Blog 11: The 7 Chakra System of the Vedic Tradition

Hi everyone and welcome to my 11th blog,

there is a good chance you probably have heard in your life the term “Chakra” before. Even if you did not delved into its knowledge yet, there is a good chance you at least know some small pieces of it.

The topic of today is one of the few occulted (meaning “hidden”) Knowledgesystems that (I would say) does not deserve the name “occulted” anymore.
Dozens of Websites and videos on Youtube are out there that have millions of views so I am confident to say that here is one of the few successes in modern days to “de-occult” important Knowledge.
And this specific one is all about the qualities of our different energycenters in our human body…

I am talking, of course, about the 7-Chakra-System of the body from the vedic tradition out of ancient India…

A System of Knowledge that is definitively worth being aware of and to work with…

But since there are still people out there, that did not heard about this System, I will lay it out specifically for you.
Even if you already came across this topic, it probably will help you to understand it more. You will getting closer to the truth about it when I add my perspective to it…

As always: Let us start with the meaning of the word…

“Chakra” is a loanword from the ancient indian language Sanskrit which translated would be closest to the meaning of “Wheel” or “Circle”.

The Chakras that I am going to write about are precisely that: They are Vortexes of Energy that are spinning and whirling around within circles like a wheel within your body…
Each of these 7 Vortexes of energy are pictured with one specific Frequency-color (not to be confused with a pigment-color), going from red over orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo to violet.
These 7 Chakras must also not be imagined as something physical but something spiritual that are interlinked within certain locations in your body.

And to prevent any false misgivings arising now within some of my readers: This here is not about to go into some “WooWooLand” of fantasy…:
They are way more than just a fantasy…
Because their associated physical counterparst are actually well acknowelged to modern medicine…!
They are known under the name of the 7 Glands of the Endocrine-System…

But the reason why I write this Chapter, is not to repeat something, that you can read in modern medicine literature…
It is to highlight the etherical nature of this important Bodysystem that is being missed by most of science to this day…

So without further ado… let us get right into it…!

As explained a Chakra is a name for a spinning etherical energycenter within the body. They manifests themself as a physical gland in the material world.
Each Chakra has two different polarities to move towards: A state of opening and growing (which is the natural tending default state) or a state of closing (the unnatural tending unhealthy state).

Together the 7 Chakras in their Opening State act as the river of life that is boosting a smooth and fullfilled way of being in the physical world.
However… life can be messy and chaotic – especially in these times – and heavy burdens tend to fall into the river of life.
Sometimes false teachings and dogmatic believes that do not hold water (pun intended) slow down the Chakras and inhibit their circulation and flow-quality…
Then Blockades arise and the lifeforce can not pass anymore unhindered through your energetic centers…
Life then becomes more difficult and you experience avoidable suffering…

If on the other hand one does make oneself aware of the blockades, then with time, effort and endurance the blockades can be dissolved. Then the lifeforece can flow through you again… and likely even more powerfull than ever before.

So then… Let’s go through them one by one…

Chakra No. 1 – MULADHARA (The Root Chakra):

The Muladhara is the first of the seven Energycenters within the human.
Its spiritual manifestation is located at the base of the spine.
Its physical manifestation is the adrenal gland that regulates the stresshormones in the body.
It is the root-foundation of our life and deals with living will, basic trust and security!
It is opened by physical excersise, stability and material wealth…
and it is blocked by Fear…!

When the Muladhara is blocked…

  • …you will feel often irrational Phobias and Furies towards other humans or other living beings (like Spiders e.g.),
  • …on has a constant dread of not to be able to fullfill basic needs,
  • …a great tendency to ignore the basic needs of others and not sharing with others is present,
  • …you have an ongoing haunting belive that there is always scarcity,
  • …there is a permanent dwelling in the “Fight-or-Flight”-Mode,
  • …one has (in consequence) also a predominant Worldview of the “Survival of the fittest” and of course one strives to be the “fittest” all the time,
  • …degeneration of the body and vulnerability to sicknessess, allergies, injuries and all the other sorts of physical pain due to this steady stress is inevitable long terms…

On the other hand though…

When the Muladhara is opened…

  • …there is always a feeling of connection with mother earth and her other sentient inhabitants with which you are sharing your homeplanet (even to the ones you still don’t like…),
  • …no doubt that basic needs are always fullfilled no matter the circumstances is present
  • …your basic trust in greater powers that help you in times of turmoil is strong and solid,
  • …awareness of the omnipresent wealth and abundance of life is given fact,
  • …you share your richness with others absent of the expectancy of a “reward”,
  • …the competition-consciousness within you is being replaced with cooperation-consciouness,
  • …a healthy, strong and immacculate body is long terms inevitable…

What are our greatest fears…?
A common phrase says: “F.E.A.R is False Evidence Appearing Real“.
And there is a good amount of truth in it… because our Power ends where our Fears begin…
Where do we think we are going as a species when we are constantly holding up to FALSE believesystems like “this is a bad world and nothing can be done about it…” or “My body is not able to heal itself…” or even “There is not enough resources for all humans…”?
Thats right… we are going nowhere in this constant state of FEAR…! Our immense human potential is locked right at the start in our Rootchakra.
It is blocked as long we do not open it by evolving some basic trust, taking care of our body and working together instead of competing with each other.
This in itself is vital to move onto the second Chakra!

Chakra No. 2 – Svadhisthana (The Sacrum Chakra):

The Svadhisthana is the second of the seven Energycenters within the human.
Its spiritual manifestation is located centered near the reproductive Organs.
Its physical manifestation is either the testes (men) or the ovaries (women) that regulate the reproductive hormones in the body.
It is the Connecting-stem of our life and deals with Pleasure, Creativity and Sexuality!
It is opened by Sensuousness, joy and emotional embracement…
and it is blocked by Guilt…!

When the Svadhisthana is blocked…

  • …you are unable to enjoy life,
  • …feelings of guilt of what you desire arise leading often to emotional coldness,
  • …constant disinterest and dullness within you keeps you from expressing your creativity,
  • …there is a compulsive distortion within your sexuality, either you suppress your sexual desires and interests or you are obsessed BY your sexual desires and interests,
  • …you have an easy drift of into selfharming feelings like jealousy, malevolence towards happines of others and strong mood swings,
  • …one is endangered by addictions like alcohol, smoking, drugs, sugar, electronic entertainment and so on,
  • …the connection with other people – friendship, partnership, relationship alike – is being felt non-existent or negative dominating…

On the other hand though…

When the Svadhisthana is opened…

  • …you are full of love and lust for life,
  • …all Actions are being holisticly and sensually being felt,
  • …creative and inventive powers are blossoming within you,
  • …you are living and sharing your sexual energies with your partner free from any guilt,
  • …you are inspirable for new ways to experience life due to achieved emotional balance,
  • …the gift and joys of life is consciously valued all the time,
  • …a positive connection to other people is predominant…

What do we feel Guilt for?
Guilt is right after Fear one of the greatest blockades we can have… Because it is the Fear of possibly doing something wrong
Or in another way: The Fear of the opinions other people have about our natural creativity and desires (wheather it is our Sexuality, Ideas, Imagination, inventive Actions etc.).
To be honest… I am at a point where I do not give a damn about how people perceive my blogs… I am not feeling guilty of what I create here…!!!
I stand for my desires to create a website that has the potential to change peoples life completely to the positive! So do accept or reject this information to your own uprising or to your own downfall…!
Not being guilty of creating something that is rightful and important is vital to go to the third Chakra!

Chakra No. 3 – Manipura (The Navel Chakra):

The Manipura is the third of the seven Energycenters within the human.
Its spiritual manifestation is located behind the Navel.
Its physical manifestation is the Pancreas that regulates the digestive System and the blood sugar in the body.
It is the Center of Willpower in our life and deals with Fortitude, inner Strenght and Responsability.
It is opened by Courage, Confidence and Right Action…
and it is blocked by Shame…!

When the Manipura is blocked…

  • …you have low self-esteem, arrogance and high insecurity,
  • …one has cowardice and does literally not have “the guts”,
  • …choleric reaction and bitterness towards lacking ability to assert oneself are very common,
  • …you are always in the “Power-OVER” mode,
  • …the inner voice in the stomach about what is the right thing to do in this moment is ignored, silenced or both,
  • …wrong doings are not being responsibly acknowleged and instead you want to “pass the buck” to someone else,
  • …you fail to reach your goals and dreams longterm…

On the other hand though…

When the Manipura is opened…

  • …You have high Confidence in your Action, healthy humbleness and high self-esteem,
  • …you know what is right to do and you are having the courage to do it no matter what eventual suffering it means for you in the short term,
  • … you tend always to the “Power-FOR” mode ,
  • …the ability to assert oneself without initiating harm to other sentient beings is strongly unfolding,
  • …balanced openess and compassionate behaviors towards other people is the new standard,
  • …you are listening to your inner voice in the stomach, that knows what is the best thing to do at this moment,
  • …you are on the best way to reach your goals and deams longterm without shame…

What are we ashamed of?
What actions do we regret in our life…? As long as we feel Shame of the things we did, we can only come up this far… and no further…
We can not evolve into higher forms of consciousness (meaning forms that are more in alignment with TRUTH), if we feel shame about actions that were performed by us in the past. Even if we feel Shame of something that was morally Wrong…!
We must forgive ourselfes that we did Wrong! And then we are striving for doing better next time…
Then we will transcend finally the state of Shame and we will open our hearts… which – what a “coincidence” – is the next and fourth Chakra.

Chakra No. 4 – Anahata (The Heart Chakra):

The Anahata is the fourth of the seven Energycenters within the human.
Its spiritual manifestation is located behind the Sternum.
Its physical manifestation is the Thymus gland that regulates the immune system.
It is the Center of Love in our life and deals with Healing, Embracement and boundless true Connection.
It is opened by Forthrightness, Knowing and CARE FOR TRUTH…
and it is blocked by Grief…!

When the Anahata is blocked…

  • …you feel isolated and disconnected from the world,
  • …there is constant self-enforcement about making oneself and others “happy”,
  • …constant struggle with giving and receiving true Love is experienced,
  • …Grief and Sorrow is filling your heart about experienced losses of love when not dealt with,
  • …the perception of “nobody loves me” is holding you with an iron fist and you lost the believe in the existance in real, deep, mystical and true love (heartsickness),
  • …Intolerance, Cold-heartedness, and Evil is growing within you because you are convinced that the suffering of others is just “their problem”,
  • … you do not CARE about what is Right & Wrong…

On the other hand though…

When the Anahata is opened…

  • …you have a deep connection with the world and you know you are a part of it,
  • …an altruistic and unconditional Love for others is developed,
  • …the key to greater realms of possibilities is received,
  • …you know Love is all there really is and hence there will always be someone who truly loves you, also because you love yourself strongly,
  • … one can let go of losses of love with the right use of sadness,
  • …Tolerance, Compassion and Goodness is growing within you because you realise that the suffering of others will be yours one day, if not dealt with,
  • …you do CARE about what is Right & Wrong and you choose willingly Good over Evil…

Where are our deepest Griefs?
There is suffering that is avoidable and then… there is suffering that is not avoidable. An example for non-avoidable suffering is when a loved one breaks up the relationship with you or dies.
No matter what we do, there is ultimatively no power to change a decision of another one when he/she chooses to “go”. To deal with this suffering we must allow ourselfes to be sad…
Because if not, it will become grief and sorrow in the longterm… People can actually die from a broken heart…
I personally had two great losses of love in the last 12 month…
But I have no grief within me, because I allowed myself to be sad about it… Then I could let them truly go…
Love is the fundamental real connection to Truth. Hence I know that the Love of them has never left me… It is still and always in my heart… And out of its ashes it will be reborn… in form of new Love…
True Love gives birth to true CARE. Once we care about Right & Wrong and choosing willfully Good over Evil we will also care about… speaking Truth. Which brings us to the next Chakra in the line…

Chakra No. 5 – Visuddha (The Throat Chakra):

The Visuddha is the fifth of the seven Energycenters within the human.
Its spiritual manifestation is located right in the center of the Throat.
Its physical manifestation is the Thyroid gland that regulates the metabolism and synthesizes Proteins.
It is the Center of Communication in our life and deals with Expression, Vibration and Communication of Truth.
It is opened by Honesty, Music and speaking Truth…
and it is blocked by Lies…!

When the Visuddha is blocked…

  • …you feel like you have a lump in your throat when you want to speak your opinion,
  • …a pleasant sounding voice (whether to you or to others) can not be fully developed,
  • …real singing and dancing is refused and being viewed at something that is ridiculous or something that you think are “not worthy of doing”,
  • …you are thinking & talking trash towards yourself,
  • …the constant feeling of an inner force that holds you back from speaking out against Wrongness when you know you should,
  • …one does always talks just about unimportant and inane topics,
  • …you are telling LIES, knowing (!) that you do to hide from the consequences…

On the other hand though…

When the Visuddha is opened…

  • …you are speaking loud, clear and unapologetic,
  • …Information is presented (no matter which way) well thought out, logically coherent and it makes sense,
  • …one developes a deep interest in music, literature and expression of knowledge one came across,
  • …you are thinking and talking highly of yourself without being narcissistic,
  • …nobody and nothing holds you back from speaking out against wrong and immoral behavior,
  • …one does like to speak only about deep and important topics,
  • …you are telling always the TRUTH as best as you know it, no matter the consequences…

What are we lying about…?
This question alone opens a plethora of uneasyness within almost all of the human species.
No other sin is as rampant in our world socienty than this one of telling LIES (for further information I remind you of Blog 9 – Sin 7). Especially the ones we tell ourselves…
To evolve further we must stop lying…!!!
First we must stop lying to ourself and then we must stop lying to others… When honesty and fidelity towards alignment with Truth is our highest intent… then and only then we are able to see the world way more clearly than it was before that point in our life… And this leads right to the probalby most known Chakra… the third Eye…

Chakra No. 6 – Ajna (The third Eye Chakra):

The Ajna is the sixth of the seven Energycenters within the human.
Its spiritual manifestation is located right in the center of the Brain.
Its physical manifestation is the Pineal gland that regulates the wake/sleep-Cycle.
It is the Center of Insight in our life and deals with Worldviews, seeing the whole Picture and detection of hidden Truths.
It is opened by Understanding, holistic Intelligence and realizing Truth…
and it is blocked by Illusion…!

When the Ajna is blocked…

  • …your Neocortex is highly unbalanced in either one or both halfes (see Blog 4 for more) and therfore in conflict with each other,
  • …Confusion, lack of imagination, superstitions, denial of Truth, schizophrenic behaviour and cognitive dissonance are normal occuring phenomenas,
  • …one can not efficiently tell if someone is lying to him/her or not,
  • …you are easily falling for deceptions and trickeries,
  • …Inspiration and Knowledge can not reach out into the mind and therefore not being processed and understood,
  • …one can not see the obvious, even when it is right infront him/her,
  • … your mind is being controlled by others…

On the other hand though…

When the Ajna is opened…

  • …both hemispheres in your Brain are balanced and working together to see the whole picture,
  • …understanding, true Intelligence, highly developed “reading between the lines” and using the “sixth sense” are normal occuring phenomenas,
  • …one can see through the veil of illusion and see the often way bigger picture about the Truth than thought to be possible,
  • …your worldview is pure and free from pollutions,
  • …through greater understanding of the cosmos and seeing how the Laws of Nature work your realisation of what is possible expands to realms that were inconceivable before,
  • …one does accept the Truth even if it makes him/her uncomfortable first, because one sees that eventually it will set him/her free,
  • …your mind is controlled by yourself…

What are our greatest Illusions?
And boy, oh boy… There can be no encyclopedia long enough for all the illusions humanity (including myself) has ever fallen for… It would seem like there is no end to this… And all of them are ensureing that our Ajna stays locked and closed of like a blastproof save…
But we have to talk briefly about the 3 greatest illusions humanity has fallen for, so we can give them up…
Starting with the biggest one that CAN exist: “There is no Truth!”… WRONG, there is Truth, because the sentence in itself IMPLIES logically the existence of the very Truth it tries to disprove… (see Blog 3 for details)
Next one: “My perception is my Truth!”… WRONG, Truth is absolute and not subjective, because for this statement to be true, one presumes automatically that it IS absolute and therefore NOT dependend of subjectivity OR perception…
Last one: “Humans can create and nullify Laws!”… WRONG, Laws are immutable binding conditions based in Truth. Since Truth is absolute as proven above, Rights are also absolute and CAN NOT be changed or revoked by any human being, including ourselves (more of that in the upcoming blog 12!)…!
These 3 shortly outlayed illusions HAVE to go before we can hope to make any greater advancement in greater Awareness.
But if we archieve this, then the most powerful of the 7 Chakras can open… the crown Chakra…

Chakra No. 7 – Sahasrara (The Crown Chakra):

The Sahasrara is the seventh of the seven Energycenters within the human.
Its spiritual manifestation is located on top of the head (hence the crown).
Its physical manifestation is the Pituitary gland that regulates the homeostasis and growth hormones.
It is the Center of Embracing cosmic energy in our life and deals with advancing Consciousness, universal unity and eternal Evolution of the Soul.
It is opened by constant Self-Growth, harmonizing yourself with the Will of the Creator and maintaining constant balance of all (!) the previous Chakras…
and it is blocked by Imbalance…!

When the Sahasrara is blocked…

  • … at least one of the previous 6 Chakras is also blocked,
  • …Solipsism, moral Relativism and Nihilism are emerging inevitably longterm,
  • …one thinks that this reality is the only one there is,
  • …you are chained by earthly attachments,
  • …emptiness, senselessness and weltschmerz are predominant within the Self,
  • …you do think that waking up humanity to a greater good is forlornness,
  • …one denies the Creator and tries to cut his/her connection to it…

On the other hand though…

When the Sahasrara is opened…

  • …all of the previous 6 Chakras have succesfully maintained in constant balance,
  • …incomprehensible Oneness and the importance of everything is self-explanatory,
  • …one has experienced that there is no end to the amount of realities in the cosmos,
  • …you can let go when a time of leaving comes and moving on with saying “farewell”,
  • …vivid fullness, highly sensitive clairvoyance and “supernatural” abilities awaken,
  • …you feel with every cell that it is your duty to aware others to these higher realms,
  • … one knows DEFINITIVELY that everyone and everything is a Part of the Creator…

What are our greatest imbalances?
What are our greatest attachments?
What are we holding onto that holds us back?
No other Chakra is more difficult to maintain in an open state like this one. Since there is a waging war on humanity to keep it in the imbalanced state possible, there is very rarely a time where all of our 7 Chakras are open and we can experience life in a new way that was unfathomable before…
And even then you realise that this is not the end…
It is only the Beginning…!!!
This is where we can overcome our blockades in our braincapacity and activate our “junk”-DNA. This opens the gates to abilities that were perceived as “supernatural” before.
But although this possibility is the greatest gift of the Creator for us we can handle… usually only a few percent of humanity achieve the necessities (Basic Trust, Joy, Willpower & CARE for the Right, speaking Truth & holistic Intelligence) to experience this state in these times…
And even then only maybe a few times in a lifetime and only for a short amount of time whensoever (I am not sure if I had a real one yet… I definitively was close to one at two occasions).
The ones that can keep all 7 Chakras in a constant balanced mode I roughly estimate are likely less then 1000 in our world of 7+ billion…
Yet, this state is for ALL of us…
So why are basically not all of us not achieving this in at least one point in our lifes…? Because we act in direct opposition!
Not because we are willingly working against it (who would?) but because we unconsciously do so…
We are ignorant of how the laws of the cosmos work… We fell for lies and we allowed us to fill us with Anti-knowledge (“knowledge” that does not work in truth) and we are believing them continuously…
And a big one we desperately need to abolish I will describe in the next blogs…
Which would be the Illusion of “Human Authority”.
And I will start with a comparison of Natural Law and Man’s “Law”!

I would be happy to see you there…

Truth, Love and Freedom!

Your Vatono (aka Matthias Schirm)

the seven chakras of the vedic tradition


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