Blog 9: The 7 deadly sins regarding Natural Law

Hi everyone and welcome to my 9th blog,

I think I don’t have published two Blogs in a row that frequently as this one and the last. So I will start this one with a round of applause for myself 😛

Normaly I am taking a (way too long) pause after I published something. But this time I urged myself to make a fast follow up to the last Blog as long as the memory of it is fresh.

If you have not read it yet I urge you to read Blog 8 to get a greater understanding for the topic I am construing here today.

Because as you might have guessed by the title it is a rather serious one and might uncomfort some people if they have not come to an understanding of what Natural Law is truely about (in its basics of course).

Today I am laying out the 7 deadly sins regarding Natural Law and their 3 ways of manifestation.

The 7 deadly sins regarding Natural Law have very little in common with the sins mentioned in the bible (where this name I gave them is obiously a reference to).

While the 7 deadly sins in the bible refer more to internal (or esoteric) conditions within our own emotional domain (envy, sloth, pride, greed, gluttony, lust and wrath) the 7 deadly sins I refer to have all to do with actual behaviour.

This meaning: Initiating a Cause that will definitively result in harm of another sentient being…

So what are now the 7 deadly sins regarding Natural Law? Let’s dive into it…

Deadly Sin No. 1 – MURDER: Let’s start with the most blatant obvious wrong doing probably anybody can think of… MURDER… The unrightful taking of someone elses life, that does not belong to you! Under Natural Law we have NEVER AND NOWHERE the right to murder…
And notice something important. It is not “KILL”. Murdering and Killing are two slightly but crucially different things and are therefor superimportant to distinguish… If someone is about to kill you and you have nothing done to deserve this form of aggression, than that killing of you by your Aggressor would be Murder… If you would kill your Aggressor in Self-Defense (because you have nothing done to deserve this form of aggression) than that killing of your Aggressor by yourself would stay simply that… Killing… and not Murder… Out of all the initiating harms that can be done, the most obvious violent action is Murder… and it is ALWAYS a sin…

Deadly Sin No. 2 – ASSAULT: We do continue with the little brother of Murder. He is not as absolute as his big one… but still quite tough… ASSAULT… The unrightful taking of someone elses physical health or wellbeing, that does not belong to you! Under Natural Law we have NEVER AND NOWHERE the right to assault…
It can also be seen as “attempted murder”. Because you directly physically accosting someone elses bodily health. Therefore there are also two similar but crucially different ways of hurting. Assault itself and Force. When you get assaultet and you “assault back” you do not use assault at all…, but Force in Self-Defense. We have here almost the same circumstances as with Murder. Thats why in the definition of Natural Law is the word “initiate”… It is all about WHO STARTET…
Have you ever had a fight in school and the teacher said in the aftermath “I do not care who started”? I know I sure have… As soon as you hear that from someone you can be assured that this human being is completely blind to real justice… It is always about who startet the violent chainreaction! Because without its initiation… guess what… there would not have been a violent chainreaction…! Everybody would probably have minded their own business as they were before and as they planned to continue… But starting any violent action is never and nowhere a Right… I will go deeper into our Natural Rights in another blog but for now I will let it rest here.

Deadly Sin No. 3 – RAPE: Here is one that at first glance looks like it would easily fit into the second sin. But looking closely this third sin itself is not Assault… Assault is often accompanied with and preceeded of it but it is not the same, because it afflicts the other domain of our consciousness…, the spirit. And that sin would be… RAPE… The unrightful taking of someone elses spiritual wellbeing, that does not belong to you! Under Natural Law we have NEVER AND NOWHERE the right to rape…
It might be weird for most of us to think of Rape as the abuse of someones spirituality. Isn’t rape a very “physical thing” when it happens! On the surfaces of course. But on a deeper level… not at all. And everybody that has experienced this abuse will asure you that what I write here is true… Even if the physical pain of a rape has long gone it takes victims years if not decades to heal this spiritual damage. If someone takes someone elses ability to willfully choose of who to sexually associate with, it is not an abuse of body but the spirit. What is Sex else than Synergetic Energy eXchange…? Sex may be done through the body (obviously) but it really takes place predominantly within the spiritual realm, where two souls merge for a short time and experience what it is like to be one. And a rapist is doing exactly that but with brute force. He (or she) forces violently a union that is not wanted on the other ones part. And that is NEVER a right no matter what he (or she) went through, what rapist often say when they try to justify their behaviour. But it can not be justified… No matter what he (or she) went through… It is wrong… It is a SIN… Always…

Deadly Sin No. 4 – COERCION: The fourth one is a very special one within our days. It is one we all experience every day. Yes… every day… all day… It just has been become so consistent that we don’t perceive it as such… COERCION… The unrightful taking of someone elses freedom of choice, that does not belong to you! Under Natural Law we have NEVER AND NOWHERE the right to coerce…
No one has the right to compel someone to do something that they do not want to do. But still we are permanently coerced by a specific entity. We think that this entity with its Coercion is “normal”. But it is not. It is wrong, always has been, always well be. And deep inside of us we still feel and recognize it as such, even if we buried this knowing a long time ago. We hope that we do not have to face it, if we run away from that wrong-doing that is done upon us all the time… But we can’t… But who or what coerces us and in which form does it do it?
I think I will do a little dickmove here and leave you right now with a cliffhanger… Some of you will probably sense what I am driving at, but I will make another blog out of this, probably more a series to be honest (I know, this kinda has become my favourite phrase but what can you do if you are aiming for digestible content, which is what I do here).

Deadly Sin No. 5 – TRESPASS: Another big category which we all agree no one has the right to do. Even there is no obvious sight of harm we all know that we don’t want this to happen to us… TRESPASS… The unrightful taking of someone elses peace at it’s dwelling place, that does not belong to you! Under Natural Law we have NEVER AND NOWHERE the right to trespass…
Everyone wants to be alone at some time. And everyone has the right to have that. And the place we go to is our dwelling place, our home. If everybody would walk in and out of your home as they see as they fit, you would quickly feel very disturbed… why? because no one has the right to disturb you in the here and now space-&-time that you own… Entering someone elses nest without his/her permission is also wrong… and must always be avoided…

Deadly Sin No. 6 – THIEVERY: The sixth sin is basically as obvious as the first one and needs no further introduction… THIEVERY… The unrightful taking of someone elses physical property, that does not belong to you! Under Natural Law we have NEVER AND NOWHERE the right to thieve…
If you take the fruits of someone elses labour you have not the right to do so under Natural Law… EVER… If someone created that property or acquired it through rightful meanings it belongs to them as long as they like or live… It belongs also to them as long as they are using or being responsible for it. None of you have the right to take just like that my computer where I am writing this blog on…, nor have I the right to take just like that your device you are reading this blog on… And that is a big issue with modern humanity. We do not understand property… We always know that it is wrong to steal from us but a big amount does not understand that it is also wrong to steal from others… But what we do have to understand is, that Thievery is ALWAYS WRONG…

Deadly Sin No. 7 – LYING: The last Sin is the most common on this planet. And yes I would bet everything I have on the accuracy of this statement. No other Sin is done that often… LYING… The unrightful taking of someone elses right to gain knowledge of Truth, that does not belong to you! Under Natural Law we have NEVER AND NOWHERE the right to lie…
The Media, the politics, the everyday people. Everyone lies so often that it is hard to even imagine the depth of depravity our society has fallen down to… Let it be the lies that started entire wars…, let it be the lies that lead to our more and more global police state, where everything and everybody is survaillanced all the time… let it be the small lies if we messed something up (like accidently breaking someone elses property) and wanted to cover it up. We think we can get away with it as long as we do not get caught. But thats an Illusion… As soon as we did something wrong, minor or major, it has already been caught by the manifestationprocess of the universe and it will send to you the bad karma if you are not willing to deal with it for yourself and “repair the harm”. We have to be honest to ourselfes AND others… Because lying is not a Right… it is a sin… ALWAYS…

So, here we go. The 7 deadly things under natural Law we are never allowed to initiate. Now if we look at these we could say, how do we know that I layed here a complete list? What about for example Vandalism? An action we would all rightly perceive as a wrong-doing to someone else and therefor another sin? Where is it? Are there maybe 8, 9, 10 or 1000+ Sins in the end? Or maybe less than 7? Aren’t Murder and Assault on a fundamental base the same thing but with a different “degree of outcome”?

Well, first of all… I would see Vandalism as a subcategory of Thievery. Wether you take someone elses property to use it for yourself or for no one’s use at all (by destroying it) is no different in the result. You still took someone elses property that does not belong to you…

And secondly… you are right! These 7 deadly sins are merely an attempt to overarch the totality of wrong-doings by dividing them into 7 main categories. And I think it is a good attempt. Until today I could not find a wrong-doing that I could not fit very good into one of these seven domains.

And thirdly… it does not matter how many there are… Big Surprise… Because they are all not really “Sins” at their base. They are all FACES OF THE ONE AND ONLY SIN.

Plot Twist: THERE IS ULTIMATELY ONLY ONE REAL SIN… And I hid it openly in each of the 7 categories… Have you found it?

If not I will tell you right now unambigously what this one and only Sin is…

The One and only sin is…


Out of the infintite things you can do in this universe there is only one real Act that will trigger the negative Path of Natural Law… either for you as an individual or for us as a society… Theft…! And if there would be a warning before we are entering this universe by birth it could be described in 3 simple Words:


Truth is never complicated if realised… And you see right here again that this statement itself is true… “Do not steal what is not yours!” is the only Law there is… it simply can not be more easier than that…

And you know it… You always have… This one and only Law “Do not Steal” was written in your heart all along… And it reminded you always of it… IF you were balanced enough to listen to it…

And here we are coming closer to understanding the Problem in our world. We don’t listen to our heart… at all… We don’t do what is right… we do what is save… And this in the long term will all of us lock up in a cage that gets more tighter and tighter day by day…

But why does this happen? Aren’t we all avoiding all the Sins above? Are there not just a very, very small amount of people that are doing these Sins? Should we not in the aggregate (as I mentioned in my last blog) find ourselves in a world of neverending plenty, peace, health and boundless Love with only a few people doing these Sins “actively” (foreshadowing)? Why are we experiencing so much suffering from the negative Path of Natural Law on our Planet?

Because there is more than just one way to “do” these Sins!

Which brings us to the closing Chapter of this Blog. Let us get full circle to my final words in my last Blog where I hinted to the real problem why there is so much chaos in the world, although most of us are not actively doing the 7 deadly sins…

The 3 ways of manifesting the 7 deadly sins:

Way 1 – ACTIVELY: The most obvious one, that practically none of us (who are reading this) is doing… The real deal… The direct and definitive acting out of Murder, Assault, Rape, Coercion, Trespass, Thievery and Lying.
This way stands alone and speaks for itself so no further explanation from my part is neccessary. Although, I do have to mention again that a lot of people are doing the 7th Sin “Lying” way more often than they want to admit to themselves (you see… they even lie to themselves…). So most of us are not that innocent in that regard as we would like… But still it explains not the incredible mess in our world. We have to dig deeper…

Way 2 – ASSISTING: Here we do get closer to the heart of the matter. If only a few sickminded people acting out the 7 deadly sins, the world would not be as chaotic as ours. But if only a few sickminded people acting out the 7 deadly sins and are getting assistance, then things are getting much more chaotic.
A War could never be as devastating, if there would be no one that would help the initiate leaders of the war, carring out their evil will to steal land, property and lives, that does not belong to them… but there are so many of them… and we call them soldiers…
A Lie could never be as widespread, if there would be no one that would help the media to do so as they are drowing us now in obvious propaganda… but there are so many of them… and we (should) call them repeaters (I refuse to name such people “journalists” because they are nothing of the kind…).
Assisting wrong-doings, although of your are not actively acting them out, even if you are not aware of them, results still in chaos… But still it would not be as bad as in our modern world. We have to dig still deeper to get to the core and mainreason why our conditions are as they are…

Way 3 – CONDONING: And here we hit the Bulleye… This is THE mainreason why our modern world is such a mess… so absolutely chaotic to be precisely… We condone Wrong and Evil to an extravagant scale… If only a few sickminded people acting out the 7 deadly sins, the world would not be as chaotic as ours. If only a few sickminded people acting out the 7 deadly sins and are getting assistence, then it will be worse than in the 1st scenario but still not as chaotic as our world.
But if a few sickminded people acting out the 7 deadly sins, getting assisted by doing so AND addidtionally the rest of humanity condones this… then all boundaries for Evil are gone…. Then Evil will break all dams and flood the world in an unfathomable, gargantuan tidalwave of suffering… Because we all DID NOTHING to stop it…
The wars that started all on lies within the last centuries, the media-outlets that spread the lies unquestioning about the sources (because they see government as a holy entity that never lies, you know…), the evolving global policestate, that takes our freedoms more and more away, the Internetcencors that coerce people to confrom to the official story or their channel gets deleted…
Where is the righteous anger…? Where is the moral outrage…? Where is true good reaction to these atrocities…? It is very sparingly extrapolated onto 7,5 billion humans… It is way to insignificant to stop the wrong-doings that are every day all day done upon us… So it is basically OUR FAULT, TOO IF WE CONDONE EVIL DOINGS… which makes us COMPLICIT WITH EVIL… and too many of us are therfore NOT GOOD PEOPLE…!
If we stay silent about immoral behaviour and do nothing to stop it… then we deserve whats happening to us…, no matter what evil happens to us or our beloved ones, to get very clear here… So lets SPEAK UP AGAINST IMMORALITY… as I started to do here on my website, too…

Wll then, I’ll cut this blog now aprubtly, because its getting way too big. I aim always not to exceed 2500 to 3000 words per blog and this one is already blowing the boundaries I set myself. But it was still very important to describe this topic in detail, because it has to be understood if we want to create a better world together… And to do this, we have to stop any Activety, Assistance or Condoning of the 7 deadly Sins…

Since this one is definetively not an easy to digest one I will take a more empowering theme in my next blog (to get a stable balance between describing the problems and offering solutions).

Next time I will explain another “magic 7”. It will be the 7 hermetic principles and what they mean for us…

Until then I wish you the very best…

Truth, Love and Freedom

your Vatono

but remember: In the end there is only the one & only real Sin… THEFT


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