EVEN THE BETTERMENT OF MANKIND AS A WHOLE… FOR EVER…!!!!!

And with this… I consider this first part of “the myth of human Authority” to be wrapped up…

Why is this not common sense?
Why do people like me have to dedicate entire website to basic stuff like this?
Because mine is definitively not the most wellknown one about these topics…

The reason is, that mankind is under heavy mindcontrol…

And in the second part we will discover the of the BIGGEST form of mindcontrol, also WHY it is the biggest mindcontrol and how its modern physical manifestation ingeniously hypnotised the human species into thinking that they are actually free… or that they actually have a “Choice”… while they are still SLAVES and are NOT FREE in it!

And this… would be… GOVERNMENT…!!!

I will proof, that GOVERNMENT IS SLAVERY…!

I will see you there…

Truth, Love and Freedom!

Your Vatono (aka Matthias Schirm)

Natural Law is always superior to every “Law” that mankind CAN make

Special thanks to Mark Passio, Larken Rose and Robert A. Heinlein with their works or their books


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