Blog 2: Who am I?


I am glad, that you are here for my second blog.

To make things clear right from the start: The title of this blog has to be taken literally. That means it is really a blog about “Who am I?”. It is not about “That is me and this is my entire lifestory” but really to answer this single question “Who am I?”

Now, why would I write a blog about “who I am” when I could it simply write it in one short paragraph on an adress? Why would I need an entire blog this big for this?

Because it is anything but simple to explain “Who I am”. It is easy, but it is not simple… (pun intended)

Of course I could easily write that “I am Matthias” and “I am in Munich” and “I am a chemical laboratory assistant”. But I will not, baucause it is not true… and as i said in my 1st blog it is time to speak our truth.

So who am I then? Lets get straight to buissness…:

I am an infinte being having the experience of a human that was named “Matthias”, that lives in a location called “Munich” and that decided to take the road of a “chemical laboratory assistant” in the current timeline!

How often did you hear that, when somebody was asked that question?

During the course of our lives, we have been lead to belive that our experiences are also who we “are”. They said we “are” our names, we “are” our races, we “are” what we do call a job. But this is not true. These are just what I said it is: Experiences. And every time we say what we are experiencing is what we are, we are telling lies… Either to others or, even worse, to ourselves. This of course limits yourself to an infinite smaller part of what you really are and as a consequence you feel small, insignificant and powerless.

Now for most of us, when we for the first time hear that we are an infinite being we shake our head in disbelive. How can this be? Have I not distinctly and visibly limits? Can I not be easily injured, being hurt or starve?  Can I heal myself instantly or even fly of a high building? Do I not have to work for a living, pay my taxes and obey the law? It can not be possible…!

Well here is the crux with infinite:

Infinity includes by definition the possibillity of being able to get injured being hurt and starve… It includes the possibillity that you are not able to heal yourself instantly and not flying but falling of a high building… So when you say you can’t be an infinite being because you can not do all these wonderful things you are incorrect… because you condradicted yourself within the same sentence.

No, you CAN’T do things like these because you ARE infinite…! This is an inherent part of yourself as an infinite being. But at the same time you CAN do these things…! Wait what? Yeah, you read right. At the same time while you can not do these things you CAN do them… or to be more precisely: You COULD do them… if you finally stopping with doing them NOT… Two opposing  belivesystems about one and the same topic can not share the same time and space. The stronger one of both will always banish the other. And in most of our cases belivesystems have been dominant, that are giving us the results where we felt limited, weak and powerless… Yet at the same time we expect different results while we continue to belive in and act out these damaging belivesystems.

Einstein once said: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”

This is mostly where the Ego kicks in because it feels offended. “What? Does this mean I have been insane all along, because I was complaining about getting the same painful experience while I did not want to change!?” Well, sorry to break it to you Ego, but… yes. That is exactly what it means! 🙂

To open our infinite potential, that we secretly all strive for and what humanity was primarily designed for, we have to get to a point in our awareness of the universe, that we have been WRONG… and yes: ALL THE TIME…!

Because only when we admit that there is more to know, than we have been told, only then we are open to completely new views of the world. And some of these will lead us to new knowledge, which brings us to new conclusions about the universe and ourselves, which brings us to different actions and which in the final result creates through us an absolute different world compared to the one we currently live in and we so desperatly want to change…

This is in a nutshell the ultimate Power we possess, that can change litterally EVERYTHING, IF we use it rightly. This is the infinite being who we are all. This is WHO I AM!

And do not get this wrong: This is not my opinion… This is the truth!!!

Why I am so blatantly sure about this? Who am I to know what IS the Truth?

Well, this needs way more text to put it in one single blog. It will be explained there why I am so sure about it.


For now i wish you as always…:


Peace and Love,

your Vatono


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