Blog 3: What is truth?

Welcome everyone,

today I want to explain another fundamental topic here. In my second blog, I described who I am.

And you might remember that there was way more to the Self than we first thought… a lot more… infinetly more…

And I stay with this statement. Why? Because it’s the truth!

“But hey Matthias, wait! What if my truth is that I am not an infinite being? When my truth is that I am finite! Haven’t you said in your 1st blog that we should speak OUR truths?! How come you suddenly say it is THE truth and not YOUR truth?”

I hear what you are saying, good question. 😉

To be honest: My first attempt to naming my 1st blog was not “Speak your truth, no matter what!”

It was originally named: “Speak your PERCEPTION OF truth, no matter what!”

But I felt like there were too many words in this so I choose a short eyecatcher (the one you refer to). Afterward I had to admit to myself that I indeed choose a succinct title but also an easy misunderstanding one over a more precise one. Nothing to bad, we are all learning and of course so am I.

So here is my apologise for this and also the correction: “Speak your perception of truth no matter what!”

This is what we should always do. This is everything we ever can do…!

Now this is a statement that our human ego abhorreds. The biggest nightmare of our ego is that there is something out there that is Absolute… something that is not relative to it. The ego then says terrified: “What? There is no such thing as ‘my truth’ or ‘your truth’? There is only ‘the truth’?”

“Yeah, thats right!”

Truth itself is singular and objective.  It is not based on any perception of an individual. In fact truth is completely independent from any perception of anybody. Perception is exactly that what it means: “to become aware through senses”. “Per” from latin “through” and “ceive” a root from latin meaning “seeing or sensing”. Perception basically means “seeing through”. You perceive the moon differently through a telescope (that would be one perception) then for example through your eyes (another perception). With your eyes it looks not to big and details are difficult to make out. But through a telescope you can see the moon quite big and way more clearly. And that is exactly what perception is… It is a lense… it is a filter…! But that what you look at is always the same. It just differs the way we look at it.

Our perceptions are always waving. They either do waver slightly from truth or they waver widely from truth.

When I say for example “I love eating blueberries”, then this statement describes a perception of one of my preferences in fruits. But still it does waver from truth. Even if only slightly. I really do like me some blueberries very often… but not always. Sometimes I am sick of them… I do not love eating them in that moment and I rather choose something else instead (like strawberries). That statement was mostly true, but not completely. It was not always true. It was wavering… It is a slightly wavering perception about my preferences.

So… what is truth…?

Truth is that which does not waver…!

Truth does not move. It is that which IS. It does not matter what anybody thinks of it. It does not matter what anybody belives of it. It does not matter if anybody sees it, if anybody knows it OR even if anybody WANTS to know it… It is there, it has always been there and it will ALWAYS be there…

“Ok Matthias, a really good explanation!”

“Thank you ;-)”

“But wait a minute…! How can you say that everything what you wrote IS THE truth and NOT YOUR PERCEPTION of truth!”

“Ah, you are asking quite the deep questions… I like it ;-)”

Because truth is always combative. It wages war against all form of illusion, falseness and lies. There was a time in my life where i did not want to realise  that truth is objective… Due to my programming through my early age I even thought at one time that there is no such thing as truth (while at the same time thinking this statement was true… no contradiction at all…). But as I mentiond in my 1st blog a heavy personal crysis resulted because of that belive. My inner being became chaotic and unharmonious. Truth was fighting against this opinion I had back then, because it was not true. And it did not give up at any time and surrounded me more and more to finally bring me to the realization that I was WRONG.

This was the completely opposite of what my opinion at that time. I thought everybody and everything else was the problem of my inner chaotic state. No, I had to take responsability and had to see that I was the Problem. Because I thought I could make up what truth is… And only through a hard and painful process of deleting this false and untrue belive systems I let everybody install into myself I was able to get out of this mental and emotional mess (I am a born piesces btw, so these challenges are quite common for me :P). I had to repeat and remind me over and over again, that I knew basically nothing about the “all that is”. And I really had to reconsider everything to get the order and freedom back in my life, that I had as a child.

But still you might think that all I have written until now is not completely the truth. And to make you even more confused: You are right…! This Blog is not THE TRUTH. Truth can not be completely described or even be completely understand. Descriptions, understandings, awareness and consciousness, … all those terms symbolize phenomena that are all emergences from THE TRUTH. None of them could exist without truth. Truth is always the first cause of everything in Existance. Even its Prime Opposite: the Illusion has emerged out of truth. At this fundamental level we can say: Truth can NEVER be described exactly how it is, because even the act of describing is only a PART OF the truth. So even if you put every description in the past, present and any possible future together. They could not even begin to tell you what truth actually is…

But at the same time (and here is the fun thing about it) truth can be very closely comprised with the desricption I gave you above. It is of course not entirely true, but still you won’t find hardly any description that comes closer to the truth…

Well then. Does  “Mind” = “blown” apply to you now?

If yes, well done. You entered a greater understanding of what we are all actually part of, and how it will further unfold in that what we call “future”.

If you have understood what I wrote in this blog, you are on the way to (or even already to some aspects on the way to) true intelligence. Because even “Intelligence” is a not widely understood state of being in our present time and space.

What this is and how to archieve it will be the topic of my next blog.

I will see you hopefully there 🙂

Oh and to answer your question from the beginning: If you say “my truth is that I am finite!” then what you really saying is “my PERCEPTION OF truth is that I am finite!”. So if you break it down you are an infinite being choosing unconsciously acting as if you were finite. So you truly are the almighty creator that can create the stone it can not lift. There is no contradiction here from this perspective. But if you remember that you are infinite you can lift it again…

Love and Peace,

your Vatono


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Blog 1: Speak your truth, no matter what…!

Welcome everyone…

…to my first blog i have ever written. Since I have never done this before I want to put in a short but important massage for a start.

What would be that massage?

Well, you have read it already in the title…

It’s: “Speak your truth, no matter what…!”

The reason why I have chosen this theme is simple: Without me having this opinion you would never read this blog…

I realised a few years ago how important it is to speak your truth. And in the last months i realised HOW important it is…

It is so immensly important, that i decided to start my personal website to get my truth out.

Why is it so important? Because if you don’t, you will speak somone elses out…!

This might be more comfortable in short terms,  but in the long run it will always end in a minor or major crysis.

Why? Because it will and can never be in exact alignment with your core values. Only your truth can match these…

Now, spoken above of the crysis that this ultimately always leads to, how did this happen? How have we such a fundamental matter of course forgotten?

For a start…:

We all have grown up hearing these lines all over again: “you have to fit in!” / “why are you doing X, Y or Z! This is not ‘normal’!” / “No, you can’t say that! What will ‘they’ think!?” and so on and so forth.

What do these massages do to your psyche? They attempt to  shut down your expression of uniqueness (and mostly very successful when you remember back). These lines are there to utimately mold you into a robot. A robot that only receives and acts out its orders.

In almost every case  are those who speak out these massages (Parents, friends and teachers, etc.) unconscious of this consequence. But this doesn’t change the fact that the consequence  happens either way….

How is basically everyone we meet telling others (including you) unconsciously someone else’s truth? How are you telling others (including the ones you met before) unconsciously someone else’s truth?

It has happend because all of us have accepted at one time in our live the  “prison of conformity”. This special place where everybody is doing what they have been told while they are thinking they are doing what they want…

I could write about the reasons for ages, but I just remembered that I mentioned to keep it for my 1st blog short… 😉

There will definetly be more in upcoming blogs.

To sum it up in one sentence I have a quote from Oscar Wilde. He really couldn’t get more accurate when he once said…:

“Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s, their lives are a mimicry and their passions are quotations!”

This is a quote from a man who was homosexual in a time when you could legally be killed for being homosexual…

He was a great example for a true human being that spoke out his truth.

And so shall we all… and so am I now…

It is time to think our own thoughts, create our own unique lives and be original with our passions!

Now for the end of this massage you might ask: “Dude, nice introduction, really! But seriously… tell me, man! What is your truth?”

Well…, that is the easiest question to ask, but the most difficult to answer…

but be assured: It will be written in every other future blog 😉

See you there then,

Love and peace,

your Vatono


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first of all: thank you very much for even considering it 🙂

you can do this here on Patreon.

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