Hi everyone and welcome to my 17th Blog,
This is the third and last Part of a Triology about Mass-Mindcontrol Methods and not falling prey to them…
I will continue right where I left of in the second part. If you stumbled across this by accident I recommend you start of with “Part 0” where I give the background of which this Series must be viewed against… Elsewise you can not grasp the full Importance of it.
So without further adue… let us continue!
In this following Part 3 I will highlight in this order:
- Dark Wordmagic,
- Divide & Conquer,
- The PRS-Technique,
- The DHR-Technique &
- Worldview Poisoning.
Let us dive right into it…
Method of Mindcontrol NO. 11: Dark Wordmagic
What is Dark Wordmagic?:
Dark Wordmagic is the usage of the programming attribute of language!
Why is Dark Wordmagic being used?:
Dark Wordmagic is being used to harden religious programs in the mind.
How is Dark Wordmagic acted out?:
Dark Wordmagic is acted out as e.g. “daily words we got used to speak”, “Dreamimplantation” & the “Music-industry”
How is Dark Wordmagic defended against?:
Dark Wordmagic is defended against with speaking consciously and using words wisely
Detailed Description of Dark Wordmagic:
Welcome to a “literal” realm of the dark side of the force…
This is what we usually imagine when we envision Dark Magic… We picture infront of our inner eye a mysterious person with a black cloak and a hood, that is covering their eyes (so we can not read their intentions) and mumbling errie words in a language foreign to us… And then these words bring an effect upon the world or another person (in case of dark Magic usually bad ones…).
The famous quote “Avra Kadavra” (its latinised version of course “Abra Kadabra”) has its roots in the aramaic language and translates as “It will be created in my words!” or more poetically spoken: “I create… as I speak…!”
Although this phrase is today commonly waved aside as a naive medieval nonsense that is not based in any “real science” (whatever they mean by that…) almost nobody would argue that words themselves, if rightly spoken, can have a heavy impact that is able to change the course of our entire life…
If you think about a quote from somebody that back in the days inspired you and lifted you into a greater understanding of how nature really works… then you will agree that words truly can be powerful… they truly can change OUR MIND… for either good or for ill…
And since I want to cast light upon the hidden “ill” that we are being subjected to in our everyday lives I will explain how DARK Wordmagic works… and how you can defend yourself against it…!
- Let us start us with an example that is so widely used in our world that we often literally are not able to see it anymore… “Everyday words within our casual talk”…:
What would be even more easier than to cast powerful Spells upon your target population to bind and control them without them even knowing about it…?
Well… the answer is simple…:
Bring your target population to cast powerful Spells to bind and control them UPON THEMSELVES… without them even knowing about it…!!!
Why should you as a dark Occultist waste you time running around every day all day and bring the masses to obey you… WHEN YOU CAN BRING THEM… TO DO IT FOR YOU…!!!
And this is possible to a slow infiltration of the language people using (or creating the languages from the start…!).
George Orwell had in his famous dystopic book “1984” a phrase called “Newspeak”. It was a name for a new type of language with oversimplified grammar and restricted vocabulary designed to limit the human ability to think and articulate the government disapproved concepts (such as personal Identity, Self-Expression and Free Will).
It was envisioned by the ruling class in this novel that their target population simply could not even think in terms as Truth, Love or Freedom and would not be able to imagine a world without the omnipresent and ubiquitous “Big Brother” as their messiah and protector.
An absolute form of mindcontrol… and totally invisible to both eyes…
In our world we have with our “Political Correctness” a good predecessor of Newspeak (dark Wordmagic). Controlling the language (and hence the mind) via oversoften and vacuous labelings.
Like e.g. Journalism lecturers at Leeds Trinity University were instructed to avoid using all caps when communicating with students, because it might make them too afraid to do the assignment…
A UK recruiter was stunned when her job advert for ‘reliable’ and ‘hard-working’ applicants was rejected by the job centre as it could be offensive to unreliable and lazy people…
And a bathing-suit advertisement was criticized for being “sexist” because it depicted a woman in a bathing suit (I kid you not…).
Just do a random search in your favourite Internet Search Engine and it will be quite easy to find yourself non-stop headshaking while hysterical laughing.
But this ridiculous example aside… there are way more subtle, scheming and far-spread dark spells in our languages than political correctness.
And the most effective one of course are as always the one you do not recognise as such…
“Good morning” for example sounds exactly the same as “Good mourning”… Are you wishing your fellow humans a good start in the day or do you encourage them to grieve for apparently no reason…? Not quite clear with these monophones (Words who sound the same but are different in meaning and writing…).
Where do young people go for dancing and alleged amusement? They go to “the Club”… where they “get beaten” up with that music. Hmm, is getting “beaten up with a club” advancing your mind and consciousness or rather does it traumatize it…? I wonder about that as well as you do…
We have “Television” that “tell lies to our vision”, where you can select different “Channels” with different “Programs” so you can “channel the available Programs” into your mind…, so you do not have to write your own ones…
The list in english alone could go on and on and on…!
But probably the most heaviest example of every-day dark Wordmagic humans cast on themselves I might be sure is in my own native language…: German.
There we have the noun “Arbeit” (translated as “work”) and its verb “arbeiten” (“working). But “Arbeit” if you go more indepth it derives from the indo-germanic root “arebeit” which meant at the time “hardship” or “plight”…
It often even was also used as the Phrase: “That what slaves do…!!!”
Now, let that sink in…
What do you think does it do to your unconscious psyche if you say mutiple times a day that you are a Slave and doing slavelabour…?
It of course will program and hence control your Mind into thinking and therefore your body into acting like you really are a Slave…!!!
There could be myriads of further examples but I think you got the idea of how our usage of corrupted words and language-parts negatively impacts our quality of live because it creates literal Slavery… - Let us continue with a technique that we all at least somewhat familiar with… “Dreamimplantation”:
Although we might not hear it under this name as often, we all recognize to some extend the concept behind it…
Dreamimplantation is – as the name suggest – the hijacking of your target’s goals in life. It is a second step after you succesfully poisoned someones Worldview (the Mindcontrol-technique that I will discuss at last, because it is the most powerful of them all). If the dark occultists want a cheap, exchangeble slave-class then all they need to do is to bring their target population to WANT to be Slaves in their lives… And if you already control the Mockingbird-media (see Part 2/3 for that) you can achieve this quite simply… Dreamimplantation can be achieved in numerous ways. You can be subjected to it for example by your parents, who already have gone within their life through a hostile mindprogramming and they tell you from an early age on what a “successful life” is…! It can be by friends who saw advertisements on TV or on the Phone suggesting him how a “good life” looks like according to them… It can be by yourself who saw advertisements on TV or on the Phone suggesting you how a “good life” looks like according to them… A more modern and more extrem variant are so-called “Influencers” on the Internet. This vague Description is used to refer to people who are reach a wide spectrum of audiences and propagate their viewers what “government” and “Science” supposedly is… Very often you find behind them a governmental or scientific (that does not deserve the name) Insitution that financially supports them.
We were being told that “if you have a lot of money you are ‘something’!” or “don’t say/act like that, or other people will dislike you!” or heck even “Order-following is a virtue!”
What do those well-meaning “advices” do to our mind? Obviously it frames our ideas of what we should or should not do to have this “successful life” everyone is talking about… and therefore these ideas create or long-term “dreams” in life… Which are not the real Dreams or rather the Visions of the Heart or the Soul (also known as “Dharma” in Sanskrit) but they are mere external, cinematic imaginations that program your mind for accepting without resistance a Slave-existance and constant struggle for life… And when everybody else does or has these “dreams” too, they appear to be valid and objectively “good” dreams too…
You see how well this “Dreamimplantation”-technique works hand in hand with the “Cultural Familiarity”-technique I layed out in Part 2.
If you believe that “I have to have a lot of money to be ‘somebody in society'” than obviously you will focus on obtaining a lot of money… and it will not matter if the means of by which you acquire this a-lot-of-money are moral or not…! You can have e.g. a well-paid and safe job in Government, where you have an (almost) guaranteed income with stolen money from “tax-payers”… but you ASSIST that Slavery is running RAMPANT in the society or the world… You fullfilled your implanted “dream” of getting a lot of money… but at what cost…?
If you believe that “I do not have to say or act in certain ways so people do not dislike me” then you become a willing marionette for those who achieved to control you… You might be a “successful” actor or singer that never says something against the “norm” that powerhappy psychopaths defined, but in fact you CONDONE or even defend immoral human laws that puts the population further and further under duress… You fullfilled your implanted “dream” of being liked by your fans… but at what cost…?
If you believe that”I have to follow orders, because it is a virtue” then you would go even so far and MURDER people who you do not know nothing about and have done nothing wrong to justify such actions… and this is what Police and Military does… If they are believe this false axiom of “Orderfollowing is a virtue” than most of them will switch off their own consciense and drop bombs on people who they know nothing about… ACTIVELY ACTING OUT EVIL without them knowing about it… You fullfilled your implanted “dream” of being “virtuous” (it is nothing of the kind) by deactivating your moral compass and following orders blindly… BUT AT WHAT COST…?
In all of these examples we fell for implanted parasitic Dreams… brought into us by dark Wordmagic that confused our mind and programmed it to do the dark sides bidding… - My last point would be a very obvious one for those who looked a little bit behind the veil… “the Musicindustry”:
As of 29 Years of age (coming up 30) I consider myself someone who was at least lucky enough to never fall into the trap of listening to modern Mainstream “music”.
While others at school in the early 2000s knew to a great extend the chart-hits I never really got into it. This was mainly due to the fact that my Grandfather introduced me to classical music from a young age on (and I liked it from the very beginning) and back home at my family’s house we almost never listened to radio… and today I am very grateful for both…
Because what the Musicindustry has become since about 1997/1998 is basically nothing more than an entire apparatus for Poisoning the human mind…!!!
An especially important timestamp was Britney Spears “Baby one more time”… This can be considered as the Genesis of the Massproduction of Consciousness-supressing und down-dumbing “Entertainment” for the population. As as far as of today most of humanity swallowed this bait with hook, line and sinker. Where Music-vids on Youtube about false Ideas of love (or even romance for that matter), perverted Sex-ideals, Drugabuse, extreme egotism (me, me, me) and even outright bizzare subversive Symbolism have 100s of millions and even BILLIONS of views…
You are what you eat… and you do not only “eat” with your mouth… no, you also eat via your eyes and ears…
And the dark Occultists know that and they utilized Music to infiltrate your mind by that as well… Just listen deeply to an average song on any mainstream-radio and ask yourself is this genuinely encouraging, strenghtening and optimistic…? Does it make you unstopable in attempting to do good deeds and sanguine of success…? Does it touch your heart authenticly and does it make the deepest core of your entire Soul “vibe”…?
Or is it rather subtle hypnotising…? Is it sort of ensuring that you do not trust in yourself and higher forces to guide you through your life…? Does it make you focus on trivialities and even self-harming actions…?
If it is the latter you answered correctly… Because there is almost only DARK WORDMAGIC present in modern Main-stream Music, done for the entire purpose to hold you back, to thwart your Soul from forward progress…!
And I am not suggesting that the Musicians themselve are fully or even partly aware of that… They are just humans with musical talent that sold their souls to the devil… and again: Whether they know it or not…! They serving an agenda to chain up the human consciousness to accept Slavery and wanting to be staying enslaved…!!!
A much greater chunk of these Musicians like Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake and many others have even been prepared since their early childhood to be a tool for this corrupted music… All of the three examples above were all part of the “Mickey Mouse Club”. On the surface this is only a “variety television show” created by Disney, but on the deeper level it is a part of Project Monarch, which is a subcategory of MKUltra… one of, if not the biggest proffessional Mind-Control Project ever let loose on mankind by the dark Occultist via their “Central Intelligence Agency” (or CIA)…!!!
In essence what it is without getting too deep (you could fill an entire library alone with this dark topic) is by trauma-based mind-control to grow and breed a group of elitist Slaves (“Monarch-Slaves”) to govern the mind of mankind via Dark Wordmagic Entertainment (and visual one as well). The symbol used for this Program is the Butterfly. It is used to represent the perverted form of Transformation that the Monarch-slaves will go or already have gone through… often via heavy abusive ways like litteral Torture and Pedophilic acts that often produce split personalities that you as a dark Occultists can program how you want…!!!
I mean, why do you think that people like Britney Spears or Katy Perry had at least one big mental break down in their career.
Britney Spears said when she shaved their head completely that she did not want “them to touch her anymore” and that she wants to “get away from her handlers”…! The line “hit me baby one more time” sounds now totally different does it not…?
Or take Katy Perry for another example that said once under tears”I do not want to be Katy Perry anymore”…!
I mean what the actual f*** is going on here…???
It is an absolute satanic Ritual that is going on here… with them who are programmed to program us on a mass-scale and us of course who still refuse mostly to see the horrible truth of which world we have unconsciously created for TOTAL EVIL PEOPLE…!!!
The Heart-message of this Chapter is basically…: Be careful of the words you use and you listen to…
Words have more power than we want to give them credit for and we need to recognise the power they have and we have if we are using them for good or for ill…!
I choose my words now for years very deliberatively and cautiously… and can give testimony from first hand that it works…!
Don’t use words that have etymologic negative connotations to them when you actually mean to describe positive Issues or Actions… and vice versa, of course as well…!
Teach yourself to think clearly about what you actually mean to say before you speak… It might take a while until you can speak fluidly again but with time you will be able to speak with normal pace again and your words will have a much greater impact than before… because you now use conscious Light Wordmagic instead of Dark Wordmagic…!!!
Method of Mindcontrol NO. 12: Divide & Conquer
What is Divide & Conquer?:
Divide & Conquer is the Deflection of Attention from true Evil towards claimed-to-be evil fractions within the targeted Population.
Why is Divide & Conquer being used?:
Divide & Conquer is being used to deviate attention from the true problems.
How is Divide & Conquer acted out?:
Divide & Conquer is acted out as e.g. Creating Groupthink between numerous “Isms” (Racism, Religionism, Sexism, etc.).
How is Divide & Conquer defended against?:
Divide & Conquer is defended against with Knowing that only Actions really matter and therefore people should be only judged by their actions.
Detailed Description of Divide & Conquer:
This one is a very interesting one… because all of us know it to some extend, yet still we fall for it so easily…
I originally thought of uncountable examples that I wanted to layout but soon enough I realised it would blow any reasonable frame… so I condensed it down to one underlaying dynamic that is present in all of these examples…
- …and that would be… “the creating of Groupthink between noumerous ‘Isms'”:
I really wonder of how this time will be looked back at in the year 2050, if we actually managed to overcome the slavery-system and the mindcontrol-cage…
We will probably have no words for the magnitude of insanity that was present “back then”. I already have no words for the current present right now and I will more likely than not have even “less” in the future…
The myriads of ways we have been divided and therefore conquered in a ridiculous short amount of time is just unbelievable… before a turning point in humanity came (that has still somewhat yet to come)…
We fight over Religionism (which is holding us all back no matter the “flavour”),
we fight over Racism (which there is not such a thing as, there is only the “human race”),
we fight over Sexism (which is the most effective way of the dark occultists to destroy human societal most basic strenght… by cutting the essential bond between man and woman…),
we fight over Politism (where we fight over which entrance into the slaughterhouse we should rather take…),
we fight over “Incomeism” (where people think the amount of money actually makes you good or evil per se…),
and on, and on, and on it goes…
Those are, of course, only the really major one’s we all are familiar with but there are a ton of other smaller ones as well…
AND BASICALLY ALL OF THEM ARE ARTIFICIALLY IMPLANTED… meaning almost all of them did not spawn due to bad experiences with fellow humans of “a certain group” but they are being told… either through parents, friends or, most of all, Propaganda via Government or Media (which is today one and the same…).
Also, often a lot of these “Isms” are blown out of proportion. No one with a clear mind would argue the obvious fact, that there are of course some lunatics out there who actually think that religions, races, sexes or social status have “different rights” than others (here we go again with moral relativism…) but they are in a great minority.
So the dark Occultists have to creat an “artificial crisis” so they can convince people that a specific “Ism” is rampant within society, while only a really small portion of the population actually think that way… But this artificial crisis perception is what I will go into in the next Chapter, where I will talk about the PRS-Technique…
And then people get hostile looks… just because they are a christ/muslim/jew… just because they are a man/woman… just because they are white/black/yellow/green/blue with orange dots… just because they have more/less material wealth then others…
And all of it… to persuade us from seeing the true enemy…!
Because whilest we fight each other and getting divided (because at least one side fall for the trap) we are getting conquered…
Because meanwhile the true enemy who divided us successfully can play out all its other card to restrict our freedoms, violate our rights and leading us more into slavery…
You want a solution to it…? Well, We must stop to think in collectivistic terms… Period! And yes, it is really that simple.
We must NEVER judge a person based upon of which alleged or literal group they are part of… We must judge a person ALWAYS as individual and whether they ACT MORAL OR NOT…!!!
That is the solution…!!!
I am at a point now where I basically do not see the physical or social appearances of a person anymore but only their spiritual and mental Mindset…
That is what is important to me… an should be to all of us… an HAS TO BE… if we want a world without Slavery…!
Method of Mindcontrol NO. 13: The PRS-Technique
What is the PRS-Technique?:
The PRS-Technique is the highly efficient Method of Chaos Sorcery.
Why is the PRS-Technique being used?:
The PRS-Technique is being used to change entire societies within record times.
How is the PRS-Technique acted out?:
The PRS-Technique is acted out as e.g. “both World Wars”, “9-11”, “Covid-19-Pandemic”.
How is the PRS-Technique defended against?:
The PRS-Technique is defended against with watching out for early “Solutions” suggested after a catastrophy…
Detailed Description of the PRS-Technique:
the PRS-Technique is an acronym for a phrase that has been made very famous by none other than David Icke himself:
And that is “Problem-Reaction-Solution”…!!!
This Technique is in the realm of Mindcontrol-tecnique the equivalent of the Atomic-Bomb within the realms of weapons… because done successfully you can change entire Civilisations within few decades or even years…
I consider it to be one of the “holy grails” of dark magic and deserves the Title of “Master” in Chaos Socery…!!!
The Method is simple…: You, as a dark Occultist, want to change the world according to your standards… but people would reject your “new world order”… so you have to do it with a 3-step detour to achieve your goal…:
Step 1: You create a PROBLEM that will rattle the unconscious masses up
Step 2: The Problem has to be designed in a way to get the desired REACTION out of the masses
Step 3: With the desired reaction provoked you offer them the SOLUTION, that was your plan to begin with…
And suddenly… Nothing can happen for decades, and then decades can happen in weeks…!!!
That is the PRS-Technique… now lets look at some examples…
- The two main “Great Resets” of the last century… both world wars…:
“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way!”
This quote is from Franklin D. Roosevelt… and he did know what he was talking about…!
As I am from Germany I also happen to be born in a country where the dark occultists once had a true field day here…
I am convinced that in no other country they succeeded more in getting the populace to do what they want and advance in possibilities of manipulating the masses…
And of course I am talking about Germany’s massive parttaking or even initiating of both world wars in the last century…
Those of you who delved deeper into the issue of the world conspiracy of the dark occultists will know about a certain gentleman called Albert Pike. He was a very powerful Freemason (one of the dark kind) that was one of the mental Grandfathers of that what we know today as “New World Order” (NWO)…
And he emphasized, that this NWO to be most effective has to be implemented via 3 World Wars…
Why Wars?
Because there is nothing more efficient than building up a desired Culture from scratch instead of transforming a current Culture that might resist, rebel or even refuse…
But with everything destroyed it is very easy to build something up from the ashes of something that just has been being destroyed… Like a Phoenix… which the dark occultists like using as a perverted symbol of dark transformation…
Of course during these two World Wars there was so much going on that it is almost impossible to certainly say which act was planned and which one had to be improvised or which one was a true cosmic element of surprise… Because there are always Plans within Plans within Plans…
But if you get into it, it can be very quickly said that the real conductors of both World Wars in the 20th century of course funded both “sides” (dark Hegelian Dialectic again) to ensure maximum Chaos…, because that is what they are => High Priests of a Death-Cult of Chaos serving the ultimate Will of the “Dark Side of the Force”…
The first world war according to Pike was meant to overthrow the russian Tsardom and to establish the first Communist (dark Mother figure of the State) Country in the world.
And in heinsight we can say that they were a huge test of which form of unholy parent humanity would accept more likely (for more details see Blog 13: “Why Government is Slavery”).
The first World war was designed predominently to overthrow the Russian Tsardom, as it resided on the biggest landmass of our current earth… If you control that you made a huge step forward to World domination. And that is what they did with the Bolshevik Revolution under Lenin and his cronies… which was of course not the “uprise of the downtrodden masses” but self-evidently an intelligent trap where people have fallen into and got played like a fiddle… Because they did not understand how Natural Law works and how the Mind works… And of course the War itself, where all kinds of secret contracts and artificial events were orchestrated to create maximum Chaos…
The second World War was already an almost inevitable consequence after the established Powerstructures and Reparation-contracts after Post-WW1. The very strange and obviously unfair official story that Germany had to be considered 100% faulty of the initiation of WW1 was the perfect fruitful Soil for righteous anger to be very easily being mislead… Because just over one decade later, this Country was used again by the indescribable Psychopaths for their world domination plans… and sadly, the German People back then – none the wiser – did not see that they are being played by the same force that got them into their current situation in the first place…
And so the dark Occultists unleashed with the Axispower the other half of the unholy Parentfigure onto the world => Fascism (the dark Father of the State) (see Blog 13 again)…!!!
The plan for WW2 originally was to conquer Europe (via by then Hitler’s Nazi-Germany), Africa & the Middle East (via Mussolini’s Fascist-Italy) and Asia (via Hirohito’s Empire of Japan)…!!!
But as we all learned in history the World-Population was too refusive towards this plan and at some point the dark Occultists stopped their support of the Nationalistic approach and decided to let the allies win… Of course not because they regreted their decisions until that by any strech of the imagination, but the simple fact that it appeared to them that with the unholy motherfigure (Communism) they would be longterm more succesful than with the unholy fatherfigure (Facism) because People were less dismissive towards the former than the latter…
No matter what else we do think of these two super-impacting events in the last century or who or what caused it… Would e.g. you as someone with the willpower to rule the world have acted somewhat like this…? Would this form of planning, decision-weighing-up, future-event-calculation and Mass-psycheanalysing be a “reasonable thing” to do…, if a NWO is your ultimate goal…?
I probably would… if I were a dark occultists and would probably have acted the EXACT same way… while of course telling the public of each country all sorts of nonesense of WHY THIS MEGA-CATASTROPHY REALLY AND TRUELY HAPPENED…!!!
And this 3rd world war…? Well, lets say it is not like they tried that hard engough in the last decade with all the war-mongering against a so far very peaceful and rational acting Russia… The dark Occultists already tried to escalate that within the Cold War… but for some reason they have to this date not been succesfull in that regard… I can not tell you why… but a deep part of my soul is convinced that there are also other plans from at least well-meaning but also truely good beings that have prevented this Worst-Case-Scenario so far… and I am sure that by the time I am writing this a real full-blown 3rd World War is not possible to the extend we like to imagine it (with Nuclear Holocausts, Billions of Deaths and such)… It seems that the dark Side can not convince the (always NEEDED) majority or 51% of the Populace to trick them into accepting and partaking in their ultimate Showdown…!!!
And I really hope that Humanity will stay strong and FINALLY WAKE UP to this PRS-Technique… making sure that it WILL NEVER HAPPEN…!!! - The second Example I like to shine light upon is of course the infamous 9-11-Incident:
Nothing has impacted our all personal and collective Freedom in our modern time that negative as this special event… at the infamous 11. September of the Year 2001…
Where a long-term Collaborative of the CIA Osama bin Laden and his 19 hijackers (sounds already like a fairytail from 1001 nights, does it not…?) hijacked 4 Planes over US Territory without anyone noticing and flew them allegedly into both Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington DC. I am not going into the details of WHY the official story what happened on that date is a COMPLEAT HOAX… but I rather like to explain a little bit of WHY it was fabricated… Yet, if you really want details about this I highly recommend David Icke’s book “The Trigger”. After reading that you will inevitably be astounded of how anybody can still believe the official story of that particular event… because the evidence is so overwhelming that it really beggers blieve…
But again, I wanna write a little bit about the Consequences (The Solution) of this artificially created Problem and the obvious resulting Reaction of the world wide Population…
If you want to control the World, then obviously you need a super-advanced surveillancesystem. A System if instant informationtransfer that would tell you almost immediately if someone is a danger to your plan of domination (or a potential big help…).
And just 45 days after 9-11 the President-puppet G. W. Bush signed the Patriot act. Which basically gave birth to Orwells full-blown 1984 human-monitoring via the NSA-Surveillance-program.
But we are talking about a span of 12 years… And in this fairly short time freedoms in the USA (and hence around the world) went down the drain ridiculously fast…
The law triggered unprecedented expansion of electronic and telephone surveillance powers – an intelligence dragnet that today is under intense dispute thanks to the brave Edward Snowden who risked EVERYTHING HE HAD FOR THIS TRUTH TO BE KNOWN and is therefore an OBJECTIVELY GOOD HUMAN WHO SET AN EXAMPLE…!!!
But the greatest portion of Slavery and Suffering certainly got the countries in the middle east… with literally MILLIONS of Deaths by wars initiated to change out governments that did not want to play ball with the dark Occultists…
Since the big majority of people in the western world failed to recognise it was an PRS-Technique they cheered the wars on against various countries (Iraq, Lybia, Syria… etc.) or did at least condone or not condemed them…
This is how POWERFUL PRS is… you can get away with MASS-MURDER…
at least for a while…,
because Karma or Natural Law eventually will ALWAYS COME AROUND and give people what they deserved… because they created it (mostly unconsciously)… But again, as long people do not learn about these Mind-Control Techniqes like PRS the Karma gets mostly diffused from the dark Occultists and HITS US MOSTLY… Because WE are the one with the real power to initiate or prevent ANY war… And since we did mostly nothing, karma will hit mostly US instead of THEM… It is sad but that is how it works… and the dark occultists KNOW THIS EXACTLY… and we don’t… but we must… if we want to turn things around for the better… - The last PRS-Technique is one that we all are still living in… and it is of course the fake Covid-19 Pandemic…:
Didn’t I wrote one paragraph before about 9-11 something like: “Nothing has impacted our all personal and collective Freedom in our modern time that negative as this special event… at the infamous 11. September of the Year 2001…”
Well, just kiddin we now in 2021 do have a new successor…
Getting away with destroying entire Economies, literal shutdown of everyone’s life, planetwide Mass-eugenics (soon to be Mass-euthanasis), inducing permanent OBVIOUS Public-Slavemockery with Facenappies (as David Icke lickes to call it accurately), exploding tyranny in almost every Country and an increase of censorship (both digital and analog) that no superlative can describe and eventually making the entire world insane of fear…
It has to be the most impressive Coup the dark Occultists ever put off…
Even I could not comprehend the enormity of Mind-Control the average Human was under believing this crap we have to endure now for almost 1 and a half years…
For me it was a really hard realisation of the Truth of the current Condition of my Species… And I really had problems handling it… I am not gonna lie…
You my already have noticed, becaue the last two or three Blogs had a noticable increase in Caps and hard language…
I admit it: I could not manage of how easy people were tricked…
But as I wrote in my 3rd Blog… “Truth is always belligerent, because it wages war against any form of deception…”
And my Perspective of the human Mindcontrol-status was too far off, too soft… and with this Occurance I got a hard correction of that Perspective from the Universe… and a new Realisation of how powerful PRS can be…
I almost do not wanna describe further how this Prime-example of PRS worked out… because it is so blatantly obvious that there should be no need to explain that it is so and for what purpose this Wannabe-Pandemic was initiated. I described it already above…
For the dark Occultists it is the ultimate Endgame for their NWO, now renamed to “the Great Reset” by Klaus Schwab…
The Problem (or rather the Problem-Illusion) of a super deadly Virus to create the Reaction of Fear to then offer the Solution of a non-tested, never-applied before DNA-mutating, ultra-poisoneous, chemical Cocktail of Death… for Healing of course… I mean what else could it possible be for…??? Certainly not Eugenics/Euthanasis, or crashing the economy, or initiate an even more total Surveillance State than that which was created by 9-11, or rise divide and conquer to a wholenother level…
No, no, no… that crazytalk… that is “Conspiracy Theory”…
But hey we all knew it, didn’t we…? The only difference between a Conspiracy Theory and the Truth are normally 6-12 Months…
It somewhat finally dawns on people that they have been had with this scam… big time… but it ist still not enough and our Quest of “unconditional elucidation” still has to continue… until the majority of the survivors of the Vaccine-holocaust knows this Method of Mass-Mindcontrol…
and I really hope it will not be too bad in the coming month and years…
So how do we recognise a PRS-Technique…?
The magical question we must ask is “Cui bono” or “who benefits”!
Does an occuring catastrophy benefits any form of Elite awkwardly much…?
Has there been a thorough investigation of actual independent Researchers into this certain catastrophy… or is just one side of the story allowed to be published and the other one gets heavily censored…?
These sort of Questions will guide us to the hidden truth wether a desaster was in fact naturally or artificially created…
Once again it is a simple but powerful protective Shield for the Mind… that will not allow any sort of obvious Manipulation to penetrate and pollute your Mind… once you installed it…!!!
Method of Mindcontrol NO. 14: The DRH-Technique
What is The DRH-Technique?:
The DRH-Technique is the highly effective Method of narrowing the Narrative.
Why is The DRH-Technique being used?:
The DRH-Technique is being used to assist the PRS-Technique, if encountered of too much resistance.
How is The DRH-Technique acted out?:
The DRH-Technique is acted out as attacking any Opinion that goes not with the dominant agenda, the arrogant “Everybody knows that”-Phrase.
How is The DRH-Technique defended against?:
The DRH-Technique is defended against with creating Courage within you to speak the truth as best as you know it.
Detailed Description of The DRH-Technique:
well… see below
- Lets start with the meaning of this Acronym!
DHR stands for “Denial”, “Hassle”, “Ridicule”:
Although the PRS Technique is a real monster when people buy it, it is not always smooth sailing for it.
Right after 9-11 for example quick rumours made the round of the fact, that the official story may have been built on sand and that other explanations made way more sense. Shortly after that incident dozens of Firefighters, Architects, Engineers, Pilots and lots of other branches spoke out, that the official story on what happened at this terrible date was total nonsense…
Nowadays during this still ongoing wannabe-Pandemic just a few weeks after the world wide lockdown hundreds of scientists and doctors (that really deserved their title) spoke out that the official story of what is really going on and that what is being said happening in the world by Politicans and Mainstream Media are total nonsense…
And no matter where you look. Every big happening that ever occured and that somewhat benefited the advancement of the rise of Slavery in our world has this pattern… that shortly after its unfolding quit a few people speak out and say that the official Narrative of that specific event is not even close to truth… and almost always far from it… by design…!!!
Truth always reveals itself rather quickly after a certain event happens…
Yet how come that the Lies are being spread far and wide and so often even accepted as “true history” throughout any age and time… again and again…?
Well… the answer (you may have guessed it already) is the Denial-Hassle-Ridicule-Massmindcontrol-Technique or DHR for the sake of shortness…
In a Tyranny – whether an open or a hidden one – there is always a raging war against people who actually speak Truths out… Because the dark Occultists know that Truth is their worst enemy… that one thing that actually can bring an end to their reign within a scary short amount of time… if they are not fighting against it…!!!
And the most effective way is to get the Masses to not listen to those who speak truth (or at least have figured out that their message is not truthful at all) and to make them look at those like they were idiots, liars or simply lunatics…!!!
Nothing shows this more than what happened after the Assassination of none other than John Fritzgerald Kennedy…
In case you didn’t know this is also the birthyear of the overusage of the term “Conspiracy Theorist”. Shortly after voices arose that doubted the official story and pointed out that the published Version of this “Occurance” (the Warren Report) is full of contradictions and errors and outright untruths (or lies). The dark occultists were worried about the truth came out of why JFK was really killed… by forces way more powerful than himself – a president of the USA. In answer to this growing mistrust in the official version of what happened the CIA send out agents to public mainstream media (who were already greatly under control via the mockingbird project => see Part 2 for details). They gave them a typescript in which they “suggested” to use the term “Conspiracy Theorist” to “counter those who criticised the Warren Report” (the Subject was even named in that exact way!). This term was used of course way before that, but it had a neutral connotation to it… It was simply just used to describe someone who does not believe anything blindly that the ultimate Killer and Liar called Government says… In other words… for people who have a Mind on their own, and refuse to be Mind-controlled…
Because just by concerning history (even the official one) => We are DROWNING in Conspiracies…!!!
Conspiracy derives from the latin “con” which means “with” and “spirare” meaning “to breathe”… Hence the word itself describes “those who breathe with another (or together)”. And of course this description is rather neutral again but it is often used nowadays to describe people plotting in secret for an outcame that is IMMORAL… that initiates HARM against other sentient beings… and therfore results in more SLAVERY…!!!
But since then the term of Conspiracy Theorists is now strongly connected to the meaning of being “lunatic” or “idiot”… someone who must not be listened to because he/she is not trustworthy, because there is no thing as a Conspiracy of Government… No… Never…!!!
Denying in politics that those “theories” (which are more often than not straight out FACTS) could be even thought to be true…
Hassling in the MSM those who dare to speak out against the ruling class and their reports by calling them names and accuse them of exactly those Mindsicknesses which the accusers THEMSELF have… and…
Ridicule in public talkshows the IDEA of even thinking that Government would ever tell NOT the truth about world-changing events that shifted the power into fewer and fewer hands…
This is how in an entire populace a false feeling can be integrated of “Well, if everything is that ‘certain’ and all those who say differently are ‘apparantly stupid’ then of course it is ‘common sense’ and ‘everybody knows that’…, right?”
But this is not only limited to the term “Conspiracy Theorist”(self-explanatory)…!
Today we have “Covid-deniers” (for people who can see the big fraud that is this pandemic…),
“Science-sceptics”(For people criticising and debating axioms on any established Field of Research…),
“Anti-semitics” (for those who criticise the outragous radical and facist politics of the Isrealian Government – not the people or the judaic, religious believesystem – or basically anything that has to do with a global conspiracy…),
“bigots” or “Hate-speakers” (for anybody who dares to offend a government approved opinion or agenda…),
and on and on it goes… you get the idea…!
The point is that though – even if all these words have a valid area of application in certain circumstances – they are not being used in these valid areas…
which makes all these name-callings not real accusations in a right situation (because obviously there are real bigots, hate-speakers, anti-semitics [which is a misleading term in itself because the right one would be anti-judaic]) just Proxys for the one underlining message that comes with all of these Ad-hominum attacks…
And once this message is filtered out of all these different the DHR-Technique is debunked for you… and you will have it very easy in the future to recognise it…
And with that I already gave the Defence against this Technique (besides knowing what it is and understanding how it works…)
And that is COURAGE…!!!
We need to speak out all the things we find out by vigorous research of our own are truth (or at least way closer at it) and tell it as often we can DESPITE THE OBVIOUS FACT OF LUDICROUS ACCUSATIONS that come to one’s way when we speak it out…
then it is only a matter of time when Truth reveals itself (through us…!!!) irrefutably and becomes a simple well-known (actual) acknowledged truth…
But developing Courage is an internal process… I can not teach anyone of how to do it… You have to do it for yourself…!
All I can give advice is… that it is neccessary… for this Mindcontrol Technique to be overcome…!
Method of Mindcontrol NO. 15: Worldviewpoisoning
What is Worldviewpoisoning?:
Worldviewpoisoning is the spoiling of Corebelieves about the Universe!
Why is Worldviewpoisoning being used?:
Worldviewpoisoning is being used to control how the 1st hermetic principle of Mentalism is unconsciously used by people.
How is Worldviewpoisoning acted out?:
Worldviewpoisoning is acted out as Successful Mindcontrol throughout entire Generations.
How is Worldviewpoisoning defended against?:
Worldviewpoisoning is defended against with Persistance & Initiation into the eternal Expanding of oneselfs Consciousness by searching for Truth.
Detailed Description of Worldviewpoisoning:
The Worldview is THE fundamental Perspective someone is taking on litterally ANYTHING… Humanity, the Earth, Nature, meaning of Life/Existance, History, God, the Universe, ALL OF EXISTANCE… or summarized… ANYTHING…
- Because For the Grand finale of Mass-Mindcontrol Techniques we will look at the by far most viral and rampant one… which is the Nomen est Omen… “Worldviewpoisoning”:
NONE of all the previous Mindcontrol Techniques would have any success, without this one working in the subconscious all the time… YES, INCLUDING THE INVERSION PRINCIPLE…!!!
No one can be “inverted” or accept ANY inverted truths (aka lies) without someone’s Worldview being poisoned prior to that…
It is the ultimate CAUSE & KATALYST for every other Mind Technique to blossom…!!!
And the Worldview of our entire species has been poisoned for millenias… and possibly even WAAAY longer than just a few thousand years.
The VAST majority of the planet has a view of the world and on itself of being INHERENTLY BAD… AN ULTIMATE POISONED WORLDVIEW…
Implanted by every religion ever…
Yeah, follow that logic… Humanity is apparently “bad from birth” so we take some of these “inherently bad” humans to decide what is best for the rest of the “inherently bad” humans and force it onto them…
but if people actually believe they are born sinned, then they will even buy that…
but once they accept the Worldviewpoisoning they will buy much, much more… they will think, that they never deserve any good in their lives… that nothing can change for the better and “let others” do it…
And I mention this because although it is not being called the “original sin” anymore, the meaning and energy is still omnipresent today…!!!
And if I may add an important sidenote…:
This concept is EXACTLY WHY the Covid-19 Hoax works so miraculously well for the dark Occultists…
We are “impure” without a “vaccine” injected into us and we are “infectous” by default even if we are health…
And I hope I made this point clear… because when we speak truth we must sometimes be very clear, loud and spice it up with a healthy amount of sacred anger to get the message across the Mindcontrolled Humanity…
Our divine calling is to awaken Humanity out of its deep slumber… and when time is on the essence you have to be sometimes very loud… whether in voice or written text… Especially when we want to call ourselves “enlightened” and “awakened”…
We are here to tell the TRUTH and not for “being nice”. ..You do not have to be nice to be (morally) good, and you do not have to be (morally) good to be nice…!!!
Telling the Truth is not a popularity contest… this is about changing the world for the better… and we do not do people a disservice by saying sometimes things with a harsh approach… because “saying truths nicely” has been done before numerous of times… and it hasn’t worked that well out untill now, has it…?
So when you are still one of the people who has begun on the search of what is really happening in our world and still hold onto that believe that “bad behaviour is human nature” I will handle you like the adult you should be and not the emotionally mindcontrolled human (see Part 2) you should not be anymore and tell it right to your face…
we must also not fall into the other similar trap and believe that…
And that is very surprising for a lot to hear. Because those who actually snapped out of this worldviewpoisoning often get into the false assumption that humanity if it is not “inherently evil”, then it must be “inherently good”…!
And that is also WRONG…
I would not neccessarily call it another poisonous Worldview, but I would call it certainly an incorrect worldview that can become a religious trope… and therefore help the dark occultists in their work…
Because when the poisonous worldview of “inherently evil humanity” results into slave-think the incorrect and dangerous worldview of “inherently good humanity” results into apathy and laziness => which is also a welcomed status of humanity for the dark occultists… because we will not be standing in their way to take over the world…
Because why should we do anything for the betterment of the world when we are “inherently good”
All this stems from a total misunderstanding of what “human nature” actually is… and it needs to be corrected…!!!
And I will be the one to do it in this blog here…!!!
What is “human nature” then if it is neither “good” nor “evil”…?
If you do not know it already…. then the answer will surprise you…
Human Nature is best described as…: “A BLANK SHEET OF PAPER”
…We are a blank sheet of paper were WE AND WE ONLY DECIDE WHAT IS BEING WRITTEN ON IT…!!!
and there is another word for it…
It is called “FREEDOM”…!!!
And what we DECIDE to do will have certain Consequences whether they are known or unknown to us…
And all of our decisions encompass NOT ONLY our own Programs BUT ALSO the Programs of others…!!!
In our first 7 Years our Conscious Mind is to undeveloped to decide if a certain Program is good or bad for you and others and our unconsciosness writes EVERYTHING on this former blank sheet of Paper…
This is also why this period in our live is called the FORMATIVE YEARS…!!!
We are getting formed by others predominantly and little by ourselves…
This is why the following quote – that is referred towards alot of powerful Immoral People in the Past – is so accurate: “Give me a Child for its first 7 Years (up to 12 => it varies depending on who said it) and it will belong to me for its entire life…
Human Nature is akin to the Nature of a Computer…
The Nature of a Computer is the attribute of being Programed. I am not saying that we ARE like Computers… I am saying that a Part of our Mind is EXACTLY like a Computer… because the Computer is just an EXTERNALISED VERSION of this Part of our Mind…!!!
And when bad Programms are being installed (like: “All Humans are inherently Evil”) then bad behavior will result as the Consequence…
On the other Hand when good Programs are being installed (like: “We can decide and be whatever we want, but we have to be aware of the Consequences and decide according to our own conscience if a certain behavior was moral or immoral) then good behavior will result as the Consequence…
but to no one would it occur to call a Computer “evil” or “good”… the computer only does what is has been programed to do…
All agree that it would be a naive Child-mentality to call a Computer inherently “evil” because it is full of Viruses, or “good” because it has only well written codes that do work efficiently…
And like the Computer we are also not inherently “good” or “evil” just because we are full of viral belive-systems and wrong codes that have been written into us for generations AND STILL NOT ROOTED OUT BY OURSELVES…!!!
We have to install an “Anti-Viral”-Mindsoftware into ourselves that delets viral-Programs…
And like the Computer we need to monitor all of our programs regulary… so that all viral Programs that snuck into our Consciousness and have taken control over us long ago can be deleted… and that it can also protects us from future “Mindhacking” from Virus-infected Persons (no matter if they are aware of it [=dark Occultists] or unconscious of them [=the common “Ignorati”]) from the outside world…!!!
AND THE BAD, VIRAL PROGAM NAMED “ALL HUMANS ARE INHERENTLY EVIL BY NATURE” IN ANY FORM HAS TO BE DELETED OUT OF OUR CONSCIOUSNESS ONCE AND FOR ALL…!!! And we better replace it with an actual working Program… e.g.: “All humans are Neutral from birth on and we can always decide to be good or evil in every instant, for ever…!!!”
And that is also the best defense against Worldview Poisoning…
Question every Axiom, Believe and Unsureness that you feel that is being bad for you and the people around you.
Becoming a better Person begins with better Programs… Period…!
And we have to find them in someone else, who already got to that point and “Copy-Paste” it into our consciousness or we write them ourselves…
And this, Ladies and Gentlemen, will conclude this Trilogy about Mass-Mindcontrol-Techniques and how to defend against them…
What a ride it was for me (and probably you as well)
Almost 10 Months have past since my Last Blog. Shortly after I published Part 2 of this Trilogy I started to make Videos for the German-speaking Regions on my Channels like YT, Bitchute and LBRY/Odysee.
This resulted in this Website taking the second row for me for a while…
But I am finally back and finished the unfinished Job…
I will also attempt to make shorter Blogs in the future again…
I know I write this everytime, but this time I am serios about it. Longer Blogs have their Charm – and certenly their amount of important Information – but they are getting arduous at times…
So my next Blog-posts will be about some shorter Topics that I have not analysed yet (and are pretty crucial as well…)
I think its going to be much more fun and transforming at the same time for me an all of you…
And with the final remark I wish you the very best… and of course as always and especially in these times more then ever…:
your Vatono

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