Blog 5: Right and Wrong…

Hello everyone and welcome to my 5th blog.

As I promised, here is another important theme to know if we want to built the world beyond our wildest dreams…

It is to know the difference between Right and Wrong.

Often people ask then: “But hey, what is right and wrong? Isn’t this super complicated and doesn’t it take decades or even lifetimes to figure out what right and wrong is?”

No it is not complicated at all. It is actually, once you realised it, very simple indeed. And it can be explained in just a few minutes. Like within this blog for example… And this is what I am going to do now…

When we accept that there is something that we call truth, that is absolutely objective to our perception of it (see Blog 3), then this spawns another fundamental Polarity in the universe which is also objective and overall important to understand. Every action is divided into one of these two polarities. Is it a right action or is it a wrong action…?

And no, on this plane there are no shades of gray. There is only white and black and no other colour (and yeah, black and white are not really “colours”. Black is the absence of light while White is the sum of all light, but you get what I mean ;-)). It is what is depictured all over the world for example as the “Yin-Yang” or the chessboard. In both are only white and black present. There is no third variation… Same as there are only right or wrong actions. There is no third possibility between these two…

And this is another topic that the human ego is horrified of…:

We do not make up what is right or wrong.

It consequentially comes out of the realisation, that truth is objective and therefor right and wrong are also, too. But what is now the difference between the two?

A right action is based in Truth… A wrong action is based in Illusion…

That’s it… Yes you read right. Thats really all to it. No hidden lines, no attempted circumventions, no joke…

  • An action that is based in truth is always a right one. It is correct. Therefore it is also a moral action, which in its essence means it does not cause harm to another sentient being. It is a good action
  • An action that is based in illusion is always a wrong one. It is incorrect. Therefore it is also an immoral action, which in its essence means it does cause harm to another sentient being. It is an evil action

Harm meaning here the unwanted experience of suffering (There are indeed wanted experiences of suffering like masochism).

This is the ultimate difference between these two and there is really nothing more to it…

When people say “there is someting very difficult to these two universal principles” then they mean something else (and this brings us back to our question above that people ask). To understand the difference between right and wrong is not difficult at all. But what is difficult (and here I am the first one to agree with) is to cognize, if an action is right or wrong… Because that is by far not always obvious… It may be sometimes but not often…

For example:

If I now take a sword, go out and stab the first being I see, without any further thought: That is an evil action. And it is pretty obvious to see why. I did not know this being. He/She/It did no offensive action towards me, the person was probably a very nice and very benevolent being with a wonderful loving family. And I, just like that, ended his/her/its life, which never was mine to take. That being very likely did not want to end his life so suddenly and so unexpected. It probably traumatized his/her/its soul, that could not understand yet why I would have done such a thing. Not to mention his/her/its family and friends. They would be absolutely devastated to realise what happend to their most beloved one. The action of stabbing that random being caused immense turmoil and havoc within body, mind and spirit of not one but multiple beings. It will take an enormous amount of traumahealing for the affected beings and a ton of guiltprocessing  on my hand before the karma of that action has been dissolved…

That was an example of an obvious wrong action

More difficult to judge is this case:

You walk down a downtown street and you see a begger holding up a little cup for people to throw in a dime. On the first look, a right thing to do is of course throw in some euros/dollars/pounds etc. and go ahead your way. You saw someone is despair or tremendous lack of material abundance and you helped him out of it as good as you could that time. The begger maybe will get some hope back in humantiy and maybe even starting to take some action to get out of his misery… But on the other hand there is also the phenomenon of a begmafia. They get poor and utterly unconscious people to sit down on the street and beg for them. They are abusing the caring aspect of humans by creating an Illusion of helplessness. Behind the back they are taking all the money and when you gave this specific false begger money, you actually gave it (uncounsciously) to evil people that deceive well intended humans for their own selfish reasons.

That was an example of an action that is not quite clear to make a quick judge. It is tending first more towards good but only knowing the circumstances I described first it is basically not possible to know on which side this action is seeded. Only more information can be helpful with the realisation of how this will evolve.

With this contrasting juxtaposition you can also see that there are different degrees of right and wrong. There are only two sides of them but they differ in scale, meaning the way how deeply they affect others. It is a little bit (not totally) like Integers. You can have two sides to Integers: A positive and a negative one. If you have a +8 and a -8 both have the same distance to 0 but on opposite sides.

For example:

To tip someone up for fun and causing harm to him by making him stagger is a slightly wrong action (He might have thought incorrectly, that this was his right to do and perceived it as a “good” action). It is wrong but the degree is very low. The affected one did not fall to the floor and experience even more harm by your action. He might be upset and call the person an idiot (which he was called rightly so in that moment because it was nevertheless a wrong action that could have been much worse). But when that person realised it was wrong doing that and honestly asking for an apology and the other one said: “Well at least I did not get more harm. I honestly forgive you if you don’t do this ever again and I will proceed on like nothing happend.” There was a slightly wrong action taking place which was taken back to “0” very quickly. The negative karma was created and dissolved within maybe one or two minutes while they are talking about that incident.

The negative karma that is created if someone is constantly raping childs or throwing bombs onto people he did not even know is WAY MORE BIGGER then the exapmple before. This will take an immense amount of time and energy for this individual to resolve that vast mountain of negative karma. It is on the same polarity-side as tiping someone up for fun but its amount is indescribably more humongous…

This leads us to the difference between good & evil and good & bad. Those are describing the two Planes something can be seen as.

Good and evil (as written above in detail) are describing the objective quality of an action and are not based on anyone’s perception.

Good & bad are describing the subjective opinion to an experience. They are based on perception.

You can see people doing good things (on the objective plane) and perceiving it as “good” (on the subjective plane) or you can see people do evil things (on the objective plane) and perceiving it as good (on the subjective plane). And since this combination has 4 possibilities it workes vice versa, too.

To wrap this very important blog with one final thing to mention about right and wrong I recomend this to read:

There are right and wrong actions but there is no right or wrong knowledge or thought… And this might be a surprise for some to hear. But it is sobering and quite clearly to ponder on the following:

You might have noticed that I used right and wrong, good and evil always together with the term “action”. This is no accident but crucialy important.

Knowledge and Thoughts have never ever harmed anybody… Yeah thats right: Knowledge and Thoughts have never ever harmed anybody… only actions have the ability to do this… and the actions ONLY

If I have the knowledge of how to stab a random being then this does not harm anybody. Knowledge of stabing someone is only the acquired possibility of harming someone. If you process that knowledge into “how” could I stab someone successfully it still did no harm. It has definetly become a more dangerous thought though, but it still did no harm. Processing the knowledge into a functioning mental construct is now not only a possibility but also a potential of causing harm. Only if the functioning, processed knowledge of stabing someone is acted out… then it causes harm… and that is wrong… that is evil

In case you did not notice I have just given you hidden by an example the most powerful Operation in the universe known to us in the paragraph before… It is the Trivium, or: “How creation in the universe always works and only works.” Yes, everything in creation (including everything what you don’t see) has gone through that process and this process only…

Since this is such a powerful process it is totally worth to watch it closer in a next blog. And I hope I will see you there 😉


Love and peace,

your Vatono

thanks once again to Mark Passio for your incredible Work around this topic


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